Archived Stuff You Still Don't Know How to Do.

Greatest Fear?

  • The waitress at the restaurant forgetting about you.

  • Accidentally bending your legs the opposite way.

  • Fear of getting electrocuted when plugging in appliances.

  • The battery in your phone exploding.

  • Finding a spider in the toilet paper roll.

  • Your phone alarm somehow failing to ring even though it's never done so.

  • The cashier giving you a look for buying 2 donuts, obviously for yourself.

  • Showing up to a costume party, only to realize it was LAST weekend.

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I can move the crown if I HAVE to... It scared the shit out of me when ETL AP showed me how to use it lmao. I would never dream of trying to get a pallet from the steel with it myself.
I miss using the Crown :/ Best part of Target was the power equipment. Being a smooth operator on the WAVe, being a boss with the stacker, and flying down the backroom alley with the electric pallet jack and a full load of milk.
I don't think any of the phones on our salesfloor work. I tried answering one, by picking up a red callbox phone, waiting for the automated voice, and then #2280, but I got the message about being transferred to a team member...or something. I had to go use the electronics phone.
I'm pretty sure it's 2280#, not #2280.
Still don't know how to do warranty packages for guests up front. Also don't know shit about doing reshop.
I have no clue what do do with defective ice cream. It's "vendor pick up" but it's fucking ice cream. It's been years. I've just been throwing it away.
No one thought me how to open the till with no transaction until a couple weeks agoa nd I've been backup cashiering since week 2.

I still don't know either.
There's a lot of things I'm still unclear about with backup cashiering. How do you scan an item to void it from the transaction? I've seen people do that but I only know how to scroll through the list and void it there
I still don't know either.
There's a lot of things I'm still unclear about with backup cashiering. How do you scan an item to void it from the transaction? I've seen people do that but I only know how to scroll through the list and void it there

Hit void and just scan the item again. so much easier when there is a hefty amount of items
I'm a cashier and I stil don't know what to do if someone comes to rob me with and tells me to give them all the money in the register. After 10pm, if I am closing, there are no witnesses around because there's barely anyone shopping, the last cashier is usually off at that time, and GSA is probably in electronics/starbucks/etc. closing the registers.

What I would *probably* in this hypothetical situation...

Robber: Give me all of your money, I have a gun.
Me: But is it loaded though?
Jk I'm not that savage
Actually Me: Would you like fries with that?
Jk I'm not that funny
Seriously Me: *Takes everything out of the drawer including fake coupons.*
Robber: Is that all?
Me: Yes, have a nice day.
I'm a cashier and I stil don't know what to do if someone comes to rob me with and tells me to give them all the money in the register. After 10pm, if I am closing, there are no witnesses around because there's barely anyone shopping, the last cashier is usually off at that time, and GSA is probably in electronics/starbucks/etc. closing the registers.

What I would *probably* in this hypothetical situation...

Robber: Give me all of your money, I have a gun.
Me: But is it loaded though?
Jk I'm not that savage
Actually Me: Would you like fries with that?
Jk I'm not that funny
Seriously Me: *Takes everything out of the drawer including fake coupons.*
Robber: Is that all?
Me: Yes, have a nice day.
You forgot to ask them if they would like to apply for a Red Card and get 5% extra out of the drawer
You forgot to ask them if they would like to apply for a Red Card and get 5% extra out of the drawer

Oh right, I can't forget to ask EVERY guest to save 5% or I will get coached. PSSSH I sure wouldn't want that, especially not in a situation like this.

Me: By the way would you like to save an extra 5% on this """"transaction"""" by signing up for a Target Red Card?
Robber: How long will it take?
Me: If you show me your ID now, I can get you out of here before the cops come.
Robber: Sure but make it snappy.
Me: *snaps*
Robber: *not amused*
Then, when robber gets a 'needs further processing', he shoots you & leaves.
After you've been carted off to the hospital, I come by with my degreaser & all the front end sees the wonder liquid that cleans even blood leaving nary a trace 😀
I have no clue what do do with defective ice cream. It's "vendor pick up" but it's fucking ice cream. It's been years. I've just been throwing it away.

Two ways you can deal with it. One if its still really frozen put in the freezer in the backroom - we at least have a box for vendor pick up items. Or if melted you can dump it down the correct sink rinse out the container and then bag it(cause wet) then place in vendor/defective box for sorting to your receiver.

How we deal with ice cream defectives. Most however go the dump and rinse method.
Two ways you can deal with it. One if its still really frozen put in the freezer in the backroom - we at least have a box for vendor pick up items. Or if melted you can dump it down the correct sink rinse out the container and then bag it(cause wet) then place in vendor/defective box for sorting to your receiver.

How we deal with ice cream defectives. Most however go the dump and rinse method.

That's horribly impractical for a Guest Service person. We take stuff to the back twice a day. Once in the afternoon, and again once the store is closed. I won't have time to rinse anything. But I can definitely dump everything in a freezer. Melted or not.
Been sales floor for 3 months now. Still don't know how to correctly answer the mounted phones. I either do it the wrong way, or completely screw up and end up calling the customer service desk.
I don't think any of the phones on our salesfloor work. I tried answering one, by picking up a red callbox phone, waiting for the automated voice, and then #2280, but I got the message about being transferred to a team member...or something. I had to go use the electronics phone.

To answer a call on a red phone, pick up the receiver and after the auto voice starts talking hit the # key and then put it whatever extension the call was put on.
That's horribly impractical for a Guest Service person. We take stuff to the back twice a day. Once in the afternoon, and again once the store is closed. I won't have time to rinse anything. But I can definitely dump everything in a freezer. Melted or not.

I have done runs for GS to the back since I am all over the store and I do things like that so when I need to dump on them its a trade. But they can just bag it and deal with it later, but if they can dealing sooner than later is less messy.

Tgarv90 someone needs to just take 5min and show you the trick to it. Most of the time if you line up the notches on the spiderwrap with the tabs on the mag key you can pop them open. or some others the holes on the back the tabs on the mag key go together. the pop can be subtle. and sometimes they are just a PITA like the ones with the red tops for bottles. Those hate me.
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Going on sixteen years at the bullseye, know pretty much all there is to know (including Starbucks) but I can't for the life of me figure out how to put ON spiderwrap. I'm an ace at taking it off but every time I try to put it on something or even try to coil it I set the darn thing off. I got scheduled for electronics once last Christmas and ended up having to break three spiderwraps because I set them off while trying to wrap a TV.
I still don't know if I'm "properly" setting the line. I have done it probably around a hundred times at this point because it seems like I'm a closer for life at this point, but every time I set it I wonder if I'm doing something wrong and the overnight ETL's just haven't told me about it.
Going on sixteen years at the bullseye, know pretty much all there is to know (including Starbucks) but I can't for the life of me figure out how to put ON spiderwrap. I'm an ace at taking it off but every time I try to put it on something or even try to coil it I set the darn thing off. I got scheduled for electronics once last Christmas and ended up having to break three spiderwraps because I set them off while trying to wrap a TV.

I open the spider wrap and lay it out on the counter then put the product down and bring the spiderwrap back together then tighten it up. With really big stuff aka TV's I get help. But how I do it tends to work for most stuff.
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