Archived seasonal pay

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One thing I've learned working for Spot, Spot will do what Spot wants to do. It's not you're, his, her company. It's Spots company. Many times Spot does and makes decisions that many f us vets KNOW will not work. Very few does. But someone said something I've also learned since I've joined the BREAKROOM. Not my circus, not my monkeys!! ;):p:D
My suggestion for next year if the starting salary goes up again. Bump veterans up $0.20-$0.75 over minimum immediately depending on experience and performance. Hire new employees at $1.00 less than that target minimum but if they make it to January 15 with 0-1 call outs and less than 3 tardy's (for a maximum of 30 minutes total) get the $1.00 per hour for the time worked as a bonus and then if they are kept on permanently be bumped up to that minimum target hourly. If the employee calls out 2-4 times and less than 5 tardy's (for a maximum of 60 minutes total) get a $0.50 per hour for the time worked and again bumped up to the target if kept permanently.

Way too many call outs and no call no shows from new hires.
Well, back before all of the wage increases began, I started 2 weeks before the holiday seasonals. Two weeks. I started at $7.75/hr. The seasonals started at $9.00/hr. I had to wait until my review in spring to get bumped to $9, that was almost 6 months.
So it's quite possible that the seasonals are being paid more than regular TMs if that is what market conditions require.
From what I know at our store food team was bumbed to $11 and a new Tm for Flow starts at $11.50. Kinda shady but our TM’s are just happy they got something out of it.

No, the minimum company wide for a food team member is 11.50.

My guess is what just happened will happen every year until the 15 is reached.

Hes right you know
It's gonna be a hoot.

I'll get a quarter in May, then another raise whenever the next bump occurs.

Rinse and repeat.
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