Archived Price Accuracy 8 AM

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Sometimes, I'll work for 2 or 3 hours doing ad/endcap audit and then do pricing for a couple hours. I really would like to work a whole day ahead like that though.
That's the other thing we do - work 8-430 on Sunday. It's a huge help for the rest of the week. The team member that works those couple nights works Sunday to get us ahead. Sometimes if they need an extra ad set person she will do that 6-8 and then 8-230 on Price Change. The only problem is since she is doing kids she gets stuck on a register a lot.
Our store is jacked.. workload was 60 hours this past week.. it took us about 76 to do it.. with all the labels and with the 2 z-racks of clearance coming out of the back each day on Monday and tuesday, us redoing the adjacency to get convertibles for clearance, and all the abandon z's and the fitting room and the cart of clearance to be hung, and all the reshop waiting to be sorted.. that adds up each day.

It's either be green and overspend.. or I'll cut out at 1130 each day and activate it and we'll be red.. you make the decision.. but I can't finish it by 1130.

Softlines is blood red at our store, and we might be becoming a focus store because of it. Have you ever seen your DTL, HRBP, the district AP guy (APBP?) and a couple STLs in training all in your departments setting the adjacency due months ago, only to receive the adjacency due next week that same day.. LOL
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We have 4 on our team. I'm the only one available after 12. I also prep and set the ad, so that's around 12-16 hours/week I'm not working on workload. My TL wants me to do the state-mandated price accuracy audit so that's more time away from workload. I told my TL that they had better get some more help because I don't want them leaning on me every day to finish the 12 hours of scans remaining when the rest of the team leaves at noon.
Well. Today is our first day at 8AM and I really hate it already. I know that we have to get use to it but I would like to that the people involved in making this horrible decision. They probably never done pricing at all. For the 2 hrs that they want us to stay daily they could have used those hrs for a added sales floor team member.
I'm currently in hiding. my store hasn't realized we were supposed to have switched. And i ain't pushing the subject either.. 😎 But from experience it only causes more payroll to complete the workload, and you still can't focus on the guest solely.. they should have just added a mid salesfloor and called it a day. 🙄
They didn't think anything through. "Best practice" is to put up all labels in market before the store opens.
can't do that anymore.
and what about seasonal salvage? They typically want that off the floor before the store opens.
ain't happening.
It's going to cause more confuckery at my store. I can't even get a straight answer our of the Softlines TL as to how many abandon vehicles we need to scan.

**Start rant**
They can never tell me: "Well there's 2 carts at the fitting room, a z-rack, and the wall.. plus there's 2 z-racks that we pushed to the backroom because our DTL doesn't like to see abandons on the floor. And then there's a cart of rtw clearance from the tables that im having the operator hang, just in case they go further." All I get is a "there's a little.. but we're working on it" And I have to find the rest.. ugh..
**end rant**
They didn't think anything through. "Best practice" is to put up all labels in market before the store opens.
can't do that anymore.
and what about seasonal salvage? They typically want that off the floor before the store opens.
ain't happening.
It's going to cause more confuckery at my store. I can't even get a straight answer our of the Softlines TL as to how many abandon vehicles we need to scan.

**Start rant**
They can never tell me: "Well there's 2 carts at the fitting room, a z-rack, and the wall.. plus there's 2 z-racks that we pushed to the backroom because our DTL doesn't like to see abandons on the floor. And then there's a cart of rtw clearance from the tables that im having the operator hang, just in case they go further." All I get is a "there's a little.. but we're working on it" And I have to find the rest.. ugh..
**end rant**
We have been 8am since March but whenever I have seasonal salvage or SSS salvage I bring in the team at 6am so it's completed by the time we open. My ETL and STL are fine with that since it would be a disaster if we were doing that while open.
We have been 8am since March but whenever I have seasonal salvage or SSS salvage I bring in the team at 6am so it's completed by the time we open. My ETL and STL are fine with that since it would be a disaster if we were doing that while open.

Yeah I asked my TL is we could do that as well. Also, weeks where there is like 1200+ firsts in a softlines department.. I'm pretty sure if my ETL wouldn't get in trouble, that she would let us stay at 6am.. but somebody is bound to notice we still haven't switched..

I have to say though @PlanoBitch you seem to run a good Pricing team and have a store that understands the impacts of everything! My TL is supportive but I find myself basically running our pricing team while they are LOD/Babysitting POG.. and changing the schedule myself to accommodate fluctuations.. (just have hr change it.. lol.. don't even bother her..)
Yeah I asked my TL is we could do that as well. Also, weeks where there is like 1200+ firsts in a softlines department.. I'm pretty sure if my ETL wouldn't get in trouble, that she would let us stay at 6am.. but somebody is bound to notice we still haven't switched..

