Archived Seasonal Hires

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One of our seasonals went straight to a TL position because of his work experience in his area.
Had the conversations with my team this week. At least the ones that decided to actually show up. I'm amazed at the amount of NCNS starting Christmas Eve and going forward. Guess they really only needed money for the Holiday.
Had the conversations with my team this week. At least the ones that decided to actually show up. I'm amazed at the amount of NCNS starting Christmas Eve and going forward. Guess they really only needed money for the Holiday.

No kidding its almost as if the ones we were not going to ask back already knew, they didnt even show up for their conversation
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Had a seasonal walk out after she found out she wasn't getting rehired.
I'm sad she's being let go, because she was pretty competent but it was frustrating. One of my other cashiers stayed late to help make up for her.
Had a seasonal walk out after she found out she wasn't getting rehired.
I'm sad she's being let go, because she was pretty competent but it was frustrating. One of my other cashiers stayed late to help make up for her.

Dumb on her part, now shes unrehireable. Finish your shift and reapply when people inevitably quit in the spring.
At my store , even if you call out to go to a party and posted on Facebook , and have limited availability , you are being kept , that only works if you are related to someone higher up ...
Feel bad for the seasonals who really busted their asses and showed up to cover shifts .. and stayed late ...
Seems like we guarantee some of our more seasoned TM all these hours when we could be using some of those hours for some of the more productive seasonal TM. For example members of pricing that don't respond to back up calls EVER! Dont even answer call boxes when standing next to one! Everyone is busy, everyone's work is important to them so lend a hand. I'm also of the belief of more hands smaller shifts. Relying one person or a 2 person team is crazy!
I've noticed at my store that a lot more have either quit or got fired so seasonals should have a way higher chance of being kept compared to last year.
Hey guys I know this is an old thread but it's getting to be that time of year again! I haven't worked for Spot in 2+ years now but am considering coming back as seasonal this year as I now have a Monday-Friday 9-5 job meaning my nights and weekends are free. I could really use the extra income for the holidays! Has anyone heard anything about a hiring event this year for seasonals?
It must vary by store bc mine is in 2 weeks but HRZone said his was in the middle of October so....check your local stores? We have flyers about it at every checklane.
It must vary by store bc mine is in 2 weeks but HRZone said his was in the middle of October so....check your local stores? We have flyers about it at every checklane.

My understanding the one in two weeks is for regular talent and the one in October is for seasonal. We were told we can't start hiring until October 2nd seasonal for region 200
@Flabbergasted you are correct in it is seasonal time for hiring. I can't speak for what particular store you worked for but at my current store and previous stores I am aware they have plenty of openings. Check with either your old store or try your hand at a new store if you prefer.
Oct 2 in my region too. Go in right around then. If there is anyone still there from before, try to connect with them too. We always ask around about rehires.
So if I am doing my math correctly...about an additional 55 people per store?

My store is hiring 55 seasonal cashier positions, 30 SEASONAL FULLFILLMENT POSITIONS(what!!), about 7 per food area(frozen/dairy, grocery, produce, food ave etc) a Soft lines team lead, my GSTL is leaving so that will probably make it up on the Positions Available sheet, and a bunch of other various positions hiring for one or two regular TMs and a few seasonal.

I'm eagerly awaiting an electronics one to open up so we will see, may ask about it next time I work.
so we are hiring 100,000 team members, but i bet only 10,000 apply and out of that 10,000 ... 5,000 quit after 1 week.

so we will get about 2 new TMs per store sounds about right to me.
If this year is exactly last year, we will hire a bunch of flow people and cashiers then barely any sales floor. A few will annoy the crap out of our ETL-Log because they will want to be hired permanently. The cashiers will call guests "Customers" literally every sentence. Im ready lol
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