Starbucks Team Leaders

How much have you guys looked at the Starbucks dashboard report? I have a question that I just mySupported today, but who knows how long that will take or if they'll be able to answer it.

(Side note that I put in the mySupport: the YTD ranks seem to be wrong. They look like they're mostly just a copy of the MTD rank. Also, I don't think they accounted for certain categories where lower percentages are better.)

What pieces are missing from the margin? It says to take the total sales and subtract the cost of the drink (ingredients and supplies, but not labor). Pretty much every store seems to have an ingredient cost around 15% and a supply cost around 5%, give or take. Then the goal for margin is 55%, and it looks like a lot of stores in my area are between 50 and 55%. If the margin (how much we make, before labor) is 55%, then the cost per drink is 45%. Ingredients are 15%, supplies are 5%, and then there is 25% missing. My guess is that it's milk. If it is, then how is that calculated? Does it assume ~12 ounces per grande latte, etc., or does it take how much the milk vendor gives us and figures out how much Starbucks used based on how much they gave us, how much was sold, and how much was credited?

I really want to know. Stores with higher sales are guaranteed to have better margins because they throw out less expired product (I used to throw out 3/4ths of the matcha powder because I just wouldn't go through it, which is a huge waste of product, although I use almost an entire bag in two weeks nowadays). My costs are low for my size store, but the margin still looks pretty bad. I want details! I want answers!

If it is milk, that would partially explain it. I wouldn't expect it to make that much of a difference, but I do know that some of my team members put a full carafe of half and half out each time it needs refilled, and then sometimes it barely gets used. That's a huge waste that I need to get on top of.
Honestly I rarely look at the dashboard. I only use it to monitor my average ticket and I was able to increase it from $4.75 to $6.49 which my DM was happy when I told her. Other than that I don't really know what to use it for and sometimes I wonder how accurate it really is.
Honestly I rarely look at the dashboard. I only use it to monitor my average ticket and I was able to increase it from $4.75 to $6.49 which my DM was happy when I told her. Other than that I don't really know what to use it for and sometimes I wonder how accurate it really is.
What the fuck $6.49 is nuts, especially coming from $4.75. Teach me your ways. Unless you meant $5.49, which is still really really high.
My DM likes to focus on capture rate, total sales, and food sales. We have spoken about the 5.25 check goal, but I am already there, so I guess he figures that's fine. $6.49! New goal to try for!

My understanding of how milk is charged is what is not sold/credited is Starbucks' milk. We put out half carafes of half and half, and still toss it.

When I took over, almost everything expired before we could use it. Matcha, inclusions, SF syrups every time. Lemonade, frapp bases, refreshers, even caramel drizzle sometimes. So frustrating. Now, I always toss SF mocha and Oprah chai, and that's about it. I wish sbux could come up with a ready-made sf mocha that was shelf stable.
OK, so I was wrong about the milk. From the product knowledge section, "You do not need to log or keep track of what [dairy] you pull. HQ calculates milk usage based on sales and Starbucks drinks recipes and manages Payment to the vendors."

There is also the Starbucks Milk Usage Process, which explains in more detail how milk is billed.
So, I'm supposed to have a conference call Monday morning about changes to Barista Basics. I'm supposed to have read up on it before the call. I haven't received any mail on it...

Should be a boring-ass call...
I just checked the summer 2 planning kit and it only mentions that the new stuff will be sent between 6/27-7/8. Still haven't actually received anything lol.
I just checked the summer 2 planning kit and it only mentions that the new stuff will be sent between 6/27-7/8. Still haven't actually received anything lol.
My bad. I just remembered reading about it there. I don't have it yet either.
Is it much different?
No, they just changed the names of some stuff. The Starbucks Experience is now called "First Sip and Starbucks Experience." Knowledge check ins now say "AST Lead" instead of "SM checkin". One of the modules focus just on Customer support.
Hmm. OK then. Doesn't seem like it would merit a conference call, lol.
And the Clean, Safe, and Ready is postponed for Targets. My team was looking forward to it.
I think the conference call is primarily because my DM is helping open 6 stores in about two months, so he has a lot on his plate (in addition to his ~24 licensed stores that he has). I don't think he is actually getting those 6 stores, he's just helping them open. But he might get one or two. This call just knocks out a ton of travel and one on one time with each SBTL.

I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Worst conference call ever. No substantial changes at all. Mostly just a couple changes in the wording and then adding a few of the newer drinks (flat white, etc). And I still haven't received the new materials lol neither have some other stores in my area.

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