Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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When I came in to work yesterday I couldn't figure out where half the empty McLane tubs had gone. Today I found them: on 7UP's backstock pallet. With one or two of my boxes I save for shipping MIRs. Instead of using the stacks of their shelves outside.

Why is it every time I think they've got their act together and turn my back they find new ways to surprise me.
Had a guest return a couple items today and she also purchased a couple of gifts, gift wrap and a bow. After she purchased the items, she told me she was in a rush and late for the party and she needed to go to our Starbucks before she left and expected me to wrap the gifts she purchased because she didn't have time 😱😱😱. Yeah I don't have the time either between running photo lab, guest service and watching the lanes because the GSA was on break. I did not wrap her gifts, even if I wanted to, there there was no way I would have had time.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! In her face. Never gonna happen.. Good luck..
Couple days ago, an elderly lady asked for me specifically. I have never met her but she made it seem like I helped her before. I gave her the red card spiel while buying a high-priced vacuum. I sold her on the debit version but she didn't have her checkbook with her and she said she would come back; I took that with a grain of salt. Thirty minutes later I get paged to the vacuums and she's there with her checkbook. I get her a red card; yay!

Two days later she comes back and asks for me at the front lanes. She then asks, what time are you off? I tell her and she's like, can I pick you up after? She said she wants me to put together the vacuum and she'll pay me. I'm like, I can't do that, it's against policy. One of the TLs overheard and was low-key cracking up. Bless her heart, she was 87 based on her RC app. I wish I could've but it was weird and didn't want to jeopardize my job.
Wait, you turned down easy money and all you had to do was put a sweeper together and give an old lady company? Crazy bastard.
Yep, ship from store. I don't bother covering up clearance or as is stickers anymore since mySupport insists that its not possible to get orders for clearance items.

If the item is "as is" because of a defect, then I won't ship it. But mostly it's just good condition online-only items that were returned to the store.

We got one for salvage. We had a visit so when we told lod he had us show it to them.
Had a guest return a couple items today and she also purchased a couple of gifts, gift wrap and a bow. After she purchased the items, she told me she was in a rush and late for the party and she needed to go to our Starbucks before she left and expected me to wrap the gifts she purchased because she didn't have time 😱😱😱. Yeah I don't have the time either between running photo lab, guest service and watching the lanes because the GSA was on break. I did not wrap her gifts, even if I wanted to, there there was no way I would have had time.

What did she say when you told her you also didn't have time to wrap her gifts?
I've had guests who bought gifts, gift bag, tissue, etc before coming to our cafe & taking up a whole table while they wrap their gift (including asking us for a pen).
Coke took the "pet food" box off flow's defectives tub to hold some of their backstock. What is wrong with these people. And do I even care anymore.

Then it must be defective and you should mark it as such.

Might teach them to keep their hands off others stuff.
Two things that happened throughout the past week: first one being I'm pretty sure one of our GSAs came in drunk and/or high. His face was pretty flustered, with an expression of almost dissociated glee as opposed to the typical "resting bitch face". He was off the clock, having finished a shift only a few hours earlier.

Secondly, I had an old woman show me her underwear. While in softlines, I was helping a guest look for a pair of jeans and she wasn't entirely sure on her size. She wanted to check the pair she was wearing to make sure, so she pulled up the back of her hoodie and told me to check the tag on the inside of her pants. After a moment of me hesitating/freezing in discomfort/internally screaming, she said "wait, I think it's on the side in here" and just undid her pants on the sales floor. Underwear exposed and all. After that, I gave her the jeans she was looking for in her size and color, directed her to the fitting room, and hoped that the APTL won't think I'm trying to seduce exhibitionist grandmas.
Rung up an old man yesterday for a TV, mother's day card and 60 dollar gift card. He was a pretty nice dude we chatted for a lil as I was ringing him up, and I handed him his stuff and he was on his way. Not more than 10 minutes later he comes up to me with my ETL saying "she swindled me!" Apparently when the dude got outside, he looked in his bag and the 60 dollar gift card wasn't there. Oh fucking boy. He didn't even bring the bag back with him. Just the receipt. Yep. So we both walk back to the boat and check around and of course it's not there. Since ya know, I put it in the bag. So I go talk to my ETL in receiving and we're both trying to figure out how to handle it. We get AP to check the cameras and in the meantime I'm back at the boat trying to just kill time with the guy. AP calls my phone and tells me that I did indeed put the gift card in the bag. So I relay that to the guy, that it probably fell in between the card. He isn't too happy about having to go to his car to check the bag. Not my fuckin' fault dude, you didn't bring it for whatever reason. So he left and never came back, because he probably found the card.

