After a few months of new schedule....
This doesn't work.
Most teams aren't available for those hours, cuz they're already married to 6-2:30. My team is not. Most of us were excited to be able to sleep in and work later. For many stores, you've already said goodbye to lots of talent.
Regardless, it doesn't work!
First came checklane markdowns. We usually were out of there before store open, but now we are marking things well into peak lunch rush. Next, market price changes. Multiple times I've had a guest say "hey! Wait a minute!" While I'm increasing a price in produce... Also, dollar spot salvage, people climbing over my team to find stuff that "is this being marked further?!" Not to mention seasonal salvage, which people line up at the door to get. " I'm sorry, ma'am, you can't buy any of this because it's going salvage" There are LOTS of price changes that have been given priority in the hopes that they'd be done before store open. Read Pchg training materials...
If there is ONE THING that target HQ could do to improve the pchg process, wake up. No matter how many times you re-hash it or re-brand it, it's task driven. It should be 6am. Whoever came up with this "brilliant innovation", give them their bonus, pat them on the back, and then change things back to working order. Please.