One more year?

Jun 7, 2011
Hi everyone. It's my annual post announcing my Target anniversary. On Tuesday, December 27th, I turn 23 in Spot years.

Started working as a team lead back in the last millennium...December 27, 1999.

I stepped down a few years ago and have been working in Open Market most recently. I've seen a lot of changes over my 23 years.

While I'm ready for retirement, I'm trying to squeeze one more year in. Can I do it? Time will tell.

Happy holidays, my friends.
Secrets to how you’ve survived Target for so long? What are some of the biggest differences of working for current target vs target of the 90’s?
Hi everyone. It's my annual post announcing my Target anniversary. On Tuesday, December 27th, I turn 23 in Spot years.

Started working as a team lead back in the last millennium...December 27, 1999.

I stepped down a few years ago and have been working in Open Market most recently. I've seen a lot of changes over my 23 years.

While I'm ready for retirement, I'm trying to squeeze one more year in. Can I do it? Time will tell.

Happy holidays, my friends.
Hi spike!
Secrets to how you’ve survived Target for so long? What are some of the biggest differences of working for current target vs target of the 90’s?
The biggest changes that I have seen from 1999 to 2022...

1). Online ordering & Fullfillment teams.

2). Eliminating the "closed" Backroom & Backroom team.

3). The unload process and pushing freight off of Uboats all day long.

...among numerous other changes. My biggest complaint would be the mess we have every day. When I started 23 years ago, the store was much more organized and cleaner. Now it's a "cluster" daily.

As for surviving so long: I think it has to do with my age when I started (I was 43). I was a lead for 11 years when I stepped down. I invested well and have a decent amount to retire on. I just like to stay active and as long as I'm physically and mentally able to work I'm going to keep going.

I've averaged 40 hours a week my entire career. Although in February, I'm cutting back to 30 hours a week...from 5 days a week to 4 days.

Thanks for asking.
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You still have fans, spike.
Almost forgot.
From 2020
Just passed my 20 years with Spot. Still averaging 40 hours a week(that's with vacation hours added sometimes) as a F&B TM.

I work in Open Market (formerly called pfresh). My new SD said she couldn't guarantee 30 hours a week this year, but I don't see how they can do without this 'legend.' 😁😁😁
You said it best in 2012.
I guess I made the right decision to step down last year after all. I have a feeling that the company wil eliminate all full time hourly positions in the near future to save on paying for what little benefits we have left. It's a good thing that I still have my DTL on my side making sure that I get my weekly 40 least until he gets performanced out!
I have a yr and 4 mos until i turn 55. I’m trying to make it there then retire. Ive been with spot for 22 going on 23 yrs and yes a lot has changed and will continue to change. Some days i get to the point i want to walk away but i keep coming back for more.
The only thing you’ll miss out on leaving now is the discount. So what. I left target after 27 years at 51. No way in hell I was tolerating for 4 more years.
The biggest changes that I have seen from 1999 to 2022...

1). Online ordering & Fullfillment teams.

2). Eliminating the "closed" Backroom & Backroom team.

3). The unload process and pushing freight off of Uboats all day long.

...among numerous other changes. My biggest complaint would be the mess we have every day. When I started 23 years ago, the store was much more organized and cleaner. Now it's a "cluster" daily.

As for surviving so long: I think it has to do with my age when I started (I was 43). I was a lead for 11 years when I stepped down. I invested well and have a decent amount to retire on. I just like to stay active and as long as I'm physically and mentally able to work I'm going to keep going.

I've averaged 40 hours a week my entire career. Although in February, I'm cutting back to 30 hours a week...from 5 days a week to 4 days.

Thanks for asking.
I went into Walmart today, yes i shop there and their stores are starting to look better than some Target stores. I belThe only gripe of course is no registers open.
The only thing you’ll miss out on leaving now is the discount. So what. I left target after 27 years at 51. No way in hell I was tolerating for 4 more years.
its sad that’s all you get is the lifetime discount in which i hardly use anyway. I will see what next yr bring. My resume is already updated.

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