Archived Target's Huddles are a ridiculous waste of time

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Pretty sure this is what you're supposed to do in a person with a gun situation. Doubt you'd be fired for that given a potential wrongful termination lawsuit.
1. Run 2. Hide 3. If the only choice- fight.

You're welcome, lol.

We have them every morning. Most nights, but shorter at night.
Some of us care about the well being of the company we work for because it directly impacts our jobs and personal life. The reason being they are directed to fill you in on sales is because of this reason. The beauty of working retail is your performance can pave the way for sales, drive them up or down. I personally like workong for a company that fills me in on how its doing financially. They could just tell you nothing, then when your hours are cut leave you guessing as to why or will it improve.
I think it is good info to know. When I always tried to recognize an individual or other team that helped out or did something really great. Plus it was a 5-10 min "break", id take it. 🙂
Im running far far away if I see someone with a gun. Ill even leave the til open and take the termination. Im not dying because I had to make sure I secured the till or merchandise.

Yeah thats pretty much what my STL said your life is number one priority. If you have a walkie turn it down, an ear piece can stay in. Get out.

Target does not want to be liable for you getting harmed doing something outside of your duties.
2 huddles a day at my store. Flow team rarely gets one because we really don't care. Only when something's really important do we get one and that's about 15 minutes max. Morning dayside gets a half hour but they also help push the store, especially with this new market rollout. At least the huddles are productive so I can't complain much.
I'd be happy if they just didn't call it a huddle. The "morning meeting" or some such shit...
I agree with this. One of my main pet-peeves is different names for everything. I'm an employee and the guest is a customer.
Other than that, huddles are kinda important, but it needs to be consistent in order to be effective. You need one for the flow, one for morning crew, and one for evening shift. Everyday, or else people will miss the information if they happen to be off.
Why does Target waste their employee's time twice a day with team huddles?

No one cares.

The store's sales does not impact the way I do my job at all.

I wasn't going to say anything considering everyone else already responded with a strong counter argument to your rather immature rant...BUT I feel the need to point out that with that kind of attitude you have little chance of making something of yourself.

If you want to succeed you need to grow and make a positive impact everywhere you go. Find it in yourself to care about the work you do, recognize the value you bring, and appreciate the opportunities you have.

I work in Mortgage banking and our teams have "huddles" every morning and we go by Team Member/Leader, its not just a Target thing. Its a smart way to communicate with your people and strengthen the ideology that we aren't just a number in a system but a valuable part of a team, with vitale roles to play in order to succeed.
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As a Backroom TM, we're never included in huddles unless they are held in the backroom. Honestly, I miss out on so much information that is announced at huddle.
Spot does love its silly jargon!

Yes Spot does! But I find it truly annoying that these terms are used without anyone caring if everyone understands what they mean. This bothered me when I was a new hire (8 years ago) & it seems so stupid to use so much "terminology" and not give a thought as to whether it is understood or not. I consider STUPID to be my mortal enemy and to that end I always try to clue newbies into the meaning of the lingo.
Rant alert:

Always hated them. Seemed like a great way for the company to shame us workers and justify less hours and people with just as much work to do. I like the company enough, but I won't be guilted by a multi-billion dollar corporation. I work extremely hard.

Good times? Great sales? Thanks for showing up. Here's a nickel at the end of the year.... Okay a bit more. Lol

Could also be that my hours were always pretty good because of my workcenter.

I digress. I'm very salty about treatment of myself and others around me that worked their asses off everyday at that store. Huddles were an expression of that treatment for me, information aside. It's good someone enjoys them.

I like the DC startups, though. Nice to know how much freight we'll have to sling.
I wasn't going to say anything considering everyone else already responded with a strong counter argument to your rather immature rant...BUT I feel the need to point out that with that kind of attitude you have little chance of making something of yourself.

If you want to succeed you need to grow and make a positive impact everywhere you go. Find it in yourself to care about the work you do, recognize the value you bring, and appreciate the opportunities you have.

I work in Mortgage banking and our teams have "huddles" every morning and we go by Team Member/Leader, its not just a Target thing. Its a smart way to communicate with your people and strengthen the ideology that we aren't just a number in a system but a valuable part of a team, with vitale roles to play in order to succeed.

I have made something of myself. My bank account says I made something of myself. The accomplishments on my resume say I made something of myself.

There is no opportunity to grow at Target. I am a seasonal part-time employee. I stock shelves and straighten shelves.

I do make a positive impact because even though I do not care about Target, I still do a better job than the coworkers I have observed. My shelves are straighter and I make sure everything is in the right spot.

I do not care about Target. It is a seasonal part-time job. Sorry but I do not care about a job that is only two months. It is not a priority in my life - it is a paycheck.

There are no opportunities at Target. I am a seasonal part-time employee. After being trained, I have received no coaching and no evaluations. I have no idea how well management thinks I am doing. I have no idea what areas management thinks I could improve in.

If I was interested in staying with Target after the holidays, I would have no idea what management thinks of my prospects or what I could do to improve my prospects.

Target is a giant store and a giant company. We are just numbers in a system.

There is no sales information posted. After having a day or days off, I come back and have no way of knowing how the store did while I was off. I worked Sunday and will not work again until Thursday. I will have no idea about how the store did during the 3 days I was off.

If you work a shift that does not overlap the morning/evening huddle, you have no idea what sales goals the store has for that day or any day.

There is no direct impact on sales made by employees. Employees do not sell to customers. Customers come in, browse, shop, and get rung up. Target is not a mortgage business where employees sell to customers. Employees at Target aren't pushing customers to buy more paper towels or deodorant on the sales floor.

I could be the greatest employee and my performance would not change the store's performance. If my performance did change the store's performance, there would be no way to know what impact I made.

There is no benefit to driving sales. If Target increases sales, the employees do not benefit and do not receive bonuses.

Target doesn't even pay cashiers for red cards. Many other stores pay their employees for signing up new credit cards.
Run to the bug spray aisle, grab a can of wasp/hornet spray, that stuff shoots out 20 + feet, and is better than mace.
Depends on the LOD when it comes to huddles. There are two that usually bring candy or snacks which is nice. another always shows up late and this one usually has us push stuff while she plays with her phone and chats with her friends. Now THOSE I'm not a fan of
Yet you're working as a PT seasonal at Target.
Just sayin'.

Must really suck at your full time job to need to work PT at Target especially
Yet you're working as a PT seasonal at Target.
Just sayin'.

Pssst, this is someone from the beginning was unsure of Target but still took the job offer instead of just continuing to look for the "right" seasonal job. This person just wants money and probably lets call boxes go unanswered, doesnt greet guests or just shoves the product anywhere in the aisle. I recommend just quitting and find another sesonal job, pretty sure Walmart is hiring.
There is no opportunity to grow at Target. I am a seasonal part-time employee. I stock shelves and straighten shelves.

I do make a positive impact because

Its unforunate that is the outlook you have. I get it, Target is not a perfect company and it sounds like you have been working hard and maybe feel unappreciated. But it is the wrong perspective to believe all your hard work is in vain. Even if no one else tells you good job, you know yourself you are doing your best.

Target was my first job and I am back. It has built a lot of character for me. Some days I am miserable and wish I didnt work here but most of the time I have a really great time. Even if no one thanks me I come home and know my family is proud of me for always giving it my all.

Some people are able to make a career for themselves. Be it at Target at elsewhere, with the attitude you have you will always be a short term employee unsatisfied with what goes on around you.
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