To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTO Sr. GSTL: i wish i knew alot of different langauges so i can say FUCK YOU in each one. We have been red for the past two weeks because of your dumbass performance out most of our good cashiers and my best GSA. Im so glad the other two moved up to TL i wish i can help my last two out but the bullshit you been telling our ETL about them sigh I should have accepted that backroom TL position when it was offered.
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Ttotm: you are a very good friend. You're a great person and a great coworker.

What you don't realize sometimes is that when you don't call off when you're in a bind (this time because you were still very low from being sick) is this. When you come to work, the Flow equation counts you not only as here, but also at 100%. As soon as I saw what shape you were in, I knew you were probably at 20%. I know you feel guilty when (once in a very, very blue moon) you call off. I know you feel like we won't survive without you, and partly, that's true. But then it's actually noted and accommodated (to the best of everyone's ability) in our section because we are physically one man down.
You were dragging our time down and it almost certainly would have been taken of had you not been here, but it wasn't because we 'had everyone there.' When you can't work, don't be a hero. Please take a day off.
Ttotm: you are a very good friend. You're a great person and a great coworker.

What you don't realize sometimes is that when you don't call off when you're in a bind (this time because you were still very low from being sick) is this. When you come to work, the Flow equation counts you not only as here, but also at 100%. As soon as I saw what shape you were in, I knew you were probably at 20%. I know you feel guilty when (once in a very, very blue moon) you call off. I know you feel like we won't survive without you, and partly, that's true. But then it's actually noted and accommodated (to the best of everyone's ability) in our section because we are physically one man down.
You were dragging our time down and it almost certainly would have been taken of had you not been here, but it wasn't because we 'had everyone there.' When you can't work, don't be a hero. Please take a day off.
It's a shame spot doesn't give their employees sick days with pay.
^ I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Do they? Because if they do I will happily inform my coworker.
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