Archived Price match changes

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Where is the official policy posted? I want to print it and post it in GS.
Its effective Oct 1. I'll look where it is. Redwire I believe.
Interesting. I'm curious how they will price match costco. You can't see the prices unless you are signed in as a memeber. So how will target verify this?
Ummmm.....yes you can..... Televisions
Interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about us price matching with Costco, seeing as how they require a membership... Also, I worry that we'll see an increase of "Hey, I'm buying a cart full of groceries and everything is cheaper at Costco, so go ahead and price match these for me."
You actually CAN shop at Costco without a membership....all you need is a Costco gift/cash card and you can shop to your heart's content (little known fact).
I don't get the price match for Costco and Sam's Club, we hardly carry the same items.

Remembering all those websites is going to be a pain. I'm going to have to keep a snapshot of the list on my phone. HOPEFULLY corporate will have the iPad updated for the new price matching. I'm not confident, it barely works now.
Actually, in electronics, a large number of items are the same....
The app was updated on the service desk ipad today.
Ours too. A guest wanted to price match a case of water to Walgreens and at first I told him we didn't but then my ETL-GE said it's okay. I went to the Price Match app (to see if the price was on any approved sites) and all of these other websites had been added. I was like whoa.
So I was browsing the Costco site. There are quite a few items that are marked "Member's Only" and you have to log in to see the prices. AFAIK, the part about having to log in to see the price is prohibited by our price match policy. That will be loads of fun.
Have any of you had issue with guest's trying to PM stuff from the Target app on their phone? I don't know how this happens, but a guest will pull something up on their phone, via the Target app, and it will list one price, yet when I look it up on my iPad, it shows a different higher price. I tell the guest I can't honor prices on their phones, I strictly have to go on what's on my iPad. And in honest scenarios, the guest is usually understanding, and the price difference is never that large anyway. However in cases where the guest is trying to pull something, they typically go the "Well if I throw a fit, maybe I'll get my way" method.

I think there's some scam issues going on here, but I don't know how the guest is making this happen, because they'll be in the actual app; it's not a screenshot. Last week, I had a guest come in wanting to PM a Pots and Pans set. It was showing up on her app for about $50. Yet on my iPad, it was coming up $199. It became a huge argument. And hilariously, the set was actually cheaper IN store, rather than online. It was $175 in store. We figured this was a "scam-ish" attempt on their part because they used all the basic bully, intimidation tactics. Asking for names, even though it says right on our fucking badges, demanding last names, phone numbers, ect. All that meaningless bullshit.

After they left, and we had a good laugh to turned out that the woman's husband USED to work for Target and had supposedly been fired. Only adds to the shady aspect, because he was trying to manipulate the system he knows the workings of. Shame on him. What a fucking sleaze ball.
Have any of you had issue with guest's trying to PM stuff from the Target app on their phone? I don't know how this happens, but a guest will pull something up on their phone, via the Target app, and it will list one price, yet when I look it up on my iPad, it shows a different higher price. I tell the guest I can't honor prices on their phones, I strictly have to go on what's on my iPad. And in honest scenarios, the guest is usually understanding, and the price difference is never that large anyway. However in cases where the guest is trying to pull something, they typically go the "Well if I throw a fit, maybe I'll get my way" method.

I think there's some scam issues going on here, but I don't know how the guest is making this happen, because they'll be in the actual app; it's not a screenshot. Last week, I had a guest come in wanting to PM a Pots and Pans set. It was showing up on her app for about $50. Yet on my iPad, it was coming up $199. It became a huge argument. And hilariously, the set was actually cheaper IN store, rather than online. It was $175 in store. We figured this was a "scam-ish" attempt on their part because they used all the basic bully, intimidation tactics. Asking for names, even though it says right on our fucking badges, demanding last names, phone numbers, ect. All that meaningless bullshit.

After they left, and we had a good laugh to turned out that the woman's husband USED to work for Target and had supposedly been fired. Only adds to the shady aspect, because he was trying to manipulate the system he knows the workings of. Shame on him. What a fucking sleaze ball.

Yeah I tell guests we have to go off the iPad. The only time I've had an issue with that is one woman who threw an absolute fit because she had a price match on her phone and we could not honor it (because the one on her phone was just a download code and she wanted to PM with a physical item.)

That being said, I ALWAYS have to reference a guests phone or my phone when doing The site is ALWAYS broken.
Have any of you had issue with guest's trying to PM stuff from the Target app on their phone? I don't know how this happens, but a guest will pull something up on their phone, via the Target app, and it will list one price, yet when I look it up on my iPad, it shows a different higher price. I tell the guest I can't honor prices on their phones,

That happened to me once. My target app said 25. IPad said 50. Gstm looked on her phone on target app and it also said 25. So she gave it to me
I think sometimes it depends on what your "home store" is set to. My phone defaults to one store, my laptop to another, and my desktop to a third. I've actually seen items come up different prices on all 3??? None are my store or anywhere near me...
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