Archived RedisRad and GSTL question

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I never made excuses. I don't believe in them. That's something my fraternity drilled into me. All I did was say what the situation was. Workload didn't get done. I took responsibility for it. I got with my ETLs to let them know I needed help, never got it, so I got done what I could and partnered with other TLs in the off chance that they had spare time. You must be lucky sr, and never had to work in a store where every ETL has their own agenda and they all act like they're the STL. Good for you. I did all I could in the situation I was in, but nothing I did could make anything better. If my areas looked like ****, they looked like ****. If I was the only one closing I did what I could. My ends were always full and I never got a red visit for my area of the store. Was everything done? Hell no. Could it have been worse? Hell yes. Did I ever once make an excuse? No. Does that answer your question? Probably not because apparently you think that any TL in the store has the same authority and decision making power as ETLs. And no I don't mean doing overrides or price challenges, I mean signing off on corrective actions and hiring people. Those are things I could not do. Not an excuse. Just a fact.
Stupid, how would you fix the situation, other than just saying find a way to get it done? Because in all honesty, that's not helpful at all.
I am glad I was not subscribed to this thread before...

I hope the dramas done but in the midst of all that, some posters did give you good advice RiR so I hope you heed that information. You'll do a great job, I am sure!
I am glad I was not subscribed to this thread before...

I hope the dramas done but in the midst of all that, some posters did give you good advice RiR so I hope you heed that information. You'll do a great job, I am sure!

There WAS some great advice. I'm in spongemode ;-)
For the coachings and corrective action paperwork. Make general copies, addressing attendance, performance, NCNS, etc. Fill in the required information as needed per conversation. You will find that many of your conversations will be the same, how many ways can you coach someone for being late? This will make it quicker and less of a hassle. If it's something out of the ordinary then this doesn't apply.

No one is applying, well no clue on that one. I will tell you what our STL told us, go out and recruit people. If you see a quality person somewhere, tell them to come in and apply, fill out a punch correction for your time. Is that realistic? Meh, I don't do that ****. Can't help you with this, some stores are hard to staff.

The coachings are simple. Your ETL should not be doing them, your ETL should be coaching TL's, not TM's. If an ETL is coaching TM's then they are working a level down. The ETL is who the TM should be available to speak to the TM if they challenge it, someone for them to take their concerns too.

Rapport to handle a coaching? WTF. There's no rapport involved. This is business, not personal. Any TL can coach someone for you, we get other TL's to help if we will not see the TM. Follow the DESC model. Here's a very simplified version. Use your own words, this is just an example.
Describe the situation - Within the last 30 days you have been late 3 times and absent 1 time.
Express the impact - That causes extra workload on other TM's, which can negatively impact sales by causing other tasks to not be completed, or by not providing the guest with an amazing guest experience.
Specify the behavior change - You are expected to report to work on time, for all scheduled shifts.
Communicate the consequences - Failure to meet your core roles of report to work for all scheduled shifts can lead to corrective action, up to and including termination.
Then ask - What can I do to help you?
Put some action items depending upon the situation.
Will follow up with TM on attendance on date x (30 days)
Will follow up with TL on TM attendance on date x (30 days)
Will change TM's schedule to closing shifts, per request, to accommodate TM situation.

The schedule isn't as hard as people make it out to be. You know when you're busy and need extra TM's, you know when it's slow. Make a generic schedule rotation and stick to it as much as possible. Stay up to date on events happening in your area, ranging from weather to holidays, adjust as needed. Try to throw in some perks for your team, give them a weekend off once a month if possible, give them two days off in a row.

The STL told you to stay on the floor, the STL told you not to worry about the schedule because it will get done. Your rebuttal was that you are the only one able to do it. Read my 1st post where I said stop trying to do everything. Stop. You will kill yourself. The STL took that off of your plate for the time, let it go this once.

Reevaluate the times you do certain things. You shouldn't have pulled the cashier off of the lanes during a busy time. Catch them at the beginning of their shift, end of their shift, during a slow period, etc. Calling the LOD for back up, and telling the other TL to hop on while you two were off stage is poor judgement in my opinion.

