Archived Price Accuracy 8 AM

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ETL says that presentation moving to 8 was a corporate decision. They lie to try to make everyone feel better .. haha. Signing is included in that also, so now pricing, presentation, signing specialist, and the person who scans in the AD every week all have to come in at 8 at my store. They put it as, why waste payroll on having these teams come in at 6 and help no guests, when they can come in at 8 and be helping guests all day.

What volume store are you in?
I haven't followed up with this post in awhile but on Monday I had a chance to really look at MyPerformance and the metric for pricing for the company as a whole is 85%. I'd wish I looked at it before the 8 am change to see if it dipped after the change. YTD I'm at 90% and was at 92.7 before the 8 am change. We barely make it out of the high 80's per week now. I'm just wondering why the company isn't trying to do something to make the PA score improve. I strongly believe getting price changes started before store open will positively turn that number around.
MyPerformance in my district looks horrible, half the pie chart is red, the other half there is just a little sliver green (which we are usually in, but we bounce down to yellow sometimes) and the rest is yellow. It used to be the other way before the 8am changes and the mydevice
Not to mention it has almost become mandatory to push our clearance daily, which we are not given hours for which puts us behind on Thursdays when we really need a 3rd person to help us get out of shoes/toys. But we are failures I guess 🙁
Not to mention it has almost become mandatory to push our clearance daily, which we are not given hours for which puts us behind on Thursdays when we really need a 3rd person to help us get out of shoes/toys. But we are failures I guess 🙁

Thursdays suck for us. I try to get ahead but with how huge the backroom is on Thursdays I am always behind now. Not to mention my plan workload was 8800 this week and I added it up to 13000 total plus pushing the BR. Our district score is horrible too on My Performance.
Yeah my STL gave us 70 hours to do 8600 on the new schedule. Really? I won't be pushing anything that week..
After a few months of new schedule....

This doesn't work.
Most teams aren't available for those hours, cuz they're already married to 6-2:30. My team is not. Most of us were excited to be able to sleep in and work later. For many stores, you've already said goodbye to lots of talent.

Regardless, it doesn't work!

First came checklane markdowns. We usually were out of there before store open, but now we are marking things well into peak lunch rush. Next, market price changes. Multiple times I've had a guest say "hey! Wait a minute!" While I'm increasing a price in produce... Also, dollar spot salvage, people climbing over my team to find stuff that "is this being marked further?!" Not to mention seasonal salvage, which people line up at the door to get. " I'm sorry, ma'am, you can't buy any of this because it's going salvage" There are LOTS of price changes that have been given priority in the hopes that they'd be done before store open. Read Pchg training materials...

If there is ONE THING that target HQ could do to improve the pchg process, wake up. No matter how many times you re-hash it or re-brand it, it's task driven. It should be 6am. Whoever came up with this "brilliant innovation", give them their bonus, pat them on the back, and then change things back to working order. Please.
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Not to mention it has almost become mandatory to push our clearance daily, which we are not given hours for which puts us behind on Thursdays when we really need a 3rd person to help us get out of shoes/toys. But we are failures I guess 🙁
The TL's of the dept pushes the clearance in our store. There is no way for us to do the workload and push clearance in our store. A+ store here.
Let's here from high volume stores A+ and higher. What's your start times, how many on the team and are you completing your tasks daily. I will start. I'm in a A+ store. 2 tm's and myself. 8 am start time and it's a struggle to complete everything.
We are borderline B, and just 2 tms, the TL never works with us. Nobody in the store is crosstrained... it's definitely a struggle. I feel horrible for a higher volume store experiencing problems like us..
We are borderline B, and just 2 tms, the TL never works with us. Nobody in the store is crosstrained... it's definitely a struggle. I feel horrible for a higher volume store experiencing problems like us..
Since we are a A+ store our pricing and pog tl are split so I'm always with my team.
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