For the coachings and corrective action paperwork. Make general copies, addressing attendance, performance, NCNS, etc. Fill in the required information as needed per conversation. You will find that many of your conversations will be the same, how many ways can you coach someone for being late? This will make it quicker and less of a hassle. If it's something out of the ordinary then this doesn't apply.
No one is applying, well no clue on that one. I will tell you what our STL told us, go out and recruit people. If you see a quality person somewhere, tell them to come in and apply, fill out a punch correction for your time. Is that realistic? Meh, I don't do that ****. Can't help you with this, some stores are hard to staff.
The coachings are simple. Your ETL should not be doing them, your ETL should be coaching TL's, not TM's. If an ETL is coaching TM's then they are working a level down. The ETL is who the TM should be available to speak to the TM if they challenge it, someone for them to take their concerns too.
Rapport to handle a coaching? WTF. There's no rapport involved. This is business, not personal. Any TL can coach someone for you, we get other TL's to help if we will not see the TM. Follow the DESC model. Here's a very simplified version. Use your own words, this is just an example.
Describe the situation - Within the last 30 days you have been late 3 times and absent 1 time.
Express the impact - That causes extra workload on other TM's, which can negatively impact sales by causing other tasks to not be completed, or by not providing the guest with an amazing guest experience.
Specify the behavior change - You are expected to report to work on time, for all scheduled shifts.
Communicate the consequences - Failure to meet your core roles of report to work for all scheduled shifts can lead to corrective action, up to and including termination.
Then ask - What can I do to help you?
Put some action items depending upon the situation.
Will follow up with TM on attendance on date x (30 days)
Will follow up with TL on TM attendance on date x (30 days)
Will change TM's schedule to closing shifts, per request, to accommodate TM situation.
The schedule isn't as hard as people make it out to be. You know when you're busy and need extra TM's, you know when it's slow. Make a generic schedule rotation and stick to it as much as possible. Stay up to date on events happening in your area, ranging from weather to holidays, adjust as needed. Try to throw in some perks for your team, give them a weekend off once a month if possible, give them two days off in a row.
The STL told you to stay on the floor, the STL told you not to worry about the schedule because it will get done. Your rebuttal was that you are the only one able to do it. Read my 1st post where I said stop trying to do everything. Stop. You will kill yourself. The STL took that off of your plate for the time, let it go this once.
Reevaluate the times you do certain things. You shouldn't have pulled the cashier off of the lanes during a busy time. Catch them at the beginning of their shift, end of their shift, during a slow period, etc. Calling the LOD for back up, and telling the other TL to hop on while you two were off stage is poor judgement in my opinion.
The part about sitting down to teach you things really irks me. There is so much planning, and partnering, and statuses, and meeting, and following up, and evaluating, and etc. that there's never any action. You can perform everyday tasks and still learn. You guys don't need to sit down, set an endcap while learning about whatever. You can cut a box and talk at the same time.
S7, don't try that oh your store must be great but mine sucks crap. My store sucks too, I'll vent and ***** and moan about it. At the same time I try to improve things AND listen to others suggestions/advice. That's the difference, most of you are closed off to anything that offers a different solution. Sometimes the solution is to stop whining and just get your **** done, sometimes it's not. Of course TL's don't have the same authority as ETL's, does that stop them from trying to do their job? You need to put a TM on CA, write it up, send it to your ETL and HR, asking them to proof read it and sign it. You take the actions, don't wait for them. You need more people in your work center, tell HR to set up interviews, partner with other areas to cross train TM's. Of course I'm not speaking about when there's 1 closer for the whole store, or for emergency situations, I'm speaking about taking ownership of your area and actually doing something other than zoning.