The part about sitting down to teach you things really irks me. There is so much planning, and partnering, and statuses, and meeting, and following up, and evaluating, and etc. that there's never any action. You can perform everyday tasks and still learn. You guys don't need to sit down, set an endcap while learning about whatever. You can cut a box and talk at the same time.

S7, don't try that oh your store must be great but mine sucks crap. My store sucks too, I'll vent and ***** and moan about it. At the same time I try to improve things AND listen to others suggestions/advice. That's the difference, most of you are closed off to anything that offers a different solution. Sometimes the solution is to stop whining and just get your **** done, sometimes it's not. Of course TL's don't have the same authority as ETL's, does that stop them from trying to do their job? You need to put a TM on CA, write it up, send it to your ETL and HR, asking them to proof read it and sign it. You take the actions, don't wait for them. You need more people in your work center, tell HR to set up interviews, partner with other areas to cross train TM's. Of course I'm not speaking about when there's 1 closer for the whole store, or for emergency situations, I'm speaking about taking ownership of your area and actually doing something other than zoning.
Stupid rules, I can't remember a time when I've completely disagreed with something you've had to say, but the way you put it puts me on the defense and you're not even talking to me. You have a new in role TL who, to me, sounds like they are doing a great job. I know I didn't take that much initiative my first couple of months. I always find myself wanting to argue with you, until I reread what you wrote and realize you make good points. I just get mad at you about it. Not everyone is as much of an idiot as you make them out to be.
I'm sure she is doing a great job, when someone mentions being at work hours past their shift because they care or going to a message board looking for advice, you know they are trying, they are doing the best they can to make a difference. As too your comments about putting you on the defensive, you getting angry at me, etc., that's on you. I don't think you would have an issue with me if you knew me, we wouldn't be friends so to speak, but we wouldn't have any hard feelings either. What suggestions do you have for OP?
For the coachings and corrective action paperwork. Make general copies, addressing attendance, performance, NCNS, etc. Fill in the required information as needed per conversation. You will find that many of your conversations will be the same, how many ways can you coach someone for being late? This will make it quicker and less of a hassle. If it's something out of the ordinary then this doesn't apply.

No one is applying, well no clue on that one. I will tell you what our STL told us, go out and recruit people. If you see a quality person somewhere, tell them to come in and apply, fill out a punch correction for your time. Is that realistic? Meh, I don't do that ****. Can't help you with this, some stores are hard to staff.

The coachings are simple. Your ETL should not be doing them, your ETL should be coaching TL's, not TM's. If an ETL is coaching TM's then they are working a level down. The ETL is who the TM should be available to speak to the TM if they challenge it, someone for them to take their concerns too.

Rapport to handle a coaching? WTF. There's no rapport involved. This is business, not personal. Any TL can coach someone for you, we get other TL's to help if we will not see the TM. Follow the DESC model. Here's a very simplified version. Use your own words, this is just an example.
Describe the situation - Within the last 30 days you have been late 3 times and absent 1 time.
Express the impact - That causes extra workload on other TM's, which can negatively impact sales by causing other tasks to not be completed, or by not providing the guest with an amazing guest experience.
Specify the behavior change - You are expected to report to work on time, for all scheduled shifts.
Communicate the consequences - Failure to meet your core roles of report to work for all scheduled shifts can lead to corrective action, up to and including termination.
Then ask - What can I do to help you?
Put some action items depending upon the situation.
Will follow up with TM on attendance on date x (30 days)
Will follow up with TL on TM attendance on date x (30 days)
Will change TM's schedule to closing shifts, per request, to accommodate TM situation.

The schedule isn't as hard as people make it out to be. You know when you're busy and need extra TM's, you know when it's slow. Make a generic schedule rotation and stick to it as much as possible. Stay up to date on events happening in your area, ranging from weather to holidays, adjust as needed. Try to throw in some perks for your team, give them a weekend off once a month if possible, give them two days off in a row.

