I want to know how they figure out the budget for fixtures/signing. When I get the monthly signing expense report emailed to me it's always WAY less money than what I have actually ordered in the month. I know any new signing/fixtures that weren't sent for a transition can be ordered within two weeks of the set date at no charge (at least up til now anyway), but if I order outside that window, what budget is it coming out of?
Maybe the transparency should work on their end to with this new way to order. Not just better visibility of orders and what is ordered, but also what budget it comes out of too. Maybe the budgets stores have been overspending in isn't the same one signing TMs have been led to believe they've been using. When you've never been told there is a budget, how the hell are you supposed to know when you've overspent!?
It would also be nice if they could auto-ship the supplies they know stores will need: labels, 3x2 signs, NLP flags, clearance stickers. They'd have better control over the supply and demand. Fuck, send out a survey to gauge how often stores guess they need certain items shipped? Weekly, monthly, quarterly?
I blame my DTL for any overspending we've had in the last couple years. When the DTL wants all 18" shelves swapped to 22" in the store, that adds up real quick. Or wants us to put pushers.... everywhere we can think of. Mmkay, not my money. And now look where we are. SMH