Archived pharmacy team votes to start micro Union

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We've had quite a few Wally folks on here, some left Wally & came to work for Spot & vice versa.
Then why are you on this site if you don't work for target?

Well if you really must know, if it's that desperate of an answer you need. I joined because I was in the process of interviewing for an ETL position. However , a better offer came through with another company so I declined. And yes, I did work for Wally World.

Now I would like to get back to just reading the other interesting stuff on here, rather then discussing why i shouldn't be here

Favs are To that one guest/TM... No matter where you worked, retail is retail, and these stories are true and funny.
Yeah I wasn't trying to sound harsh I was just curious
In the retail world Union aren't needed. Now maybe if the DCs wanted to union I could see that. But for regular store employees no. Before anyone give me crap about how pay and benefits would be much better if spot was unionzied remember this. Spot is retail you should never expect to me making a ton a money as a cashier cart attendant or sales floor team member sorry but thats just reality those jobs don't require that much skill to warrant a large pay.
I would agree if it was the ENTIRE store. However, this was only the pharmacy. Our jobs DO "require that much skill." We are one of the few (if only?) work centers that requires (in most states) certification.
If unions would stabilize hours so that all tm's on a team would get equal hours (taking availability - same percentage of hours based on the number of hours available-into account) rather than some getting 40 and others getting 20, I might be inclined to pay attention to union talk. If unions would help long time tm's with good and above review scores from suddenly being "performanced out", I might be inclined to pay attention to union talk. If open positions were all posted and there would be no appearance of cronyism, I might be inclined to pay attention to union talk. If employment agreements were honored from one store management team to the next, I might be inclined to pay attention to union talk. If tm's were not required to work above their pay grade with just enough hours to not being their "new average" and being compensated for it, I might be inclined to pay attention to union talk. I know nothing about unions and have never really considered it to be a need, but I do know that these things happen and it seems wrong.
I would agree if it was the ENTIRE store. However, this was only the pharmacy. Our jobs DO "require that much skill." We are one of the few (if only?) work centers that requires (in most states) certification.

Yeah cause killing someone is possible if you fuck up. I feel ya. I did specimen processing and billing for a lab for a while, you don't want to screw up tests for a person that is being tested for cancer, HIV or the host of things people are tested for. It has to be right.
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