The STL told you to stay on the floor, the STL told you not to worry about the schedule because it will get done. Your rebuttal was that you are the only one able to do it. Read my 1st post where I said stop trying to do everything. Stop. You will kill yourself. The STL took that off of your plate for the time, let it go this once.

Reevaluate the times you do certain things. You shouldn't have pulled the cashier off of the lanes during a busy time. Catch them at the beginning of their shift, end of their shift, during a slow period, etc. Calling the LOD for back up, and telling the other TL to hop on while you two were off stage is poor judgement in my opinion.

The part about sitting down to teach you things really irks me. There is so much planning, and partnering, and statuses, and meeting, and following up, and evaluating, and etc. that there's never any action. You can perform everyday tasks and still learn. You guys don't need to sit down, set an endcap while learning about whatever. You can cut a box and talk at the same time.

S7, don't try that oh your store must be great but mine sucks crap. My store sucks too, I'll vent and ***** and moan about it. At the same time I try to improve things AND listen to others suggestions/advice. That's the difference, most of you are closed off to anything that offers a different solution. Sometimes the solution is to stop whining and just get your **** done, sometimes it's not. Of course TL's don't have the same authority as ETL's, does that stop them from trying to do their job? You need to put a TM on CA, write it up, send it to your ETL and HR, asking them to proof read it and sign it. You take the actions, don't wait for them. You need more people in your work center, tell HR to set up interviews, partner with other areas to cross train TM's. Of course I'm not speaking about when there's 1 closer for the whole store, or for emergency situations, I'm speaking about taking ownership of your area and actually doing something other than zoning.

Here are things I can use! I like the idea of making a generic conversation, so thank you. And what I meant by "sitting down" was mostly going over the coaching to corrective process because that is where I'm getting stuck.

And I think some rapport is important with my team because they hate when other TLs who don't want anything to do with them most days, come and tell them to fix something. They are very angry people. I had someone else coach a TM on attendance and they just were awful that whole week, with their work. This 'rapport' thing wasn't something I conjured up either.. Isn't that the same reason why you don't coach a TM when you are new in role? You want a relationship first. I mean, that's just how I feel. I also feel like my lazy ETL can help out with something that is really important and overwhelming at the moment.

As far as the schedule goes... It isn't hard when you have staff..but it starts to get very tricky when we are understaffed and people's availabilities just blow. Same problem with no one applying, not much you can do about those problems. But I hate when other people do my schedule because they cause SO many issues that I spend hours the next week paying for those mistakes. IMO not worth it.

And just in my own defense, I DID pull that TM at the beginning of the shift when we had a lull... That's just how quick it can get busy sometimes. And I needed to finish that coaching. I didn't ignore the calls, they just didn't want to handle the situation. I'm all about team effort is all.

But thank you for some really useful tips and ideas and for at least recognizing that I'm trying. My god am I trying.
Fair enough, Stupid Rules, I get worked up too easily. But you tend to be condescending which shows a lack of respect that I think we're all entitled to, until we lose that respect at least.

As for my advice. . . RedisRad. You are doing too much. Possibly look into doing schedule edits rather than the whole front end schedule. As the only GSTL, your time is better spent elsewhere. Also, in regards to your registers. Your SFT should be heavily involved in this, to the point where all you should have to do is tell him whats wrong. Next time there is a tech in to "fix" the registers, see if they're willing to switch equipment around so you can get all your working registers in one area. Try asking this while offering a free Starbucks. It helps 🙂 .

StupidRules made an excellent point about templates for coachings/CCAs. Do that.

I try to make my coachings, especially regarding conversion, as positive as possible, but if your cashiers are then laughing at you when you follow up, that's borderline "failure to perform job duties in a positive manner". I wouldn't go there right away, but I would absolutely ask them what they thought was funny about the situation. Ask them if they are unwilling to perform their job duties. That'll get the point across. When your cashiers come to you with every little thing, start asking what they think the best thing to do would be. Don't make them feel dumb, but walk them through the process. Over time, it'll get better. It'll be slow though.

