@Triscuit that is total BS. 5,000 tickets is about 40-50 hours worth of work depending on if you are pushing or not. for them to only give you 2 people is a slap in the face, and my TL wont stand for it. She never schedules us under like 72 hours, even when the workload is smaller.. If we finish earlier we leave, help pog, or break off and help the salesfloor. we dont dawdle or anything.
Sometimes a smaller workload almost takes us the whole time though because of the non-existant zone. my TL cant believe it takes me and one other person 8 hours each to do 900 tickets on monday. but im zoning all of softlines clearance (its about 10 racks between the 3 departments) half of which is on the floor, re-doing racks in the department.. and then you have labels that arent calculated, and boy have we been getting slammed with them lately.. i think our Comp shop girl got pissed cause theyre cancelling comp shop and just started making up numbers.. LOL. then theres the smart huddle, our breaks and lunch, and half of our softlines is in back in carts/z-racks/up top just thrown carelessly everywhere