The stores out there that have transition teams. What does your store do in sales? Also do you still have a lead that is over transition or does the Gm in charge of the area plan the transition?? Thanks in advance
Yesterday, May 7, 2019, we did 77K. The GM TL 2 is technically still over transition. She corrals all the paperwork and divvies the revisions out to each area.
The issue we had this week is that she called out one day last week and didn't have the pog paperwork done for pets starting Monday. No one had walked the adjacency either. So when the transition team, me and another girl, tried to start Monday, we soon realized wishes flipped. So we had to change direction.
Another issue is that rn, no one is doing signing. Two pallets sitting on the dock. So even though I see outriggers or such on the pog for pets, I'm not breaking down the pallet to get to it. No one else has done it. The GM TL1 even said ... My signing is on that pallet, but I'm not breaking it down. So why should I?