Regarding help from other TLs, I would try to grab as many of them as you can after a huddle, or round them up somehow and say what you need to do that day. Ask them what they have. If you can help them, do. Have guest service fold clothes and towels if they have time. Push an endcap in accessories for POG, or just detrash product for them. Have a cashier work out push for See. Spot. Save from the truck. Have your cart attendant re-shop bulky items. If they see you try to help, they'll do the same. If you need help to step off stage to write up a CCA and no one will volunteer, ask what they have to do that is more important. Trust me, nothing is more important than development. They know this too, deep down. Try not to be too much of a burden, and don't take advantage of them when they do help. If they still aren't responding and your leadership team doesn't care. Stay after your shift (on the clock) to get your stuff done. Keep your ETL informed that you stayed after. At the end of the week, tell them where you need to cut and ask them how you should go about doing it. They won't love it. I promise. Right now, they are walking all over you though. They need to know it won't always work like that.

You've received some good advice, but really, it just sucks. I like my job, but the expectations are too high for what they give you. Do your best and try to focus doing each task more efficiently. You'll get there.

Also, and I'm sorry to be a downer about this, but I highly doubt they'll even consider considering you for ETL until your conversion is green, no matter what they've told you. They want you to run a green work center. You may already know this, but keep it in mind.

RedisRad- I agree with you about rapport. I don't think you're making a bad call here. I also agree about the coaching you did when it got busy. You can't be in the middle of a coaching, tell the TM to jump back on and then continue the coaching 10 min later. It doesn't work like that, at least, not if you want the coaching to be effective.
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Obviously the store I was in had terrible leadership as evidenced by all but one of them being termed within a year after I left. It was impossible to function in that environment. Thanks for providing some tips for RIR. You can question my work and personal ethics all you want. I'm confident in my leadership style and personal work ethic. I take the initiative everyday to get stuff done. My STL and ETLs wouldn't come to me with problems and questions if I wasn't smart enough or compentent enough to figure them out. I've practically taken over the entire CTL workload as a PA because my CTL just doesn't do their job. I've talked to him and told him who needs coachings, what the everyday issues are, what sets are coming up. That was to no avail. I've let the execs know that he isn't getting his workload done and isn't coaching tms even when he sees cross contamination, no FIFO, product out of temp too long. Also to no avail. But all the while I've been partnering with vendors to get sets done, correcting tms when they make errors in food, partnering with the backroom and flow TLs with food issues and training the other PAs, market tms, backroom,and food push teams. I'm not content to just sit around and whine about the problems nor am I about to start making excuses for anything. In your posts you came off sounding like you are on some other level and RIR just needs to stop whining and get the situation figured out, which in my mind is exactly what they were trying to do. You can have no tolerance for excuses or whining. I'm the say way. Some people need to vent their frustrations. It's taken time, but I've learned to listen to their frustrations or whining, see where they're coming from and work with them to figure out solutions. No hard feelings stupidrules. Thanks for helping out RIR.
RIR - I'll try to explain why I say the thing about ETL's coaching tomorrow, I get up in ~3 hours for work.

S7 - do realize what you just did right? Scratch that line of thinking. You know what, you don't know what someone else's job is or isn't. You are telling your supervisor which of your peers to coach? I would have ignored your ass too. You are telling the ETL's your supervisor isn't doing his job? His workload is complete isn't it? It's not his job to do it as much as ensure it's done. If that's doing it himself, or having his PA do it, it doesn't matter as long as it's complete. You are telling them who he has and hasn't coached? How would you know? It's not your business. I see part of the problem at your store already.
Wow, you're impossible. I've all but formally coached whoever I corrected, but I guess I should not let my CTL who is ****ing stuff up. If I go to my CTL and say whats the plan for x? and he says I don't know...then I go to my ETL a day or two later and ask what is the plan for x? and they say ask your CTL, so I ask my CTL again and he says I don't know/ I don't have one yet, then he is totally doing a great job. I don't go to my ETL and say "The CTL isn't getting their workload done. No one is being coached and we've got problems everywhere and it's all his fault. Whine whine whine. Complain complain." I don't do that with my CTL. But to answer your question, no his workload is not complete. He doesn't ensure anything is done and nothing gets done. But I guess that's okay. You're right though, it's none of my business who's been coached or not; however, judging by the lack of improvement it's safe to say no one is following up if any coaching has taken place. And if you're implying that I'm the problem you can go choke on a bag of dicks. I'm open to criticism. You're just being a troll.

