Archived Pay increasing, hours decreasing

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Do you own a lot of stock??? Siding with the company in every issue probably isn’t the best position to take on these forums.
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I’m just offering suggestions on topics

1. The store’s climate control
2. Inconsistent dress code
3. LP lockup and security policies
4. Pay and hours

I understand you may be happy with all these issues at your store with your position, but all Targets aren’t like yours, and some need serious help.
Everyone who is paid $15/hour will provide unparalleled commitment and support to Target? Wow, can I come work at your store in Utopia, USA?

I'm not looking for a Utopia.
Just the country we had pre-Reagan.

“Real wages have been declining for twenty years.
People are working harder, they have to work longer hours, they have less security things are just looking bad for a lot of people, especially young people.
I mean, very few people expect the future for their children to be anything like what they had, and entry-level wages in the United States have just declined radically in the last fifteen years-for instance, wages you get for your first job after high school are now down 30 percent for males and 18 percent for females over 1980, and that just kind of changes your picture of life.”
― Noam Chomsky
I'm not looking for a Utopia.
Just the country we had pre-Reagan.

“Real wages have been declining for twenty years.
People are working harder, they have to work longer hours, they have less security things are just looking bad for a lot of people, especially young people.
I mean, very few people expect the future for their children to be anything like what they had, and entry-level wages in the United States have just declined radically in the last fifteen years-for instance, wages you get for your first job after high school are now down 30 percent for males and 18 percent for females over 1980, and that just kind of changes your picture of life.”
― Noam Chomsky
If Target paid everyone how you are suggesting, there would be 6 people running the store. There isn’t an endless pool of money for payroll. I’m more focused on conditions, and I haven’t complained about the pay once in this forum.
This makes zero sense. Why would you rather have more hours for less pay? That's literally making your time worth less. Always take more pay. Always increase the value of your time. If you work that few hours, you can get a second gig, and make more money. You can use your higher pay to negotiate a higher wage at a new job too.
Absolutely right.
My stores doing the same, it's an invisible pink slip and a get lost to all those who care for families, major bills, school, and so on.
Retail is for highschoolers ONLY X_X

I do hope that stores like Target and Walmart, who abuse any man who works hard, instead of stealing what isn't his own, get exactly what they deserve, even if that means, a rough patch for them in the end. Target is more than hours and pay, but for some it's a place they've put hard work into, to grow and have to watch their hard work burn in flames, there is no denying that. For only a gullible person who is unable to stand back from their nonchalant or immature viewpoint would miss it. It's a bit disturbing that people on here are being brutal towards a fellow worker, who is only upset about something that all in their sane mind should be upset with.

I refuse to ever take a BUSINESS side, business are not saints, they are not like the ones back in the day, they today could care less if you were hunted down cold-blooded after going home for the day and some store would celebrate your death (And that is just the conditions of things today, nothing we can do, lights goes out and darkness covers what was once lit) Target is wrong, and so is the other retails who are beginning to abuse their hard workers.

I respect you Endlessbackstock and I do hope a way better opportunity opens up to you than the Dying Retail we all know today, because to be honest, it won't be around much longer, this forum will eventually fade and there will have to be a new worthless job to take it's place.... Or with bad curses, nothing. DO YOUR RESEARCH AND MAKE YOUR ESCAPE, you worth more, but just like a crime takes the value of a man down, a bad job like target can take your self worth and more down. Find your worth Bro or Sis!

Probably going to get chewed up for this post, but eh, I don't really care for what's trendy in a man's heart, it will always change later >....> Fickled, Disloyal, and following after the crowd.

P.S. try to join a small company, more budget and less loser budgeting XD
You can use fancy words and dance around the main point, but that is truly denying that there are slackers at Target, and the fact that you think they should be paid the same as someone who busts their ass to go above and beyond what is required really makes me wonder what people are thinking by wanting everyone to be paid “fairly.”

For some reason, I doubt you bust your ass. At least not at work....
When I’m getting 12 hours a week for $15/hour in November I’ll get back to you.