I have to say though @PlanoBitch you seem to run a good Pricing team and have a store that understands the impacts of everything! My TL is supportive but I find myself basically running our pricing team while they are LOD/Babysitting POG.. and changing the schedule myself to accommodate fluctuations.. (just have hr change it.. lol.. don't even bother her..)
It's really hard to do Pricing, Pog, and be a SrTL. I feel like I am always neglecting someone. Either I'm LOD and neglecting the rest of the team because I'm trying to help my teams, I'm on POG and all I can do is check in with Pricing, or vice versa. I want to be in both places at the same time but I can't if my hours are in one place or the other. :-/
yeah, because getting a late start on my Job and causing it to take extra time is really going to increase the time I spend vibing with guests. NOT 😱
Yeah the term they used is guest friendly. We are still going through our same routine. Don't get me wrong guest service is important but when you have a tasky job where time is important we help when we can.
I was messing with the pog team and said "so i hear you're switching 9am-5pm come 4th quarter" and the one girl flipped her lid in the middle of the salesfloor. "The hell I will. I'll quit. I'll stock shelves i don't care."

They don't give a crap about us, but I'm supposed to be OH SO Fast Fun and Friendly during every new change they make. Yeah no, fake it till you make it.
Hello 400 first markdowns in shoes today.😱 Good thing I planned ahead and had the 300 on the sales floor done yesterday along with all the Patio markdowns plus 2 pallets, 4 flats of patio merch ticketed and pushed from the backroom. Do the rest of you guys push what comes out of the backroom too?
Negative. Our pricing team is only 2 TMs, so I don't see how they'd be able to.

I only have 1 TM most days by herself and she is expected to push the BR. I had myself and a TM today but we had to leave the BR not pushed. Most days we can push but there are some days we can't and I'm just waiting to get in trouble for it.
I only have 1 TM most days by herself and she is expected to push the BR. I had myself and a TM today but we had to leave the BR not pushed. Most days we can push but there are some days we can't and I'm just waiting to get in trouble for it.

I'm fairly certain if you look at Price Change best practice on workbench it states that after ticketing backroom to stage for the sales floor team.
Our team pushes after we mark. the same day. we used to stage it until friday, and then work out what we had time for.. but the salesfloor was so horrible about working it out, Especially softlines. Our STL told us expectations were to push the same day and if we overspent a little, dont worry about it.. just let someone know.

We got nowhere into Todays workload, on wednesday. Nowhere. Thats because we had to spend two hours pushing all the patio markdowns to the floor (7 pallets and a couple tubs). If they actually had the salesfloor push i could have gotten far enough ahead so me and the other person who does pricing werent there until 5pm today.

We sure didnt push todays though. There were so many shoes, and my store hasnt PTMed the first section in shoes, and im not about to do it for them unless they give me the extra payroll. we have 2 measly endcaps that i can put about on repack box worth of shoes out on haha. the other 12 will have to sit back there.
After yesterdays fiasco ... 5,000 workload with two people (yeah they dont have any "hours" to put anyone else on) there is no way we have time to workout clearance in the back. especially when they kick us out as soon as we are done since payroll is so tight apparently... we didnt get started on todays at all yesterday so today was a disaster as well. spent a good 4 hours in shoes. the thing about our store is that there is no shoes in the backroom. they HAVE to put it all out on the floor, which means everything is out of place and a mess, so thats why it took us forever on the floor but at least there is none in the back. anyway, we worked 2 hours past schedule and they hadnt even pulled the backroom price changes from the night before so we just left. LOD can take care of it
I'm fairly certain if you look at Price Change best practice on workbench it states that after ticketing backroom to stage for the sales floor team.

We used to stage. But at times there were like 5 pallets in the backroom that we would have to dig through looking for furthers. we would stripe the repack boxes on the pallets so we would know what to scan each day, but someone inevitably would screw it up, the backroom would throw stuff that wasnt ticketed on there.. POG would throw D-code on there.. Flow threw NOP on there. and everyone else would throw backstock there. I got so mad i put the pallets up in the steel each day when I was done with them, and told the TL's where they were.. lol. But I'll be damned one day if there werent a couple extra items up there.. The backroom must have rode the wave and threw it up there.. 😡

There is just no cooperation at my store. My softlines TL is a joke. I literally told her to shut up yesterday and let me do her job for her because she just wouldn't and COULDNT do right. My hardlines TL is ok, but he is a smartass and sometimes when I ask him if he can assist he says No, and then I get frustrated and start to do it myself and then he strolls over and assists me. I basically told him, you tell me where you want stuff or I will tear your endcaps up buddy. Lol.
After yesterdays fiasco ... 5,000 workload with two people (yeah they dont have any "hours" to put anyone else on) there is no way we have time to workout clearance in the back. especially when they kick us out as soon as we are done since payroll is so tight apparently... we didnt get started on todays at all yesterday so today was a disaster as well. spent a good 4 hours in shoes. the thing about our store is that there is no shoes in the backroom. they HAVE to put it all out on the floor, which means everything is out of place and a mess, so thats why it took us forever on the floor but at least there is none in the back. anyway, we worked 2 hours past schedule and they hadnt even pulled the backroom price changes from the night before so we just left. LOD can take care of it

Jeez it took me and one other TM like 3.5 hours on the floor just in shoes. there was also 3 1/2 tubs of shoes in the back. they werent full, but pretty stacked.
and @Triscuit that is total BS. 5,000 tickets is about 40-50 hours worth of work depending on if you are pushing or not. for them to only give you 2 people is a slap in the face, and my TL wont stand for it. She never schedules us under like 72 hours, even when the workload is smaller.. If we finish earlier we leave, help pog, or break off and help the salesfloor. we dont dawdle or anything.