It was a very annoying 30 minutes.

Also someone stole one of our iPhone displays. Within a literal 5 minute window. I was in domestics and mobile said she stepped away for 5 minutes and came back and it was gone. Now, we're both pretty upset it's missing, but I'm also kind of impressed someone stole it within 5 minutes without setting the alarm off.
Yeah those displays tend to be like seasonal cashiers; they tend to just disappear.
What did she say when you told her you also didn't have time to wrap her gifts?
I told her we don't offer gift wrapping, she went and got her starbucks drink anyways hoping her gifts would be wrapped by the time she got back. Nope, they were still sitting in the bags with her wrap, bows etc on the service desk lol. I had a long line of guests when she returned, maybe she got the hint because she took her bags and left.
I told her we don't offer gift wrapping, she went and got her starbucks drink anyways hoping her gifts would be wrapped by the time she got back. Nope, they were still sitting in the bags with her wrap, bows etc on the service desk lol. I had a long line of guests when she returned, maybe she got the hint because she took her bags and left.

Is it weird that I was hoping for some weird confrontation in which the guests returns with her starbucks and is upset that her gifts weren't wrapped and she yells something like "I demand satisfaction"?
I've had guests who bought gifts, gift bag, tissue, etc before coming to our cafe & taking up a whole table while they wrap their gift (including asking us for a pen).[/QUOT
Is it weird that I was hoping for some weird confrontation in which the guests returns with her starbucks and is upset that her gifts weren't wrapped and she yells something like "I demand satisfaction"?

Haha, no it's not lol. Slap me with a glove and AP comes running 😀😀😀😀. That would have been kind of funny.
Not really all that crazy but it happens occasionally when I have a cart of abandons with me while zoning and a guess just demolition derbys into it with their cart. Not sure if they are even trying to avoid it or just say F it and plow into it anyway because they are above everyone else and nothing should be in there way. I had to go over to another aisle and when I came back I saw somebody coming down the aisle and they just rammed into it as I was about to grab it to move to the other side of the aisle. Didnt say one word to me just continued looking for something along the back wall...SMH
Super sketch guy shows up at guest service with a pair of Beats. No receipt, of course. They were a gift. (Of course they were) I'm all about nope! He wants a manager. LOD comes up and gives the guy cash! $200.00+ out the door.
*face palm*
UGH!! I hate when the LOD doesn't have a spine and gives in. It's amazing how all the sketchy people have such generous friends and family members who give amazing gifts 🙄🙄.
I'm new here and did a search to no avail, so i'm posting here. Pls redirect me if necessary.

Now onto my question, I've worked at Target for a couple of years and my observation is that they seem to have a revolving door policy regarding new hires. That is to say, they quit faster than most places and Target has a hard time filling positions. Anyway, I work with a guy in the backroom who is constantly late for his shift, has had a couple of no call/no shows, is incredibly slow and does nothing but complain about the job. In short, he's not a team player and is a burden to the other team members who have to pick up his slack.

So what are Target's policies for firing someone? It seems as though they're keeping him on simply because it's difficult for them to bring on new hires. I'm simply at a loss for words why this guy hasn't been sacked yet. It's also infuriating to me that this person makes the same amount that I do, despite the fact that I've worked here longer and am far more productive than he is. It seems as though the higher ups turn a blind eye to what's going on because they need warm bodies at the store. Can any former ETL's or TL's shed some light on this?
I'm new here and did a search to no avail, so i'm posting here. Pls redirect me if necessary.

Now onto my question, I've worked at Target for a couple of years and my observation is that they seem to have a revolving door policy regarding new hires. That is to say, they quit faster than most places and Target has a hard time filling positions. Anyway, I work with a guy in the backroom who is constantly late for his shift, has had a couple of no call/no shows, is incredibly slow and does nothing but complain about the job. In short, he's not a team player and is a burden to the other team members who have to pick up his slack.

So what are Target's policies for firing someone? It seems as though they're keeping him on simply because it's difficult for them to bring on new hires. I'm simply at a loss for words why this guy hasn't been sacked yet. It's also infuriating to me that this person makes the same amount that I do, despite the fact that I've worked here longer and am far more productive than he is. It seems as though the higher ups turn a blind eye to what's going on because they need warm bodies at the store. Can any former ETL's or TL's shed some light on this?

You have part of the reason, they can't get newbies to stuck around so they are stuck with this guy. And it takes a while to get the paper trail solid so when they do cut him loose he can't claim unemployment.

So if your leaders aren't on the ball, you are in for a very long wait.
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