If you only worked 12 hours a week, what exactly would be stopping you from getting a second job? You can tell that second job, "I make $15 at Target, can you guys match that?" And when you secure a place working there, then you have 2, $15 an hour jobs. Or, odds are the other place is better, and you can quit Target. OR you can face reality that hours fluctuate constantly, and even though you have 12 hour weeks sometimes, your average hours are still probably 30.

If you don't understand the concept of your time having value, then you're in for a very hard life.
I’m not going to waste time on people telling me to get more jobs or that I don’t bust my ass. I’ll take the $15, but I’m just not for my lazy co-worker getting it as well
I’m not going to waste time on people telling me to get more jobs or that I don’t bust my ass. I’ll take the $15, but I’m just not for my lazy co-worker getting it as well

What kind of retarded ass thinking. See a therapist to figure out why you have such a complex in thinking you know what wages people "deserve." It's that kind of mentality, that I see coming from the people with questionable work ethics.
The pay for a produce clerk was $7.20 in SC and that was content.

See, a normal person would say, "Hey if this is the base pay, then I deserve more pay because of the work I do."

Someone doomed to fail (you) would say, "Well this person should make less because I think they don't work as good as me."
Okay, a couple of things here.

There is a difference between going after an individuals logical fallacies and the individual.
If I say that using cum hoc ergo propter hoc, i.e. the Questionable Cause Fallacy, for example saying that paying more money to lazy people means that life will be more difficult for hard working people is stupid (I would never say retarded because the word is not in my lexicon, Bad @NPC Bad) that does not mean I am saying you, yourself are stupid.

Secondly, if you can't do a better job of defending your position then don't jump straight to reporting to the mods.
Folks around here will call you out if they think you are wrong. Get used to it.
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Equal to who? Everyone has a different work ethic and different experience level. Everyone cannot be paid “equally” either.
I completely understand this feeling! I hope that you don't think I am being insensitive in saying this, but Target is in to win against the other retailer. Our current CEO, came from Sams Club after sucking them dry as much as he could, he closed a few Sams Clubs and to target he moved (At which point he also closed all of Canada's Target Stores). Do you think since then he has changed??

Target is a sinking ship (That has a guaranteed failure) and to lighten the load going down, they are throwing as many off as possible till they hopefully reach their destination and the CEO and other Executives can safely leave the ship, while millions are still drowning in their very sight. But Eh, that's business with retail and a few others, if you cause friction, you MUST GO!!
Face it, the man who will risk his own life to save yours is highly rare today and businesses are nothing but another entity.

Possible Logic Behind Pay

A store with 85% Slackers and 15% conscious, dedicated, and hard works with strong responsibilities and huge bills.

  • I can easily manipulate and drive the 15%, because they have families counting on them at home, bills that are holding their hand out at every corner, and the desire to succeed (A man with a strong desire to succeed is SOOOOOOO Easy to manipulate, they are like breakfast in bed). This group also works in policing the 85% so Target remembers to rotate them in case of unethical activity. Because let's face it, this 15% rarely resort to unethical behavior, cause they have a dignity further than just Target... Poor 15% percent.
  • I can't use the same techniques as I can with 15%, with 85%. because they are more bold and aggressive, somehow they also believe they deserve something from me, either way, If they make the same as my 15%, I've eliminated them trying to say I'm unfair and hours???? They only want a certain amount, cause most are living with someone of the 15% class or.... a drug dealer or something XD XD. They want days off and a lot of them. When we give them hours, they will swap them with the 15% and well hey, this may get us to the Island.
All in all the best Slave is a reliant slave, because they don't see any other way out and will bow to you regardless of whether it makes sense or not.
If you like target that much, you bets to get up there with the CEO and Executives, because if you aren't only a select few will make it onto the island

I mean wasn't that Target's Moto, "Target : Expect More. Pay Less." The writing it on the wall guys XD XD XD LOL XD XD Doesn't take a genius to see, fire doesn't go away, because I complain about it, GET OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!

The outcome, I have two groups that are weak and easily manipulated and most likely no one wants the slackers, but well you know other retail who need to rotate and the hard workers, well as long as they believe I'm the only way (One of the Highest paying retailers) they will NEVER leave, MAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Suckers >.<

- Fin


- The End
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