Archived Title changes?

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My store doesn't use the "A & A" phrase for fact when I've mentioned the name change to the SrTL of softlines he'd never even heard the phrase before.
Also, don't think that our HR or STL has mentioned much about pay changes, except when the flow team had our huddle last Friday...HR came to everyone and said that they would have a new hourly rate on their checks.
She doesnt read the workbench either I bet.
You shouldn't have gotten a drop talk to your etl hr. The script I have says pay should not change for the negative. It's not that you demoted, target took the position away which is different from voluntarily stepping down as brand tm.
Got it striaghte ed out with hr today thank you ^_^ tbougb she wouldnt tell me how tbe error occurred :/ ah well it target nothkng happens without epic flops everywhere lol
Got it striaghte ed out with hr today thank you ^_^ tbougb she wouldnt tell me how tbe error occurred :/ ah well it target nothkng happens without epic flops everywhere lol

So she is giving you a raise back to your old rate
Yes I didnt quite understand how she said it but I guess I wasnt the only one whose pay got tweaked lower this is why I am fine being a minow corporate changes make insane headaches.
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