Archived Seasonal Hires

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Hayzeus Christ.

I can't believe how many shitty, lazy ass TM's... no, SHITHEADS we hired.

To call them TM's would be a putdown to all the real TM's I work with.


We hired a ton of cashiers. Most of them are going to be let go because they are just not competent. There are a few that need to be babysat. I ain't got time for that, so I'll tell them how to do things once and then let them sink or swim. I know it's kind of mean, but when we've got a spill on 13, a self check that needs change, and a guest throwing a hissy fit at guest service with uncooperative LOD's, I can't show you how to ring a suspend slip or run a check for the fourth time today.
We has seasonal cashiers who started ON Black Friday! Most of them seem great but there are always a few bad apples mixed in...randomly turning off their lane and wandering away, standing there staring off into space, etc...
We hired a ton of cashiers. Most of them are going to be let go because they are just not competent. There are a few that need to be babysat. I ain't got time for that, so I'll tell them how to do things once and then let them sink or swim. I know it's kind of mean, but when we've got a spill on 13, a self check that needs change, and a guest throwing a hissy fit at guest service with uncooperative LOD's, I can't show you how to ring a suspend slip or run a check for the fourth time today.
I was hired as cashier (haven't started yet) and I'm really hoping not to be like this haha hopefully all my time spent on the cashiering threads will come in handy
We has seasonal cashiers who started ON Black Friday! Most of them seem great but there are always a few bad apples mixed in...randomly turning off their lane and wandering away, standing there staring off into space, etc...
Wow way to say sink or swim!! I guess if you can handle Black Friday you can handle anything
Looks like we are keeping 11 out of our 35 seasonal hires. That includes the ones who didnt make it to this point.

Notification begins Christmas Day (overnight team) who can actually stay.
I know we have some seasonals who are desperate to be kept on....but the odds have never been in their favor so it will be interesting to see what happens.
We hired 3 count it 3 seasonal hires for hardlines not one made it. #jobaintthathard
I've decided that I want to stay for the money but if they let me go I won't be completely heartbroken lol. Witnessed some shady stuff already by my leaders and getting berated daily for things I have no control over is exhausting
We hired 3 count it 3 seasonal hires for hardlines not one made it. #jobaintthathard

We only kept one and his mom works there so it was given.

Our hardlines seasonals had a rough time. Whats ironic is they were the first ones to respond to backup calls yet when ETL HL asked how we were doing on CAFS and reshop they had gotten nothing done because they were always up front. Talk about not even getting a fair chance...
It's somewhat mindboggling how many seasonals don't even make it close to the "Holiday 2016 is finished" letter. I would say the vast majority of our seasonal hires either a) quit because they couldnt' hack juggling 2 jobs or 8 hours of being on their feet or just the general retail experience OR b) they were fired because of incredible stupidity on their part.
Unless you don't plan on wanting to being rehired by Target, you CAN quit at any time.

I don't plan on working for Target again after this holiday season.

However, I made a commitment so I plan on working the entire holiday season until the store tells me I am done. Also, since you never know the future, I prefer not to burn a bridge if I can easily avoid doing so.

Working a few more weeks will fulfill my commitment and avoid burning a bridge for the future.
I already know when my last week is. I declined to stay on seeing as 1 day a week availability is not an option (I asked). I would have preferred to keep my TM discount, but Spot has changed ALOT in the year since I was last a TM (non seasonal). The corporate expectations are too high, and rewards too low. Maybe after 6-8 months of recharging I'll be back next season...cause I love me discount!
Most of our seasonals quit already. None left in softlines. One of the electronics tms is literally late or calling in at least once a week. I don't know why she shows up at all anymore. Worthless. I give everyone a fair chance but I'm always let down.
Who decides on which seasonals are being kept? One of my GSTLs absolutely hates me. But I'm not sure if she has any influence in the decision
Who decides on which seasonals are being kept? One of my GSTLs absolutely hates me. But I'm not sure if she has any influence in the decision

ETLs. Although TLs often have the conversation to say whether you go or stay.
Most of our seasonals quit already. None left in softlines. One of the electronics tms is literally late or calling in at least once a week. I don't know why she shows up at all anymore. Worthless. I give everyone a fair chance but I'm always let down.
I've been at Target for over a year now and I've seen 5 designated (non-seasonal) Electronics TMs come and go in that time. The turnover rate in my department is ridiculous, but one kid did admit to me that he quit because he expected it to be just electronics stuff and not having to zone notions/sports/toys. We don't even have any seasonals left over there, the last one quit last week.
All these stories about seasonal quitting before Christmas is a problem.

Is it store management hiring bad applicants? Is is store management misleading applicants? Is it store management not treating seasonals fairly?

Or is it a problem with Target as a company. Is the pay/job/hours attracting bad applicants and scaring away quality applicants? Every Target is located near a high school and/or college. Every high school and/or college has quality students who would make quality seasonal employees.

If you apply for a seasonal position, you know when Christmas and New Years are. You roughly know when the end of the season will be - it is not open-ended and you don't know how long you will be there. If you can't fulfill the season, you shouldn't apply.

The only legitimate reason to quit a seasonal position before New Years is getting a permanent position from another company. It is hard to blame a seasonal for quitting when you will only pay them until New Years and another company will pay them past New Years/permanently.

Even then you should offer to work a night or two/weekends/something to help out the employer if you can.
All these stories about seasonal quitting before Christmas is a problem.

Is it store management hiring bad applicants? Is is store management misleading applicants? Is it store management not treating seasonals fairly?

Or is it a problem with Target as a company. Is the pay/job/hours attracting bad applicants and scaring away quality applicants? Every Target is located near a high school and/or college. Every high school and/or college has quality students who would make quality seasonal employees.

If you apply for a seasonal position, you know when Christmas and New Years are. You roughly know when the end of the season will be - it is not open-ended and you don't know how long you will be there. If you can't fulfill the season, you shouldn't apply.

The only legitimate reason to quit a seasonal position before New Years is getting a permanent position from another company. It is hard to blame a seasonal for quitting when you will only pay them until New Years and another company will pay them past New Years/permanently.

Even then you should offer to work a night or two/weekends/something to help out the employer if you can.

Combination of all of the above. The standards for seasonal hires is generally much less than regular hires.

Also consider the amount of training and its no surprise it all goes to hell.
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