Following your line of thinking I should just sit back and do nothing. Oh wait, can't do that because then I'm not being a problem solver. I'm done responding to you stupid rules. You're just being ridiculous at this point.
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Fair enough, Stupid Rules, I get worked up too easily. But you tend to be condescending which shows a lack of respect that I think we're all entitled to, until we lose that respect at least.

As for my advice. . . RedisRad. You are doing too much. Possibly look into doing schedule edits rather than the whole front end schedule. As the only GSTL, your time is better spent elsewhere. Also, in regards to your registers. Your SFT should be heavily involved in this, to the point where all you should have to do is tell him whats wrong. Next time there is a tech in to "fix" the registers, see if they're willing to switch equipment around so you can get all your working registers in one area. Try asking this while offering a free Starbucks. It helps 🙂 .

StupidRules made an excellent point about templates for coachings/CCAs. Do that.

I try to make my coachings, especially regarding conversion, as positive as possible, but if your cashiers are then laughing at you when you follow up, that's borderline "failure to perform job duties in a positive manner". I wouldn't go there right away, but I would absolutely ask them what they thought was funny about the situation. Ask them if they are unwilling to perform their job duties. That'll get the point across. When your cashiers come to you with every little thing, start asking what they think the best thing to do would be. Don't make them feel dumb, but walk them through the process. Over time, it'll get better. It'll be slow though.

Regarding help from other TLs, I would try to grab as many of them as you can after a huddle, or round them up somehow and say what you need to do that day. Ask them what they have. If you can help them, do. Have guest service fold clothes and towels if they have time. Push an endcap in accessories for POG, or just detrash product for them. Have a cashier work out push for See. Spot. Save from the truck. Have your cart attendant re-shop bulky items. If they see you try to help, they'll do the same. If you need help to step off stage to write up a CCA and no one will volunteer, ask what they have to do that is more important. Trust me, nothing is more important than development. They know this too, deep down. Try not to be too much of a burden, and don't take advantage of them when they do help. If they still aren't responding and your leadership team doesn't care. Stay after your shift (on the clock) to get your stuff done. Keep your ETL informed that you stayed after. At the end of the week, tell them where you need to cut and ask them how you should go about doing it. They won't love it. I promise. Right now, they are walking all over you though. They need to know it won't always work like that.

You've received some good advice, but really, it just sucks. I like my job, but the expectations are too high for what they give you. Do your best and try to focus doing each task more efficiently. You'll get there.

Also, and I'm sorry to be a downer about this, but I highly doubt they'll even consider considering you for ETL until your conversion is green, no matter what they've told you. They want you to run a green work center. You may already know this, but keep it in mind.

RedisRad- I agree with you about rapport. I don't think you're making a bad call here. I also agree about the coaching you did when it got busy. You can't be in the middle of a coaching, tell the TM to jump back on and then continue the coaching 10 min later. It doesn't work like that, at least, not if you want the coaching to be effective.

I took on the schedule when I had ample coverage to do so (to learn for being an ETL), but you're right. Maybe I can get them to take back the schedule until I have someone to cover me for enough time.

We just got our SFT back from leave, so I will certainly let him know about my register hell. (Although I have asked him to fix some other things and they never get fixed even after he tinkers for hours...:-/)

I will definitely make a template. That was great advice.

I certainly had some fabulous one-on-ones tonight with some of my cashiers. Hoping to see improvements there 🙂 But yes, I will start to address the reason they think it's so funny. Although, the one that told me they were hungry was DEAD serious.

