Archived Sense of urgency

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We have a Senior flow TL that is a complete waste of payroll.. Bullshits with the BR TL.. walks around yelling at the Flow team.. I've only ever seen him push once, and scan the truck once. He is always doing the "sense of urgency" speech to us when our workload goes up and we cant finish.. The last time I told him to leave me alone and speak to my TL if he had a problem.. She must have yelled at him because the next time we asked for assistance he found us some help..
The 4x4 is the bane of my Taget existence right now. Every morning I can feel it coming and my spirt is crushed with the knoledge that I will lose 40mins to it. Time I will never get back. Our pog team is behind yet every day they are forced to go thats like 15+ hours a week they lose to this.

Personally I usually seem to get hungry and need to go on break around 4x4 time.
It's official. We are nearly a full week behind in pog. We just finished cosmetics today. Well, there is a little bit left. Tomorrow, we have jewelry and mens. I doubt we will even start this weeks work this week.

But don't worry, we still spent an hour 4x4ing infant softlines today. When I say an hour, I mean the whole team. So right there, we lost 5 hours from pog.
It's official. We are nearly a full week behind in pog. We just finished cosmetics today. Well, there is a little bit left. Tomorrow, we have jewelry and mens. I doubt we will even start this weeks work this week.

But don't worry, we still spent an hour 4x4ing infant softlines today. When I say an hour, I mean the whole team. So right there, we lost 5 hours from pog.
That is just beginning to get unacceptable. Do your leaders not understand when POG falls behind the store falls behind? Someone would get ripped a new one if that happened at my store. I believe tomorrow we are finishing up our last bit of Stationary. My store got two new aisles of nothing but crafts! No more having guests go to Michaels! Although thanks to the port slow down its nearly empty, but still.
The 4x4 is the bane of my Taget existence right now. Every morning I can feel it coming and my spirt is crushed with the knoledge that I will lose 40mins to it. Time I will never get back. Our pog team is behind yet every day they are forced to go thats like 15+ hours a week they lose to this.

Personally I usually seem to get hungry and need to go on break around 4x4 time.

*looks around*
My store doesn't really do 4x4s (and pog never had to help with them).
My pog team helps with FDC, occasionally helps with working huddles, and mostly gets left to do our work.
Stationery is killing me though! Still have 4 aisles left to set tomorrow.
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