Archived There needs to be a company wide strike

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This is why I never respond to any text or calls about work when managers ask us about stuff. I only do what the wage is intended me to do, clock in, push products, talk to guests, nothing more. i'm not going to do the BAIL, im not going to another department, and im not coming up for backup.
I don't respond for backup either, nor do many others at my store. Every huddle we get reminded about backups but nobody wants to hear it. If they expect us to complete every single thing in our areas now, then something's gotta give. Everyone who does backup gets stuck up there for at least twenty minutes and that's time I can't afford to waste.
What can a person in a wheelchair do at Target? Only answer the phone? We had a one-armed fellow in hardlines once - he lasted about 2 weeks.
my store had someone in a wheelchair who was a cashier. bagging was slower and they couldn't help guests with large items but it never seemed to be a problem from what I saw and they worked there for years.
I recently participated in a day long picket (by law we cannot "strike" but can picket so long as we do not stop on the property or due it while on duty time). Although we did get largely favorable press and comment, as time goes on more and more comments were aimed along the lines of "you should be working not walking the line." And regardless of all the favorable press and comments, management did not change a thing.
Good for you, I would keep at it. nothing changes by doing nothing.
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Hear hear!!! I'm in!! Strike! Where is our Norma Rae? These people have become ruthless!
That was my managers nick name for me at my job after target😁
black friday walk out would be amazing. actually, sorry. Black THURSDAY (Thanksgiving night) WALK OUT.
A Black Thursday walkout is a fantastic idea, enjoy a holiday meal with your families while the selfish guests bang on locked front doors desperate for a good deal on towels or a junk tv they will just return the following week.
Every year I sign every online petition for any business I can find and directly email them as well to try to help end people having to work on Thanksgiving.
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my store had someone in a wheelchair who was a cashier. bagging was slower and they couldn't help guests with large items but it never seemed to be a problem from what I saw and they worked there for years.

We have a guy with no legs who scoots around in one of those fancy mobility things, with pneumatic tires and even has a speedometer on the armrest. He can maneuver that thing around corners like a zero-turn riding mower. He still has two good arms and a brain which is good enough for a store level job and probably an over-qualification for HQ
my store had someone in a wheelchair who was a cashier. bagging was slower and they couldn't help guests with large items but it never seemed to be a problem from what I saw and they worked there for years.
One of our COTMs is in wheelchair; she also helps with orientation, tours of the store, assembling new TM folders & materials, etc.
I will concede that if your leaders are failing you, then I am sorry and it sucks. But you will never convince me that anyone at corporate is incompetent enough to not learn anything from Sears. Target would never put itself in a place to receive bad press, and then as a consequence, possibly lose loyalty from their guests. People are conscious of ethical business practices more than ever right now, and especially Target’s demographic of shoppers.
That’s why everything has been so hush hush. Corporate knows this would bring bad press so that’s why all the rollouts have been a big secret.
All I’m seeing at this point is a bunch of people who are unwilling to change. If anyone knows anything about business, then you know that change is necessary to keep a business alive. If you don’t like change, I’d invite you to go work for Nordstrom or JC Penny. They have done nothing to change and adapt to today’s retail landscape, and they just reported less than stellar Q1 results.
All I’m seeing at this point is a bunch of people who are unwilling to change. If anyone knows anything about business, then you know that change is necessary to keep a business alive. If you don’t like change, I’d invite you to go work for Nordstrom or JC Penny. They have done nothing to change and adapt to today’s retail landscape, and they just reported less than stellar Q1 results.

As a person who has worked multiple retail jobs and recently left after years of service to the company, Target for the last several years was a hellscape worse than the only job I've outright abandoned in my teens. After leaving it has only become more abundantly clear just how much the corp and its internal culture has jumped the tracks in regards to effectively managing this company. I work for a company now that is technically much smaller than Target, but somehow they manage to properly staff their stores, give me a constant 40+ hours a week, and far better benefits and pay while also maintaining healthy growth. Not to mention there is little to no turn over besides people transferring locations and being promoted. Honestly In my years buried in Modernization, I forgot how a job could be and honestly should be and accepted the current state of Target as normal for a while.

Looking back now though it looks real bad. You cant sit here and act like people are jumping ship and getting frustrated due to "refusing to change", many long term employees were and continue to jump ship at all my surrounding stores. Leaving a store you have worked for in some cases longer than a decade is not rejecting change, its embracing a radical departure from their normal day to day life, because that seems like the only reasonable option in the absence of reasonable and competent responses from management and corporate. Change can be positive, Modernization as it is, is not that. Its a sloppy half assessed poorly conceived attempt to maximize profits likely in some money grab attempt by corp or in a effort to survive.
As a person who has worked multiple retail jobs and recently left after years of service to the company, Target for the last several years was a hellscape worse than the only job I've outright abandoned in my teens. After leaving it has only become more abundantly clear just how much the corp and its internal culture has jumped the tracks in regards to effectively managing this company. I work for a company now that is technically much smaller than Target, but somehow they manage to properly staff their stores, give me a constant 40+ hours a week, and far better benefits and pay while also maintaining healthy growth. Not to mention there is little to no turn over besides people transferring locations and being promoted. Honestly In my years buried in Modernization, I forgot how a job could be and honestly should be and accepted the current state of Target as normal for a while.