As for helping other departments, great suggestions! We already own One Spot anyways (we mostly do the whole thing ourselves and I have designated people to work on it and it's gotten much better... it was RED for a while) but I love the idea of having them run some go-backs to the floor if we get a quick second. I've recently acquired an extra walkie and I just tell them to carry it and run back to the front if we need back up, that way they can do go-backs (in the extreme case that I have more than two cashiers lol). It's helped.

I will talk to the team leads again. I think one of them that was pushing back is starting to come around. They were super helpful out of the blue yesterday. Gave me a chance to speak to a couple of my team members about some important issues.

And yes :-/ I am well aware that I am being walked upon. I'm struggling to figure out how much I should push back, because I want very badly to knock it out of the park and turn things around... the sooner I will get to my goal. And I was already informed that I needed to get to a solid green conversion before I can start the ETL process. That's why I AM so heavily focused on the coachings and development. But also why I need other bodies to help out with all the other stuff, since it's an entire team issue and not just a couple people. WE ARE GETTING THERE THOUGH!!! I'm hoping like RedandKhaki said, once they start realizing how serious I am and how fair I am being in coaching all of them, that they will get it together or leave. One can dream...

It's also nice to come on here and see the crap everyone else puts up with. Believe it or not, it's put some great perspective on things even in past couple days and I am letting some things just go and have the pieces fall where they may.

Thanks for your support again, and this was one of the best posts with advice! I love it!! <3
Wow, you're impossible. I've all but formally coached whoever I corrected, but I guess I should not let my CTL who is ****ing stuff up. If I go to my CTL and say whats the plan for x? and he says I don't know...then I go to my ETL a day or two later and ask what is the plan for x? and they say ask your CTL, so I ask my CTL again and he says I don't know/ I don't have one yet, then he is totally doing a great job. I don't go to my ETL and say "The CTL isn't getting their workload done. No one is being coached and we've got problems everywhere and it's all his fault. Whine whine whine. Complain complain." I don't do that with my CTL. But to answer your question, no his workload is not complete. He doesn't ensure anything is done and nothing gets done. But I guess that's okay. You're right though, it's none of my business who's been coached or not; however, judging by the lack of improvement it's safe to say no one is following up if any coaching has taken place. And if you're implying that I'm the problem you can go choke on a bag of dicks. I'm open to criticism. You're just being a troll.

Following your line of thinking I should just sit back and do nothing. Oh wait, can't do that because then I'm not being a problem solver. I'm done responding to you stupid rules. You're just being ridiculous at this point.

So I'm being a troll because I responded to what you said? How would you like it if a TM was going to their TL about you, and then the TL was coaching you based solely on what the TM said? You say one thing in one post and then change it in the next, then get angry because I didn't know post one was incorrect?
I'd just like to say that we have 2 SR TL GSTL's in our Store, and no Regular GSTL. Us GSA's are stuck with everything because of their "Coffee Hour" in the ETL-GE office full of laughs and giggles. Pi**es me off. Sucks not having a Regular GSTL that is up front their whole 8 hour shift, and not stuck with LOD duties on top of it.
this board reminds me daily to treat my GSA's with respect. Not that i wouldn't anyways but it's a helpful reminder that they're being crapped on by others in the store so i need to fight as hard as I can do make it better for them.
I'd just like to say that we have 2 SR TL GSTL's in our Store, and no Regular GSTL. Us GSA's are stuck with everything because of their "Coffee Hour" in the ETL-GE office full of laughs and giggles. Pi**es me off. Sucks not having a Regular GSTL that is up front their whole 8 hour shift, and not stuck with LOD duties on top of it.

Coffee Hour? Lmao only the ETLs have that in my store. State-mandated breaks are even a luxury for me.
this board reminds me daily to treat my GSA's with respect. Not that i wouldn't anyways but it's a helpful reminder that they're being crapped on by others in the store so i need to fight as hard as I can do make it better for them.

