Archived Price adjustments

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May 29, 2012
So, I had a guest who brought in her receipt yesterday looking for a price adjustment for an item that had gone on sale since she bought it. The system wouldn't allow it because it was too late. She and I argued about the length of time she had (honestly, I couldn't remember, but when I pointed out the date on the receipt was 3 weeks ago, she knew she was out of the time period). So she said she would just return the product and rebuy it before Saturday.

So, some questions...what is the length of time a guest has for price adjustments? And can we just take the dpci off the receipt, or do we need the actual product?

Second, if the guest decides they want to bring the product back in, do we have to do an honest return where the product can be put in a cart and put back out on the shelf and the guest has to go find a new one? Or can we return their half used product at the old price and sell it to them at the new price and be done with it? Or should I have just returned it off the dpci and resold it to her when she was there?

I ask because with my luck she'll be in to do this when I'm at guest services, and would prefer to know the best way to do this.
Last I heard for price adjustments is that the purchase must have been made within the last 14 days and the sale must be in the current ad and say SALE. It does not apply to any giftcard offers or Price Cuts.

Officially if the guest demands to return an item, and buy it back at the sale price. You should say no. Because the item does have to go back on the shelf. But I have been overrided by ETLs telling to go ahead let the guest have it at the sale price.
buli, you are correct... I used to have this problem with guests a lot, and some of them threw a huge stink about not being able to return and re-buy, or get the sale price.

Recently as part of the vibe I have been allowing it more and more (return&resell) for giftcards or sale prices/etc. But always make sure I let them know that I'm just making an exception for them. This is the direction our ETL-GE wants us to take anyway. I would check with your GSTL and ask what their opinion is for people who throw a stink about price matching past 14days/clearance items.

14 days for price adjustment, receipt is required.
It is ok to take the DPCI off the receipt in most cases as long as it seems appropriate (that goes for a return OR adjustment).

That being said, all stores do stuff differently, so take anything you hear here with a grain of salt.

EDIT: If you do end up doing return&resell on higher priced items, keep the return receipt with you until the following purchase has gone through (that is if you can't use K7 sell items)... Just in case their payment is declined, you would have to post void the return. Fortunately I haven't had this happen to me yet.
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We do adjustments off the receipt all the time. If it's over the 14 days, then we return/re-sell with the receipt dpci. It's usually no more than a few dollars and it keeps the guests happy, right? BTW, I've vibed so much the last few weeks, I've lost 10 lbs. I'm lovin' it!
i know we go by the 14 day but if you actually look in BP it says 90 days! I found that out randomly a couple of months ago. We stand by the 14 but if someone pushes it we go with it. Is a couple of dollars worth a pissed off guest? Not in my book.
It's also not worth my time to argue about a couple of $$. Don't ya love it when the SD TM makes four people wait in line while she argues policy over $1.49?
it annoys me when they know if they call me i'm going to say to do it so why not just do it? I had a talk with the service desk team member who does most of our training up there last week and told her she needed to train people to just do it. It's a waste of time for everyone if they know that i'm going to say yes. I don't get some power trip over getting to override them and would rather use my mileage on something else!
Last I heard for price adjustments is that the purchase must have been made within the last 14 days and the sale must be in the current ad and say SALE. It does not apply to any giftcard offers or Price Cuts.

Officially if the guest demands to return an item, and buy it back at the sale price. You should say no. Because the item does have to go back on the shelf. But I have been overrided by ETLs telling to go ahead let the guest have it at the sale price.

Ok, I asked around at my store today and was told if a guest wants to do this, we have to do the return, and it goes back in our bins. They are then welcome to go find another one on the shelf to rebuy it...but we are not to to a return/rebuy. I agree with what you are all saying...but if it comes up, I'm gonna go with what I've been told at my store and run with it until they decide that vibing this out may be best policy. *shrug*
I'll worry about it when it happens....for now, I'm having way too much fun at service desk to worry about it too much.
I have had guests return items like this several times. What gets me is if I do the return they want to go grab a new one off the shelf since it isn't "used" LOL
For price adjustments, it is if the item goes on sale the week of or the week after the item was purchased. Then you can scan the receipt at GS, do a price adjustment and the register will usually do the work for you.

Although yes, most guests will want the lower price anyway if it is any other following week. A store with vibe ETLs will probably make you return/repurchase. A store with policy ETLs will make sure the item has to make the rounds like clearance items. So your mileage may vary.
I had a TL today have me do a return/resell on two clothing items (she didn't even have with her) that she bought at a different Spot, but we had them on clearance a few days later. She was even reassuring me that they do it all the time and most just do the price adjustment on the receipt for her.
I had a TL today have me do a return/resell on two clothing items (she didn't even have with her) that she bought at a different Spot, but we had them on clearance a few days later. She was even reassuring me that they do it all the time and most just do the price adjustment on the receipt for her.

What? No item? Being clearance is dangerous. It could be higher or at the other store.
The danger with that is if it was on a credit/debit card that suddenly doesn't have 'enough' (ie: limit has been locked down), you've 'returned' something that you DON'T have in your hand without a way to charge them (clearance price or other) for their 'repurchase'.
As Imerzan, et al suggested in another thread, don't turn loose of the receipt until it's been 'repurchased'. If the card won't go through with the repurchase, void the return & tell them they'll have to have the item in hand.
I wasn't happy about doing it, and it wasn't a SrTL who is used to making such calls (I think the GSTL was on break or lunch and this was my first time dealing with that issue and he just happened to be standing there when I needed someone). Next time it happens, I'll partner again with my GSTL/GSA to be sure I am following the procedure my front end people want me to follow.
After all the financial wreck, I've been hearing lots of stories of banks dropping people's credit lines down to below what they owe.
Price adjustments get iffy here. In general with them, you utilize that function if something goes on sale that next week and the person had purchased in within two weeks. Clearance items don't qualify because i think that's Target's way of trying to get something out of the store, to make room for the new things. I went to the other Target in our store a few weeks ago because I had an item that was cracked, it was an iPod case that I returned and instead of doing the proper thing, they just swapped out the same thing and defected the one I returned.
That's the whole problem: policy vs make the guest happy.
Policy says that price adjustments are for items that go on sale within 2 weeks of purchase but guests (& TMs) will try to abuse it every which way possible. I've been overridden so much I called a GSTL merely for a formality.
Holiday price change just change our policy all together. If a guest buys any items they can get the price change at anytime before 12/25.
Holiday price change just change our policy all together. If a guest buys any items they can get the price change at anytime before 12/25.

Is that local store policy or something company-wide that is officially rolled out at this time of year?
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