To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To That GSA and Those Cashiers:

Call for backup when you need it. No, really. GSA is covering guest services? Then cashiers need to call when needed!

There were about 15 pissed off guests and TMs waiting to check out at 2 registers on my lunch. And one of those cashiers was waiting for the LOD to respond to his walkie calls to fix a fuckup.

WTF, only 2 cashiers? Was it just your lunch period, or actual lunchtime? Unless the store just opened, 2 cashiers isn't enough.
To that one ETL: I have two cashiers. Our vibe score is going to blow. Stop hiding hours and schedule people. Also, we have one RedCard because people are pissed off. Go bother someone else.

To that one GSTL: stop threatening cashiers. I've been here awhile. It doesn't work. Never does, never will. Also since when can we make our own schedule? Really? Pulling a 3 hour shift on a weekend? Come on now. Also, no,'re going to get yourself fired. Keep going on.

To my stores exec team: you are the most unethical group of people I've ever had to work with. You make me hate working here everyday.

To anyone who wants to become a GSTL: run. Do not do it.
TToETL- Thank you for being an ETL that is actually worth a shit. Instead of griping about REDcards over the walkie while not actually giving a fuck about anything else in our area, you come to our area to genuinely check up on us and help us out, even jumping on for backup. You are very positive and encouraging and you work your ass off while treating others with respect and dignity. I was inspired by your encouragement today and it helped me out a lot. Thank you!!!
To corporate, thank you for your wonderful organization and process of clearance. Pulling 14 pallets and 3 flats from 6pm to 930pm tonight was super fun. You receive way too much seasonal furniture in the spring time and it doesn't sell. It happens every year. I wonder why? I know why because it's shitty Target brand merchandise that's ridiculously overpriced.

When I found out the price change was big


How I felt at 730pm


And when I got home after all of the clearance was pulled

To corporate, thank you for your wonderful organization and process of clearance. Pulling 14 pallets and 3 flats from 6pm to 930pm tonight was super fun. You receive way too much seasonal furniture in the spring time and it doesn't sell. It happens every year. I wonder why? I know why because it's shitty Target brand merchandise that's ridiculously overpriced.

When I found out the price change was big


How I felt at 730pm


And when I got home after all of the clearance was pulled


It sells at my store 😀

Sold so well we had to build the BTS short gondolas early.

A single six pack of soap should not be backstocked as a quantity of 6. One barcode means it is one item! I found the same mistake in three different locations...

I bet you are the same person who has been backstocking casepacks as a quantity of 1.


A single six pack of soap should not be backstocked as a quantity of 6. One barcode means it is one item! I found the same mistake in three different locations...

I bet you are the same person who has been backstocking casepacks as a quantity of 1.

I had to smack a new Flow TM for doing that one day. Like, isn't it obvious...? It was for me

EDIT: Nvm, thought you were talking about casepacks. Still...
@SFSFun we once had a TM who when pulling from PIPOs when it asked "Did you pull everything here?" would say "yes." Found that out when I was wondering why the system said we had 100+ things of water but only 20 on the floor and I knew we had just gotten a pallet on the truck the day before.

To that one SrTL: I've complained about you behind your back because of dumb decisions you make that make my job harder. But while I was flailing around and trying (poorly) not to lose my shit about batches you just jumped in and started SUBTing things to flex out. It's probably not best practices or whatever but you doing this helped a whole lot. I know I'll probably get mad about something else you did later but today you kind of really helped me out/saved my ass from completely freaking out.

To the STL: There are a metric assload of PTM batches for grocery and toys waiting to be pulled. This is probably the only day we finish scanning early and have time to work on other projects. Like the aforementioned pile of PTM batches. Maybe today is not the best time have us fill outs in furniture, bedding and a section of stationary that is nowhere near empty why is that in your notes? Unless the TL who relayed this to me got the wrong aisle? I don't know.

To the ETL: Cool, you've lasted longer than the last one. But I see you a hell of a lot less than her. Makes it harder to approach you when several months later you're still kind of a stranger.
I had to smack a new Flow TM for doing that one day. Like, isn't it obvious...? It was for me

EDIT: Nvm, thought you were talking about casepacks. Still...

The soap was packages like this:

The casepacks have just been random items in fillgroups all over the Main.
The soap was packages like this:

The casepacks have just been random items in fillgroups all over the Main.
Yeah, someones really gotta be dumb to put that in as six

Still, I'm surprised people thing case-packs should be input as one. Like, really? Read the pick label, please!
You know how HBA repacks will have things like bottles of shampoo wrapped together in packs of 3? We had a new Flow TM who was just putting those on the shelf. In the right location, just didn't unwrap them. Its amazing the mistakes new people make that seem like common sense to everyone else.
I'm talking about product that is sold by the individual bottle but come from the DC wrapped together in plastic. Are you not separating those ones?
You know how HBA repacks will have things like bottles of shampoo wrapped together in packs of 3? We had a new Flow TM who was just putting those on the shelf. In the right location, just didn't unwrap them. Its amazing the mistakes new people make that seem like common sense to everyone else.
I don't see this often but our new greeting card vendor does it ALL THE TIME. Because she's at least twice as slow as the last one who kicked ass and retired. So she will partially set the aisle on the racetrack and not unwrap the packs of like 4-5 cards. Ask me how many of those I've sold thinking they were Papyrus cards before I got a HUGE one and caught on.....ugh.
You know how HBA repacks will have things like bottles of shampoo wrapped together in packs of 3? We had a new Flow TM who was just putting those on the shelf. In the right location, just didn't unwrap them. Its amazing the mistakes new people make that seem like common sense to everyone else.
😵 I just realized what one of my frustrations has been caused by!!! For the last couple weeks, I've seen those damned "It's a 10" tubs of masque, the round things that I guess you scoop the product out of(?), in two spots. One, in the location it's always been (since the reset, anyway), and the other on an end cap, bundled in packs of two, plastic wrap holding them together. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why they were the same price and DCPI, but one bundled together and the other solo. Now I know that its the forking flow team screwing up again. I swear, they're the cause for 90% of the variances on my PIT Log. Though I do feel sheepish for not thinking of that or asking the cosmetics specialist what the difference was (but I did ask my boss, and she had no idea either!).
TTOTM thanks for sticking around to work pallets even after everyone slowly abandoned us. I appreciate the help. Also to that one ETL softlines isn't superior to Hardlines and my team busts their asses. Please stop being so rude to them and making them feel like they do nothing.
TTO Sr. GSTL: i wish i knew alot of different langauges so i can say FUCK YOU in each one. We have been red for the past two weeks because of your dumbass performance out most of our good cashiers and my best GSA. Im so glad the other two moved up to TL i wish i can help my last two out but the bullshit you been telling our ETL about them sigh I should have accepted that backroom TL position when it was offered.
There's a youtube video that tells you how 😉
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