Archived Stuff You Still Don't Know How to Do.

Greatest Fear?

  • The waitress at the restaurant forgetting about you.

  • Accidentally bending your legs the opposite way.

  • Fear of getting electrocuted when plugging in appliances.

  • The battery in your phone exploding.

  • Finding a spider in the toilet paper roll.

  • Your phone alarm somehow failing to ring even though it's never done so.

  • The cashier giving you a look for buying 2 donuts, obviously for yourself.

  • Showing up to a costume party, only to realize it was LAST weekend.

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You still have LPDAs? When you look at the details page of the item (on the MyDevice), next to the backroom locations there should be a "Take" button. It has you scan the backroom location, then it asks how many you are going to pull. I actually prefer it to SUBT.

TAKE is very straight-forward. I, too, prefer it to SUBT because it's much less clunky.

And I think she meant regular PDAs. No stores should have LPDAs anymore, just MC9200 PDAs.
Hi, newbie here. I've been at target for a couple months and there's plenty of little things I don't know how to do or already forgot. 2 that are on my mind - what do you do when you're on the sales floor and have to put an item on hold? I've just been going to guest service and waiting until one of them has a second and I tell them I need to put this on hold. Is there a way to do it myself, is there usually just an area I should put it in? And when I'm doing back up cashier - after I scan a coupon, am I supposed to keep it or toss it? Oh and how do you get blank receipt paper to come out so you can write on it?
Hi, newbie here. I've been at target for a couple months and there's plenty of little things I don't know how to do or already forgot. 2 that are on my mind - what do you do when you're on the sales floor and have to put an item on hold? I've just been going to guest service and waiting until one of them has a second and I tell them I need to put this on hold. Is there a way to do it myself, is there usually just an area I should put it in? And when I'm doing back up cashier - after I scan a coupon, am I supposed to keep it or toss it? Oh and how do you get blank receipt paper to come out so you can write on it?

For the hold.. Just take it to guest service and put it in the hold area with a note that says "hold for so in so eod (end of day) and the next days date. There is a ship to store area sometimes back there too don't put it there they won't think to look there. But don't put it behind the counter it has to go back behind where reshop carts are. If it's something huge that's on a flat put it by guest service with a note (same as above) if they are in store and plan on getting it at check out (I usually let the gsa/gstl know about it so they know when the cashier flashes their light that it's at guest service and a quick grab) , if it's going to be a next day pick up take it to the back room and there's a hold area there.. Just ask someone back there where exactly it is.

To print blank paper on the right of the register up where the paper comes out when receipts print press the grey button with the arrow and hold it for how long you need it to print

For the coupons yes keep them put them in the drawer under the register with all the gift cards and things, the gsa/gstl grabs them at night.
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Take is definitely easier, but half of our myDevices don't scan so it's useless. I don't think using the camera works with location labels anyways.
If they aren't scanning, they haven't been charging. Either you need a new charging station, we have that problem ourselves, or you hold both scan buttons until the light goes orange and starts blinking green. Solid green is charged sled, blinking green is charging. Don't think a full ipod battery means the sled is also full.
If they aren't scanning, they haven't been charging. Either you need a new charging station, we have that problem ourselves, or you hold both scan buttons until the light goes orange and starts blinking green. Solid green is charged sled, blinking green is charging. Don't think a full ipod battery means the sled is also full.
Yup, it's weird how often I have to teach people to ignore the ipod battery and just grab the one with the solid green bar. Just dump the ipod brightness down all the way and it should last. I think the issue is that they charge the ipod before changing the sled and then the sleds never get charged. Which is bunk because the batteries in the sleds are removable and they should just be charged separately like you can with walkies and pdas. Yet the theft over the ipods inside made them use T6? screws on them to close them up. Find it strange that honeywell doesn't suggest or supply a separate charger for their 3.7V Li-Ion Battery, It's crazy because the expected charge time for the whole package is 6 full hours stores don't have that unless they ban flow from touching them. Let alone i doubt stores clean the contacts on the sleds and the base station to insure optimal charging conditions. Even then the expected operation time is only 8 hours
I'm not sure how to look up pre-orders on the computer. Thankfully most Nintendo stuff doesn't have pre-order cards and I don't deal with new releases on Tuesday's.
1. How to make a bale. I don't know which knobs or buttons to turn/press, but I can tell you what's supposed to happen and to be careful with the wires 'cause they can practically take a person's eye out if/when they snap. All I remember from being trained on it ~2 years ago is yelling at a dumbass I've known for most of my life to get out of the bale's landing zone so he wouldn't lose his foot or something.

ABANTS (All Balers Are Not The Same)

But...for the ones I've dealt with...

