Archived Target no longer marking toys as being for boys or girls.

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IDK. CFA has been named the number one fast food chain in America for a few years now, so they must be doing something right. Every location I’ve been to has always been busy. I think it’s genius to be closed on Sundays. It ups the demand and is good for employee morale.
I'm into this. Kids are pretty susceptible to marketing so less people trying to influence their likes seems like a good decision to me. Idc if it was for money or actual beliefs though.
I believe stocks are down. If you think they did this for profit I encourage you to view the hate on spots social media pages.
Many of their decisions to take public stances on issues has hurt the bottom line.
If they really cared about turning their kids gay they'd get GI Joe out of little Johnny's hands cause he's been staring at his crotch a bit too much, and little Susie has been lingering over Barbie's curves too.
Same here. In my interview when I was asked why do I want to work for Target one of the things I said was bc I like their corporate politics/policies and my interviewer (now my TL) was like OMG me too and we had a discussion about politics during my interview 😛
OMG me too, like ,totally digging the policies!
I believe stocks are down. If you think they did this for profit I encourage you to view the hate on spots social media pages.
Many of their decisions to take public stances on issues has hurt the bottom line.
They cannot let go of that bathroom thing. Like seriously.
Yes. It appeals to a demographic.
Lol “Christians” the largest flock of sheeple,who claim s man is god.
Lol “Christians” the largest flock of sheeple,who claim s man is god.

Whatever, who gives a fuck. Way to fight the system by calling people "sheeple." Point is, every decision a company makes is a business decision, not a moral one.
I believe stocks are down. If you think they did this for profit I encourage you to view the hate on spots social media pages.
Many of their decisions to take public stances on issues has hurt the bottom line.

Boo hoo. I know people who shop at Target more now than ever because of their stances on equality and acceptance.
We finally got a non gender specific toy shopping cart....we only had pink ones and a few guests had asked me about it.
Every time a transphobic Xtian boycotts Target, God sends a new LGBTQ couple in to shop.
You got your L and your G and your B and your T and your Q , why stop there? Why not all of the alphabet? Go ahead take them all from A to shining Z!
But Target's a liberal company, right? That's according to my old ETL-HR.

I guess... I mean they aren't union friendly so I wouldn't call them liberal. More just into letting people be themselves. We have an etl with sleeve and neck tattoos, plenty of transgender tms, pride clothing etc. I feel like Targets attitude is live and let live.
I guess... I mean [Target's] aren't union friendly so I wouldn't call them liberal. More just into letting people be themselves. We have an etl with sleeve and neck tattoos, plenty of transgender tms, pride clothing etc. I feel like Targets attitude is live and let live.

Yeah, I won't call Target a liberal company, either; just a company with relaxed policies.
I guess... I mean they aren't union friendly so I wouldn't call them liberal. More just into letting people be themselves. We have an etl with sleeve and neck tattoos, plenty of transgender tms, pride clothing etc. I feel like Targets attitude is live and let live.

Target likes you if you have money to spend. That's about it.
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