Archived Price Accuracy 8 AM

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my TL gets mad when we're not done at the exact time the forecast says we SHOULD be done. she hasnt worked with us in a while, and its gotten way worse in softlines since she switched to full time POG/LOD. I just give her a blank stare and say.. "im doing my best.. if you want me to work pog for a week and see if you can do it faster, be my guest" I even give her a hard time. Ill check how long it says to do a POG that i know is going to be a pain (air freshners and dish soap flipping aisles) and say "AHEM, this pog should have only taken 5 hours.. why are you still working on it?"

Shes lucky i love her or we would fight. lol
Hello 400 first markdowns in shoes today.😱 Good thing I planned ahead and had the 300 on the sales floor done yesterday along with all the Patio markdowns plus 2 pallets, 4 flats of patio merch ticketed and pushed from the backroom. Do the rest of you guys push what comes out of the backroom too?
Only when they have time on the day of markdown.
my TL gets mad when we're not done at the exact time the forecast says we SHOULD be done. she hasnt worked with us in a while, and its gotten way worse in softlines since she switched to full time POG/LOD. I just give her a blank stare and say.. "im doing my best.. if you want me to work pog for a week and see if you can do it faster, be my guest" I even give her a hard time. Ill check how long it says to do a POG that i know is going to be a pain (air freshners and dish soap flipping aisles) and say "AHEM, this pog should have only taken 5 hours.. why are you still working on it?"

Shes lucky i love her or we would fight. lol

Hopefully she takes that well...if you have a good relationship.

It's tough to balance LOD shifts with managing a process team...especially when one of the teams is pricing and there's not really hours for your TL to schedule themselves to work with you (unless you're giving up your own hours for that to happen).
Our team pushes after we mark. the same day. we used to stage it until friday, and then work out what we had time for.. but the salesfloor was so horrible about working it out, Especially softlines. Our STL told us expectations were to push the same day and if we overspent a little, dont worry about it.. just let someone know.

We got nowhere into Todays workload, on wednesday. Nowhere. Thats because we had to spend two hours pushing all the patio markdowns to the floor (7 pallets and a couple tubs). If they actually had the salesfloor push i could have gotten far enough ahead so me and the other person who does pricing werent there until 5pm today.

We sure didnt push todays though. There were so many shoes, and my store hasnt PTMed the first section in shoes, and im not about to do it for them unless they give me the extra payroll. we have 2 measly endcaps that i can put about on repack box worth of shoes out on haha. the other 12 will have to sit back there.

I had nowhere to push the shoes which is why I didnt. They need to make a valley or something and there was no way I had time to rip apart aisles. Same with toys. I pushed what I could to the home and the 1 little endcap we have but I didn't have time to take down sales planners and start clearance endcaps like I would have wanted to. Plus the hardlines tl wasn't there and I don't want to take over completely. Lol

I had 4 people on Wednesday and all we had left to do was patio. I had finished all the rest of the workload on Tuesday. We came in at 6 because I didn't want to be over there when the store was open and finished the floor by 8. I sent the 3 girls to shoes while I did the backroom by myself. Once they were done with shoes we pushed all the backroom. I am so happy I did that because there would be no way I could have finished that all yesterday. We ended up not overspending at all so far this week.
I know that feeling all too well. I do everything you do, besides the seperating boys from girls. When my TL used to work with me she made us do the whole gender thing, and then in order of length (shorts, capris, pants) and (tanks,tees,sweaters) to a point where i'm like 😵 " you crazy witch" hahaha but everything sells so much better and isnt as torn through. Now that she doesnt work with me and our Softlines TL destroyed it, i only size, percentage, and seperate pants from shirts. When she does abandons she rips things and moves them to what makes sense to "her". One day i was so mad i gave her a z-rack of all her firsts and i said "Here you go.. make it make sense.. lets see what you come up with". She literally put everything at a 30% off sign. Ugh.

I know you may not think its your place, but make sure they know what best practice is (120 tickets an hour) and labels arent included in the workload. my stores just rounds down to 100 to account for labels. Then if they want you to push, they gotta add a little more or understand you might overspend. Since your HR is new, she definitely doesnt understand the hour forecast. i'd print the forecast on monday, give her the total, add about 10 hours for workload fluctuations and pushing(they might cut the extra ten out anyway if they are cheap-asses).. and call it a day. at least you tried, you know?

