Archived Presentation team spending more time working the sales floor?

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I refused to have my plano team participate in Mid-Day zone...I told my STL that my team doing mid-day zone is 4-6 hours of plano workload that I could be doing, depending how many TM's I had with me that day. I told him that unless I had my team switch workcenters and protect that plano payroll it would not happen....I am a SrTL and presented this respectfully of course, and my team has not do mid-day since.

Speaking of salesplanners....any other plano TL's having these pushed onto your teams to finish?? I started to pull the Best Practice card with my ETL and STL....I do not get ANY hours for salesplanners (not part of plano on adjacency calendar)...the team leaders are not finishing them all, killing my set on time score on DTK and am fighting with my ETL that he can't hold me accountable since MY workload is being completed, and then fighting with the ETL-SF that his team leaders are not doing their salesplanners, thusly affecting MY score... ok end rant 🙂

I would love to pick your post apart piece by piece but am simply going to make one comment. You do not seem like a team player nor someone I would want on my team.
I would love to pick your post apart piece by piece but am simply going to make one comment. You do not seem like a team player nor someone I would want on my team.

Sounds like a TL who is standing up for his team.
our former pogtl took on the salesplanners. i always had to worry about my market ones, which were always last, and i ended up doing them anyway.

when i came on as ptl, they cut me by 2 people and around 150 hours/wk. i pulled best practice. when my team is getting 15 hours a week, using their vacation time and picking up shifts whenever, and the salesfloor is standing around talking or sitting at tsc, i draw the line. all of our tl on the floor are now srtl who think that it takes 4 hours to check email or go to olive garden for a leisurely lunch. when i asked one about mapping them, he said "oh wherever you want to put them. im not planning on working too hard today. i had to close last night". i went on a best practice rampage like no tomorrow. now they do them all. we still help if they are not done by thursday and it has helped the sftm morale seeing their tl work as hard as they do.
Dek, I wished you were our ptl. Ours does a half a$$ job, because she came from big t. She don't push product 100% when she sets a new plano or clearance. I pick & choose my battles with her. She is real tight with the Stl. I am doing my sp's & helping out my team when I can.
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