To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOTM: You asked to go home because you "didn't feel up to it"? You had a four hour cashier shift.

I certainly didn't "feel up to" my flow shift after yesterday, but I did it anyway.

Ugh, just... grow up and do your job. Stop bitching and moaning about every little thing.

I'm half your age and I'm more responsible than you.
Modifying my post.

1 thing to get rid of: The old-style deodorant and printer ink pushers.

Newest pog got rid of the old ones for us at least, god bless.
Still in my coffee aisle. Still. Printer ink possibly too.

Mostly softlines crap. Baby furniture. Sheets, foam toppers, sample curtains. Pallet from the beauty reset...
To that one pog/price change tm- you have a nasty attitude. I know you hate your fellow tms, I know you hate SL, and I know you hate flow. I thanked heaven the day you left and cursed my luck when you returned. If you hate it so bad, GO FUCKING HOME.
When you shove past a fellow TM, who has been recognized time after time from the TL to ETL to STL to HR about what a friendly, effective, strong employee she is, manage to knock signing down, too- when you ram your FAT, ANCIENT, HIPPO ASS past her without saying anything when there was clearly NO ROOM- not an excuse me, no I'm behind you, not even Get out of my way- and you just about knock her down and knock signing on me with absolutely no apology...
You bet your damn bitchy self I'm gonna talk loudly about you- how incredibly rude and nasty you are, how people were happier were you weren't here, and you can BET when you give me that "I HEARD THAT!" look- I'll straight up laugh at you and shove past ya too.
Well, you know that now cuz thats exactly what i did- and I'll do it again. I'm done being nice to you because you've nothing but horrible sonce my first day.
You're a **** and you don't deserve respect if you don't give it.
To that one leader: I could hear the disappointment in your voice over the walkie after I told you I completed the task you assigned me. It's so obvious you tried to set me up to fail because you thought I wouldn't remember to do it or have enough time. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
To that signing team member-I love you, but would it have killed you to throw out the bundles of crap from years long gone by? I mean what are the chances of it ever being needed again......?

I do understand the temptation to hang on to things.
I remember that damned plastic animal unit that we'd pull out during the winter and use again in the summer.
New PTL decided we were going to clean up the fixture room and he dumped that outside without telling me.
Do you know those cost $2,000 to replace?
Of course, after we bought the new one they stopped using it the next year.

Then there's the little half peg board that you only need once for the tools.
I could go on.
It's frustrating as hell to figure out what you should keep and what you should just throw out.
After a while I did reach a point where I did throw most of the stuff out and hope for the best.
Of course, one of the things I got written up for was throwing out a broken sign that was going to be out dated in a couple of weeks so you never know.
TTOGSTL: Did you really have to bring me to an office and talk to me about me not taking my 15s or coming back early? And tell me that as a gsa I should take all my 15s. We have bigger issues such as the cashiers who take long 15s!
To those two team members who called me away from the boat to ask me about my sex life. I was 14 when I lost my virginity and it was to a girl at bible camp. Also yes to everything else except that one thing which is a big huge NOPE. Ya'll need Jesus for that one.
Oh yeah, and quit leaving your keys in the wave when you go on break. One day I'm going to laugh when you lose them.
Next time just take the keys and deliver them to TSC or the LOD. Tell them you found them in the Wave, but don't implicate anybody. Then watch the TM panic when he can't find his keys.

Nobody can fault you for taking good care of Target property.
Next time just take the keys and deliver them to TSC or the LOD. Tell them you found them in the Wave, but don't implicate anybody. Then watch the TM panic when he can't find his keys.

Nobody can fault you for taking good care of Target property.
Yup. Call ap and just shrug when they ask who they might be signed out to...That's what we sign then out for-so you can track them. All you need to know is they've been in the bailer for fifteen minutes.
To those two team members who called me away from the boat to ask me about my sex life. I was 14 when I lost my virginity and it was to a girl at bible camp. Also yes to everything else except that one thing which is a big huge NOPE. Ya'll need Jesus for that one.
My fellow TM's are all perverted college dudes and talk about shit I have never even heard of one here has any shame. That's what you get for living in a city with a major university. Drunk pervy people.

If only there was some sort of resource...for humans, to where you could report such incidents.
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Next time just take the keys and deliver them to TSC or the LOD. Tell them you found them in the Wave, but don't implicate anybody. Then watch the TM panic when he can't find his keys.

Nobody can fault you for taking good care of Target property.

Ironically another tm did this to him. He found the keys and put them in his pocket til the end of the shift. The guy was freaking out until he got them back at the end. Still does it though.
My fellow TM's are all perverted college dudes and talk about shit I have never even heard of one here has any shame. That's what you get for living in a city with a major university. Drunk pervy people.
Probably haven't done half of it and couldn't do the rest.
If only there was some sort of recourse...for humans, to where you could report such incidents.
Eh it was typical guy talk. If anything I was amused that they would even want to know this stuff about me.
To that Asshole who is the Starbux TL... I don't need your opinion about coffee and caffeine. Every time I go get my small cup of black coffee with one squirt of caramel flavor just make the drink and leave me be... everything is fine in moderation!
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