1. Lay a couple big pieces of flat cardboard over the top and crush it. (green/auto button)
2. After the cardboard is compacted (and usually when the arrow meets the bottom of the gate) press the big red Emergency Stop button.
3. Open the baler, begin running the bale ties through the bottom holes in the front (Looped end first!)
4. Go around to the back of the baler and feed the looped end of the bale ties through the top holes.
5. Now both ends of all the ties should be in the front of the baler. Run the straight end of the bale tie through the looped end, and wrap it (the straight end) around a few times. You just want the ties to be snug, not super super tight. The bale needs a little room to expand upon ejection.
6. Place your pallet in front of the baler, with maybe 1 to 3 inch gap between the baler and the pallet. (Use the heavy wooden blue CHEP pallets, not the lighter brown ones or the plastic pallets. A heavy enough bale will crush these.)
7. Go around to the back, place the hook on the big metal bar that runs horizontally across the back of the baler. This raises the platform and ejects the bale.
8. Pull out the Emergency Stop button, press the Manual Up button to begin ejecting the bale. (And yes, make sure no dumb TMs are standing in front of the baler while you're ejecting it. People don't believe me when I tell them bales can weigh 500+ pounds.)

The bale is made, now remove the hook from the bar in the back of the baler, and lay a few big pieces of flat cardboard over the bottom of the empty baler. Close it up, and you're done. No more salesfloor minions leaving boxes in front of the baler. 😉
I'm not sure how to look up pre-orders on the computer. Thankfully most Nintendo stuff doesn't have pre-order cards and I don't deal with new releases on Tuesday's.
Video games that could be pre-ordered should be dealt with as late as the day before release. Generally they will post information on the new games 4-5 days in advance.

Search for "Video Game Reservation Card Program" on Workbench. It will include instructions for what should be done for new release video games that had pre-order cards available, what to do with the cards themselves and when that should be done, and any special instructions that need to be communicated for new releases. There will also be an Excel spreadsheet with every store listed and how many pre-order cards were sold for the new games.
Video games that could be pre-ordered should be dealt with as late as the day before release. Generally they will post information on the new games 4-5 days in advance.

Search for "Video Game Reservation Card Program" on Workbench. It will include instructions for what should be done for new release video games that had pre-order cards available, what to do with the cards themselves and when that should be done, and any special instructions that need to be communicated for new releases. There will also be an Excel spreadsheet with every store listed and how many pre-order cards were sold for the new games.

Is the Excel spreadsheet on Workbench as well, or is it located somewhere else? My store treats us Electronics Team Members as "glorified Toys specialist" since all we ever do it zone/push Toys and Sportings Goods. They never take this stuff seriously so we're always out of the loop. We have one team member who's been there for 6 years and really fights for our department so that's nice. There really ought to be a Team Lead for just Electronics instead of someone who has Electronics fall under their wing.
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Try to do more in electronics, like ptm & research. Take ownership & drive sales. My folks are doing & sales have gone up because of it.
Is the Excel spreadsheet on Workbench as well, or is it located somewhere else? My store treats us Electronics Team Members as "glorified Toys specialist" since all we ever do it zone/push Toys and Sportings Goods. They never take this stuff seriously so we're always out of the loop. We have one team member who's been there for 6 years and really fights for our department so that's nice. There really ought to be a Team Lead for just Electronics instead of someone who has Electronics fall under their wing.
The Excel spreadsheet is listed on Workbench. There is a link at the bottom of the Video Game Reservation Card Program page for each game.
I was always told with the my devices that stop scanning to just restart the whole thing on the charger, so you can hold both the scan buttons to reboot it? I feel like I'm reading this wrong lol. I always shutdown and restart the whole my device to see if that works.
I was always told with the my devices that stop scanning to just restart the whole thing on the charger, so you can hold both the scan buttons to reboot it? I feel like I'm reading this wrong lol. I always shutdown and restart the whole my device to see if that works.

If you re-boot the MyDevice on the charger while holding the scan buttons, it will re-start the sled. Shutting down the MyDevice and re-booting it off the charger only re-starts the iPod and has no effect on the sled.
If you re-boot the MyDevice on the charger while holding the scan buttons, it will re-start the sled. Shutting down the MyDevice and re-booting it off the charger only re-starts the iPod and has no effect on the sled.

Ah ha! Thanks that makes sense, never knew to hold down both scan buttons they just told me to throw it on the charger and reboot the iPod 🙄
I was always told with the my devices that stop scanning to just restart the whole thing on the charger, so you can hold both the scan buttons to reboot it? I feel like I'm reading this wrong lol. I always shutdown and restart the whole my device to see if that works.

But there does come a point where it is dead and needs to charge.
I kinda have a problem with this.

The previous store I worked at was both great and horrible for learning things. It was like throwing a baby into a pool to teach it to swim. Either you learned everything quickly and perfectly, or you failed. I have a pretty good general knowledge of how things work in most workcenters now because of this.

However, here at this store they say "hey phibot, do this" and I'm like " what?"

I don't even know what I don't know in some cases because I never really received formal training in pretty much anything at my old store, but because I taught myself to swim this new store assumes I know more than I actually do. Yikes.
I don't think any of the phones on our salesfloor work. I tried answering one, by picking up a red callbox phone, waiting for the automated voice, and then #2280, but I got the message about being transferred to a team member...or something. I had to go use the electronics phone.
No one thought me how to open the till with no transaction until a couple weeks agoa nd I've been backup cashiering since week 2.
No one thought me how to open the till with no transaction until a couple weeks agoa nd I've been backup cashiering since week 2.
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