We round down to 100 an hour too.
Our softlines is always a mess. It takes me forever to fix the clearance racks. I feel like they know we will fix it once a week so they just leave it for us. One day I'm not going to fix it. I'll just ticket it and move on and see if they even notice 🙄
After yesterdays fiasco ... 5,000 workload with two people (yeah they dont have any "hours" to put anyone else on) there is no way we have time to workout clearance in the back. especially when they kick us out as soon as we are done since payroll is so tight apparently... we didnt get started on todays at all yesterday so today was a disaster as well. spent a good 4 hours in shoes. the thing about our store is that there is no shoes in the backroom. they HAVE to put it all out on the floor, which means everything is out of place and a mess, so thats why it took us forever on the floor but at least there is none in the back. anyway, we worked 2 hours past schedule and they hadnt even pulled the backroom price changes from the night before so we just left. LOD can take care of it
That sounds like a mess. There is no way they are scheduling you to the forecast. It sounds like they are Just plugging in shifts without looking at the workload. I would say something. That's not right and they are shooting themselves in the foot if you are staying past your schedule to finish because now they are overspending.
@PlanoBitch--I finally convinced my ETL and STL to give pricing more hours (we've been struggling to finish the workload for a while now) and at the low end I expect my team to do 80 tickets/hour. (We had been getting less than 50 hours/week from at least April to the beginning of June. And then we'd have to pull extra help nearly every day).

Yet they still complain about everything...having to use mydevices, 8 am schedules, organizing by percentage in soft lines...ugh.
@PlanoBitchYet they still complain about everything...having to use mydevices, 8 am schedules, organizing by percentage in soft lines...ugh.

The mydevices are still suboptimal for Price Accuracy. Labels take significantly longer to scan, as each barcode has to register as scanned before you can scan another, and it processes clearance slower in general. It's just not as efficient yet. Ours still have consistent connectivity issues with printers, and require frequent reboots as they will suddenly stop scanning. It's also easier to check First Markdows versus Furthers by section on a PDA (big help when doing softlines). The mydevices also have a habit of not accurately reflecting the remaining workload. When I have a PDA, and my partner has the mydevice (or vice versa), it will still show sections she has completed as still needing to be marked, whereas the PDA shows it as completed. This is especially problematic when we both have mydevices and things like backroom are hanging around hours after we've gone through it, check it on a PDA, and it shows it as completed.

If they could get the mydevice to be as efficient as the PDA is, it wouldn't be a problem at all. But it's just not even close. Our ETLs tried to jump in and help on a heavy day, ones that constantly tell us we have to use the mydevice and how amazing they are.

They commandeered a couple PDAs after 5 minutes of using the mydevice.

As for organizing by percentage in softlines, we do it if softlines is keeping up with it. We only hit each section once per week, and they are expected to keep up the zone. We aren't given enough time to fix it when it hasn't been touched since the last time we scanned there.
I completely understand but I need my team to use the mydevices so they get used to it since pricing is going to be taken out of the pda. I don't want a transition to the mydevices to be a shock to them if they keep using PDAs.

I've seen and experienced all of those issues...I will say it's gotten a bit better over the past month or so.
The good thing is I was done with Fridays workload by 9:30 and was able to push out shoes until the end of my 8 hour shift. Got all of them out, everything 100% out of the backroom and we didn't overspend. Woooo!! Lol. Now they'll expect this every week. I was sweating up a storm and going crazy though. 2 ETLS told me to chill because I was shaking over in the shoe department (it was a mess.. I had to make my own valley, flex out the stuff that didn't go clearance, debox everything.. there was absolutely no zone so there were shoes everywhere.. I swear I even stopped breathing for a minute!)
Does anyone have any advice for improving accuracy? (Since transitioning to the my devices our accuracy scores have nose dived when we were previously green every week.)
-Do NOT use auto print. For some reason this is jacking up numbers and causing rework tickets.

- When scanning and it double beeps, make sure the location where you are scanning the item from is in the center. If you accidentally select the backroom, the item will remain in the location/division until you scan it/activate it again and take it out of the right location

- Slow down and look at the screen. These devices just can't keep up like RF apps on the pda. (Today it double beeped and didn't print a ticket or even allow me to type in a quantity. I had to hit *print signs and labels* and print one. I scanned the same item with a regular PDA and it shot a sticker right out. It was a glitch. But I would have missed 10 stickers if I wasn't paying attention.
Everyone in my district is yellow or red because of the MyDevices. The one week we were at an 88 percent, we still showed above everyone else. It was sad really.. we are normally a 96-98%..our district pie chart is 60% red 30% yellow and the rest are green (I'm pretty sure they are still using PDAs)
Kind of off topic, but we were just informed at our store that presentation team was moving to 8 am starting on the next schedule. Does anyone know if this is a corporate thing or are they just doing it at our store?
Haven't heard that at my store yet but I wouldn't be suprised. Pricing/Plano is always grouped together and since pricing already got switched to 8.. it's bound to happen
Kind of off topic, but we were just informed at our store that presentation team was moving to 8 am starting on the next schedule. Does anyone know if this is a corporate thing or are they just doing it at our store?

