To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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And I know that is one of her reasons- well I need the money- but since you have the second job, just take off of this one. Just one day.
To GSTLs that like to micro-manage....SHUT UP!
To that one team leader: Next time you demand me to go up for backup, maybe you should state it in the form of a question, because I may not always be available. Also, it would hurt saying "please" every once in a while.

To that one team member: Sorry to hear you're considering putting your 2 weeks in. You were one of the better employees at our store. You were a good friend and I hope to see you around soon.
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Tomorrow will be fun when my idiotic STL will ask why cosmetics looks bad. I dont fucking know, maybe it's because I've been out of the department for four days?

He's always going on about how "the zone is important" yet doesn't support that claim go figure
Its is important: important you get it zoned whether you are there or not. Not being scheduled is NOT a good excuse-duh. 😉
TTOTM: Best of luck as our new GSA. I'm happy for you. I know you've only started training, but you did a fine job covering the front end during the closing GSA's breaks. With time, you will get used to speaking into a walkie and become comfortable in a leadership role.
TTOTM and TTOGSTL: Hanging over in photo just shooting the shit while the lanes are busy just pisses me and a lot of other cashiers off. To that same TM, I don't know how you still have a job. You're always throwing your Saturday shifts on the swap board, you call in, take 25-minute breaks instead of 15 and you BS when you're on the lanes. It's frustrating as hell.
Welcome back, lovecats!
How's the new job treating you?
I didn't realize that I never put on here that Hobby Lobby let me go on my birthday (July23rd last year). But I put in for Social Security making more per month than I was making working at Target or at HL. So it's worked out for the best. Had my first retail-free Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas in years. It was great!
TTOETLSL stop asking me when I'm getting married I'm 19 and not in any rush. Besides how do you know we're not already secretly married?
When I ask a TM to push clearance and the first thing out of their mouth is "Do I have a choice?"

No you fucking don't. Why can't you just do what I ask? I'm not being an asshole about it so what the fuck?
Ha but no seriously I was so nice and it's not like it was just her everyone including myself had to do it. It's just one of those responses that rubs me the wrong way.
Whenever I get asked "Can you do X?" I'm tempted to ask if I really have a choice. Because phrasing something as a question when its really a command bugs me.
@Loki you are going to have a daughter.
Do you realize how often you will get a response exactly like that one?

I swore if I heard the word "Whatever" out of my daughters mouths again my head would explode.

Just think of this as your training for parenthood.
It has as many similarities except for changing diapers. draw your eyebrows on WAY too close together. It's all I can focus on whenever we speak. Sometimes I imagine that they're whispering secrets to each other.
@Loki Just think of this as your training for parenthood.
It has as many similarities except for changing diapers.
No matter how much training I get I have a feeling I will never be properly prepared for what is about to be thrown at me. I can only hope by the time she grows up and moves out that I still have my sanity.
Whenever I get asked "Can you do X?" I'm tempted to ask if I really have a choice. Because phrasing something as a question when its really a command bugs me.

On the flip side though, it sounds more respectful to ask someone to do something rather than command them to do it. They aren't coming from a bad place when they ask instead of tell, even though you don't actually have a choice in the matter.
I prefer when I'm asked instead of told to do something, as it gives me a chance to ask to finish my current task first.

ETL: Hey SFS, can you go help push some freight for a bit?
Me: Sure, but is it ok if I finish packing these last few orders first?
ETL: Of course!

Sounds a lot better than:

ETL: Hey SFS, I need you to go push some freight.
Me: Ok, but I really need to finish packing these orders.
ETL: Its ok, I just need you out there for 30 minutes.
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To that one team member who nobody really likes ... I like you and your doing an awesome job! Your a team player and when I need help your always there! my fellow stockers...stop over stocking! It looks like shit! Get your act together and take pride in your work. I know they rush the hell out of us but just take that extra few seconds and make it look good ! 🙂
To That GSA and Those Cashiers:

Call for backup when you need it. No, really. GSA is covering guest services? Then cashiers need to call when needed!

There were about 15 pissed off guests and TMs waiting to check out at 2 registers on my lunch. And one of those cashiers was waiting for the LOD to respond to his walkie calls to fix a fuckup.
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