Looking back now though it looks real bad. You cant sit here and act like people are jumping ship and getting frustrated due to "refusing to change", many long term employees were and continue to jump ship at all my surrounding stores. Leaving a store you have worked for in some cases longer than a decade is not rejecting change, its embracing a radical departure from their normal day to day life, because that seems like the only reasonable option in the absence of reasonable and competent responses from management and corporate. Change can be positive, Modernization as it is, is not that. Its a sloppy half assessed poorly conceived attempt to maximize profits likely in some money grab attempt by corp or in a effort to survive.
As one of the long time people who could no longer be an accomplice to the despicable and highly illegal way spot was treating their team (in my awful store) I give this post a standing ovation. Spot is not normal any longer. The only thing missing is a whip in the ETLs hands. The recurring talking point is that the people who left were resistant to change. Anyone who was employed here for more than a year was accustomed to change daily. We didnt always agree with some of the new processes, but we did them. My first STL said it best. Spot is like a house of cards, if the foundation isn't strong (flow) the house will falter and fall. But this new change did not just change processes. There was a radical departure in how the very people who helped make this company a success were being treated. As more and more people left, there needed to be a good "story" so unable to change was born. I prefer to think of it as blindly refusing to treat people with dignity and respect all for a company that will replace you before you hit send on your resignation email.
There’s change then completely changing someone’s job from the ground up. Like I don’t think cashiers should make the same amount as the former flow team workers because they want us to do so much now. Do pulls, backstock, go up front to cashier, answer the phones, etc. It’s too much. Then they bitch when there are tons of u-boats are in the back, and act like we’re a bunch of slackers.

Don’t talk to me about fucking time frames, you dipshits! If something isn’t done it’s because I got sidetracked! By a guest or going up front. All of that adds up in a five hour shift.

It’s like no one can decide what approach to take. Does speed matter? They say it doesn’t anymore, but we’re still getting lectured for not getting done.

That’s the issue. Everyone needs to get on the same page.
Okay, well I’ve seen more people leave, then come back, than I feel like should have. Especially since everyone here seems to think that working anywhere else is so much better. Based off what I have seen, they really are not. I have yet to hear about another company that is any better than Target. And since I have no prospects other than retail or food service, I’ll roll the dice with Target.
My store rarely ever calls backup. With 2 leads and an etl all working mids, there’s no need to call backup. The leads get their ass on a lane. Since they can’t push bullseye and can’t set their endcaps, they’ve got nothing better to do than schmooze and please their guests.
An engine needs oil to keep from cracking the block. Oil is hours and that's what Target is lacking and the block is way overheated and starting to crack.

I had good supportive leadership being twisted into pretzels from the tops. I left right about the time modernization kicked into its final stage. Recently I saw someone who works there and she nearly cried and said she needs a leave of absence for mental health reasons due to the stress. That's not resistant to change.
My store rarely ever calls backup. With 2 leads and an etl all working mids, there’s no need to call backup. The leads get their ass on a lane. Since they can’t push bullseye and can’t set their endcaps, they’ve got nothing better to do than schmooze and please their guests.

Can you elaborate some, please. What I want to know is what the 2 SETLs and ETL-GE do when they're all scheduled at the same time. My store hasn't had an GE for over 2 yrs (position has been combined with SF and pretty much ignores front end). The TLs are STILL tasking. One TL will hop on a lane, the other will line bust with a My Checkout.
All i know is, corporate needs to stop being so greedy. They need to give us more payroll if they want to succeed. My store is so light on the floor and backroom is packed. But when you don’t give us the payroll, we can’t show you what we’re capable of.. we can’t produce the outcomes you’re expecting and you don’t care as long as you get your bonus or an addition to your already massive salary. Corporate america is bullshit and we need change whether people see it that way or not.
I would say first thing is research. Find out the labor laws for federal, all 50 states, DC , and territories too (assuming there's Targets in Puerto Rico) that would protect a walk-out for better working conditions. Find out what can protect those jobs, like the recent strike over the bad STL. I'd be the bitch to see if the Target legal benefit will cover talking to an employment attorney, but that's probably not the greatest of ideas since it could result in the loss of that benefit. Bottom line, people have to believe they won't automatically lose their jobs over this.

Also, look for ways to get internal communication in a form to show outside parties. If someone leaves their email open, mine it. If not in a two party consent state, record meetings. Be careful to not be too obvious about who is doing it, but if a bunch of people wanting change can get a bunch of that from several stores, to show it's not just a few single bad stores or a single bad district, but something happening everywhere, then that will be a nice scandal for the press to sink their teeth into.

Another thing, and this is where a union would be nice, pay replacement for those on the picket line. Not a lot of people can afford to lose the hours. It would be an act of forward altruism for latter benefit (better working conditions). Maybe see what unemployment has to say for organized strikes for better working conditions. Doubtful but worth the shot. And there would need to be food and drinks brought to those striking, shelter if nasty weather. They wouldn't exactly be able to leave the picket line to go to McDonald's.

Anyone else have anything?
Media exposure is what will make corporate target take notice fast. As soon as the share holders see a drop in stock prices, corporate will wake up and heads will roll. Just go on a campaign sending the media the facts about what target is doing. A few years ago wally world employees got the word out about having to go on food stamps and partial unemployment. Obama changed full time hours to 30 or more a week years ago. Each state is different but look into it, you can collect it they cut your hours. The media will catch on soon and share holders will start to scream! I'm going to start a new thread on that.
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