I agree! That's one of the best things about this forum... getting to hear from all different sides. My remaining GSA is such a trooper. I'm trying to develop her because she wants to be a team lead, also to show her my appreciation for taking on all the extra work we have. <3
Rir, i feel your pain, my store is also ulv, i'm a gstl, my partner is a sr gstl and we have 2 gsas. It seems there are never enough hours to get everything done.

As others have suggested, try trades, ask a salesfloor tl to cover your break if you load up reshop for them. Our target cafe is across from the lanes, so our sb/tc tl covers for me occasionally.

I've only been gstl for a few weeks, it is very different from the floor. Watch your backups as potential gsas, 2 of ours came from the salesfloor.

I agree with the templates for schedules, coachings, etc. my etl writes the schedule with help from hr.
Rir, i feel your pain, my store is also ulv, i'm a gstl, my partner is a sr gstl and we have 2 gsas. It seems there are never enough hours to get everything done.

As others have suggested, try trades, ask a salesfloor tl to cover your break if you load up reshop for them. Our target cafe is across from the lanes, so our sb/tc tl covers for me occasionally.

I've only been gstl for a few weeks, it is very different from the floor. Watch your backups as potential gsas, 2 of ours came from the salesfloor.

I agree with the templates for schedules, coachings, etc. my etl writes the schedule with help from hr.

YES! I'm loving the templates. Just started hammering them out today. Moves much quicker.

Hope you love being a gstl! It's nice when I get to spend a lot of time interacting with my team and guests. Unfortunately, we have tried getting other team members to apply for gsa... no one is interested :-( It'll happen though, one way or the other they will have to hire a gsa or bring one in from another store. We can't even cover all of our shifts at the moment.
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but;
I'm a new in role GSA and our team is the second to last in our district for Redcards .

That being said, I need every and any idea out there!
how do you get Redcards?
How do you motivate and challenge your team?
What do your cashiers say when asking guests to sign up for Redcards?
How do you keep them involved and up to date on all things Front End and Target in general?

Tips, tricks, anything and everything helps PLEASE!
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but;
I'm a new in role GSA and our team is the second to last in our district for Redcards .

That being said, I need every and any idea out there!
how do you get Redcards?
How do you motivate and challenge your team?
What do your cashiers say when asking guests to sign up for Redcards?
How do you keep them involved and up to date on all things Front End and Target in general?

Tips, tricks, anything and everything helps PLEASE!

Get to know your team, and be genuine with them.
Are you saving 5% today?
Print front end message boards and news. Keep them in cl binders on each lane (req some if you don't have). They should have weekly ad also. We had a news area in the Ge office too, where we posted the break schedule/lane assignments.

Good luck, being GSA can suck. Just remember it is your gstls job to push Redcards not yours. Help your team do well, but its not your place to coach people on conversion. Unless you cashier you won't be expected to get any.
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but;
I'm a new in role GSA and our team is the second to last in our district for Redcards .

That being said, I need every and any idea out there!
how do you get Redcards?
How do you motivate and challenge your team?
What do your cashiers say when asking guests to sign up for Redcards?
How do you keep them involved and up to date on all things Front End and Target in general?

Tips, tricks, anything and everything helps PLEASE!

Get to know your team, and be genuine with them.
Are you saving 5% today?
Print front end message boards and news. Keep them in cl binders on each lane (req some if you don't have). They should have weekly ad also. We had a news area in the Ge office too, where we posted the break schedule/lane assignments.

Good luck, being GSA can suck. Just remember it is your gstls job to push Redcards not yours. Help your team do well, but its not your place to coach people on conversion. Unless you cashier you won't be expected to get any.

Each one of your lanes have a binder with the front end message boards/news? I like that Idea! The only thing we provide is the Ad and then obviously produce codes and stuff like that.

Your store also has lane assignments per cashier?

And for you VibetasticB, like Imerzan said, just be genuine with your team and get to know them on a personal level. Personally I don't think GSA's have it too bad at my home store but each store has their own environment and it could be different for yours. Goodluck.
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