Oh I hope not. We have enough trouble staying out of guests' way starting at 6 (especially with big transitions).
Kind of off topic, but we were just informed at our store that presentation team was moving to 8 am starting on the next schedule. Does anyone know if this is a corporate thing or are they just doing it at our store?
Woah. I cannot see this working at our store. Once we went from 4am to 6am it took a long time to get into a good place with how we get things done. I can't see going to 8. It will just cause even worse guest surveys. Our guests hate that we stock and set during the day now as before we were all out by 1230 and the store looked great.
Woah. I cannot see this working at our store. Once we went from 4am to 6am it took a long time to get into a good place with how we get things done. I can't see going to 8. It will just cause even worse guest surveys. Our guests hate that we stock and set during the day now as before we were all out by 1230 and the store looked great.

I agree 100%. I am really shocked our store is doing this, thats why I asked to see if it was happening anywhere else. Its just going to cause more problems with the guests
I agree 100%. I am really shocked our store is doing this, thats why I asked to see if it was happening anywhere else. Its just going to cause more problems with the guests

Cheap way to turn the screws on the employees "Here do two jobs, your job setting POGs and now here be Sales Floor!" So we can cut out having any mids now.. POG and Pricing and In-Stocks can do both!" Soon we will cut soft lines too! /snark
I've been working price accuracy for a little less than a year. We have always worked at 8am. I can't imagine coming in when the store isn't open, so much more work could get done especially during the holidays.
Plus it always seems that I'm on back up for half the day...
We waited to go to 8AM until the last possible day. We ran a 4AM process which on non-truck days is a sheer delight because the aisles were mostly clear of bowled-out boxes. Half of my team is only available until 12 and the other one that isn't me has varied availability. So if we have a sample 24 hour workload you can bet that I'm staying until 4:30 to finish it.... alone.... or someone from another team helps out a little bit.

Who had non-functioning MyDevices on Monday? Not only did we have that and we went home early but flow got sent home because the truck driver didn't open the trailer doors (swing open doors) before backing up to the dock. We finally finished past due (from as far back as Monday) and current workload today (Thursday). We got to come in at 4 on Tuesday to get a head start on falling behind and came in at 6 on Wednesday to fall further behind. Thankfully our leadership doesn't expect us to push our backroom clearance because there was a lot of it.
I think our workload was like 6800 tickets this week. We were given 76 hours and expected to finish everything including pushing it. We did, but there was no way had we come in at 8..
ETL says that presentation moving to 8 was a corporate decision. They lie to try to make everyone feel better .. haha. Signing is included in that also, so now pricing, presentation, signing specialist, and the person who scans in the AD every week all have to come in at 8 at my store. They put it as, why waste payroll on having these teams come in at 6 and help no guests, when they can come in at 8 and be helping guests all day.
I think our workload was like 6800 tickets this week. We were given 76 hours and expected to finish everything including pushing it. We did, but there was no way had we come in at 8..

We had 7300 tickets and only given 70 hours. We got it done but we did not push the backroom every day. We left Wednesday's and Thursday's backroom for the sales floor to push. It was just too much. And Monday I was way behind because I was in an LOD meeting for part of the day.
ETL says that presentation moving to 8 was a corporate decision. They lie to try to make everyone feel better .. haha. Signing is included in that also, so now pricing, presentation, signing specialist, and the person who scans in the AD every week all have to come in at 8 at my store. They put it as, why waste payroll on having these teams come in at 6 and help no guests, when they can come in at 8 and be helping guests all day.

Um... because they won't get their damn jobs done if they are being sales floor team members! I really am questioning this company more and more every day.
ETL says that presentation moving to 8 was a corporate decision. They lie to try to make everyone feel better .. haha. Signing is included in that also, so now pricing, presentation, signing specialist, and the person who scans in the AD every week all have to come in at 8 at my store. They put it as, why waste payroll on having these teams come in at 6 and help no guests, when they can come in at 8 and be helping guests all day.
Spot trying to save payroll again🙁
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