Sometimes a smaller workload almost takes us the whole time though because of the non-existant zone. my TL cant believe it takes me and one other person 8 hours each to do 900 tickets on monday. but im zoning all of softlines clearance (its about 10 racks between the 3 departments) half of which is on the floor, re-doing racks in the department.. and then you have labels that arent calculated, and boy have we been getting slammed with them lately.. i think our Comp shop girl got pissed cause theyre cancelling comp shop and just started making up numbers.. LOL. then theres the smart huddle, our breaks and lunch, and half of our softlines is in back in carts/z-racks/up top just thrown carelessly everywhere
and @Triscuit that is total BS. 5,000 tickets is about 40-50 hours worth of work depending on if you are pushing or not. for them to only give you 2 people is a slap in the face, and my TL wont stand for it. She never schedules us under like 72 hours, even when the workload is smaller.. If we finish earlier we leave, help pog, or break off and help the salesfloor. we dont dawdle or anything.

Sometimes a smaller workload almost takes us the whole time though because of the non-existant zone. my TL cant believe it takes me and one other person 8 hours each to do 900 tickets on monday. but im zoning all of softlines clearance (its about 10 racks between the 3 departments) half of which is on the floor, re-doing racks in the department.. and then you have labels that arent calculated, and boy have we been getting slammed with them lately.. i think our Comp shop girl got pissed cause theyre cancelling comp shop and just started making up numbers.. LOL. then theres the smart huddle, our breaks and lunch, and half of our softlines is in back in carts/z-racks/up top just thrown carelessly everywhere

I know right, 5,000 tickets and me and the other person were scheduled 6 hour shifts? We unfortunately recently lost our HR, and got a new one while at the same time we lost our HR team member and our pog/presentation TL. So we have not had a TL for almost two months now and our ETL is fairly new also. Between our ETL and HR they seem to not understand how pricing works. Its quite frustrating because pricing hours are based on how much work has to get done and they think by cutting out hours they are saving payroll but in reality, we just end up staying way later than our shift anyway and most of the time the stuff gets half-assed because they want the work done but in less hours.
Softlines is such a nightmare in our store! Every day of softlines I take the time to zone all the clearance racks in the area and sort them by size, and i separate boys from girls in infants. Its amazing how trashed it gets by the next week. It doesnt help that the lazy fitting room people just put the clearance on the racks, they dont bother to size it even right after i just spent time fixing it.
"The workload was only 600 tickets today, why aren't you done yet?!?!"

"But what about the 300 yellow labels, backing up cashier, having to scan the entire department since zone isn't required for the sales floor"

"Stop giving excuses, just work faster"

"but this weeks workload was 9000 tickets (plus yellow labels) and you only allocated 65 hours of payroll."
I know right, 5,000 tickets and me and the other person were scheduled 6 hour shifts? We unfortunately recently lost our HR, and got a new one while at the same time we lost our HR team member and our pog/presentation TL. So we have not had a TL for almost two months now and our ETL is fairly new also. Between our ETL and HR they seem to not understand how pricing works. Its quite frustrating because pricing hours are based on how much work has to get done and they think by cutting out hours they are saving payroll but in reality, we just end up staying way later than our shift anyway and most of the time the stuff gets half-assed because they want the work done but in less hours.
Softlines is such a nightmare in our store! Every day of softlines I take the time to zone all the clearance racks in the area and sort them by size, and i separate boys from girls in infants. Its amazing how trashed it gets by the next week. It doesnt help that the lazy fitting room people just put the clearance on the racks, they dont bother to size it even right after i just spent time fixing it.

I know that feeling all too well. I do everything you do, besides the seperating boys from girls. When my TL used to work with me she made us do the whole gender thing, and then in order of length (shorts, capris, pants) and (tanks,tees,sweaters) to a point where i'm like 😵 " you crazy witch" hahaha but everything sells so much better and isnt as torn through. Now that she doesnt work with me and our Softlines TL destroyed it, i only size, percentage, and seperate pants from shirts. When she does abandons she rips things and moves them to what makes sense to "her". One day i was so mad i gave her a z-rack of all her firsts and i said "Here you go.. make it make sense.. lets see what you come up with". She literally put everything at a 30% off sign. Ugh.

I know you may not think its your place, but make sure they know what best practice is (120 tickets an hour) and labels arent included in the workload. my stores just rounds down to 100 to account for labels. Then if they want you to push, they gotta add a little more or understand you might overspend. Since your HR is new, she definitely doesnt understand the hour forecast. i'd print the forecast on monday, give her the total, add about 10 hours for workload fluctuations and pushing(they might cut the extra ten out anyway if they are cheap-asses).. and call it a day. at least you tried, you know?
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