Archived To the stores that have switched flow team over to 6am start times.

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Front of Store Attendant
Apr 19, 2012
One question: Does it get any easier?

Maybe it's just because it's the first day, but holy hell, everyone's stress level was hanging on by a thread at our store's first day doing this. The backroom looked like an LA traffic jam this morning at rush hour with team members jockeying for an exit to the sales floor amidst garbage, box crates, powered equipment, hard lines pulls, the list goes on.

I was walking on egg shells everywhere I went. LOD's were stressed too, because nobody was able to do their jobs because some other team member, piece of equipment, crate of garbage, or entire isles were blocked with crap. I don't see how we can function like this! Most importantly, I'm sure the guests are going to be giving a lot of negative feedback about their shopping experience with isles being clogged with garbage and team members stocking shelves.

What a day...
Thanks Bullseye, you rock. I'm off tomorrow, so I'm definitely throwing a few back tonight. Can I buy you a drink? Name your poison, I'll have the bartender bring it right over.
Yeah, it's ridiculous. My store is 4am, open at 8.

The backroom is a mess. Presentation team is still doing their thing even at around noon. There's no room to move around. The boxes are overflowing because we can't make a bale.
We started the 6 am process yesterday. I hate it because now flow/backroom/presentation/pricing and instocks all start work at the same time now, which means lots of waiting at the time clock to clock in and everyone going to lunch at the same time. its chaotic
We started 6am two weeks ago, it's easy when the trucks are smaller. We had a massive truck yesterday, unload wasn't done until like 7:30. That was a nightmare.

As your team gets used to the process/leadership makes adjustments, it'll get less tense.
We started the 6 am process yesterday. I hate it because now flow/backroom/presentation/pricing and instocks all start work at the same time now, which means lots of waiting at the time clock to clock in and everyone going to lunch at the same time. its chaotic

Do you actually have enough pda's or lpda's for everyone?
For all 6am and 7:30am stores: How many gm trucks do you get a week?
3 trucks (6am store)

The bigger trucks are tough (especially the first two in the week) but the third truck isn't too bad (unless we're getting a huge transition/end of season push).
We started this week too. I'm still trying to figure out how long it's going to take our TL and ETL to figure out that 2 people breaking out softlines is not going to work...
We started the 6 am process yesterday. I hate it because now flow/backroom/presentation/pricing and instocks all start work at the same time now, which means lots of waiting at the time clock to clock in and everyone going to lunch at the same time. its chaotic

Do you actually have enough pda's or lpda's for everyone?

No lol. They actually keep the equipment room locked and let only people in who absolutely have to have them. If you dont have to have one to do your job, you arent getting one. Some people share though too
It does get the 6 am process distric trainer in my area and the advice i give to etl and tl is to go in with a winnibg attitude and dont be afraid to make mistakes. your not gonna get it the first day maybe not even the first month but with some trail and error you find wat works.
For all 6am and 7:30am stores: How many gm trucks do you get a week?

My store gets three GM trucks a week. Average size is roughly 2000 pieces which is a bit deceptive because two days a week get 1600-1800 pieces while the third day we get a 2500-2800 truck. All three days get the same staffing. On the day of the monster truck it's common for the backstock to still be there on the next truck day and the flow team is often still in the store until 3 or 4 PM with pallets on the floor the whole time.
In terms of the team being used to it, yes, it does get better. No matter how much you try though, you are still dealing with the same amount of product and you lose pretty much all ability to bowl. We moved to 6AM about 20 months ago. We're adjusted and it seems normal now. What worked for 4 AM needs to be tweaked, but give it time.
We are a ULV store and about a year ago switched from 6am to 7:30am unload. We used to get 3 trucks/week averaging about 1200-1600 pieces so pretty small in comparison to many of the others stores in this forum, so I understood why it made sense to switch our unload time, my only wish is that during 4th quarter we could get an ok to unload again at 6am as guests are in right at 8 asking for this or that and it's still being unloaded so we have to tell them to come back later after we've got it on a flat or pallet to go through. We average 2 or so guest comments about the pallet clutter and carts in the aisles while the store is open, but I can only imagine what you A-C volume stores deal with if you've switched unload times. Today we did have our STL tell us a huddle that our store is one of only 17 in the entire company that will be moving to an all day unload process, truck unloads at 7:30am but our truck team will be split up and some will work 7:30-1 while others work 12-5:30 shifts to give us more time to vibe with guests and freight will be prioritized on area and worked until complete or 5:30, whichever comes first and our store hours are shifting to a 9am-9pm Monday-Saturday and 9am-8pm Sunday schedule; this all starts at the end of this month. I understand the only staying open til 9 as we do maybe a grand or so in that final hour if that, but I don't understand the all day unload and the 9am opening. I'm curious as to what you all think of this interesting ULV pilot and if anyone else on the board will be going through this. Have a great day all and I love this site! It is my go-to for info and feedback!
Sounds like the all day unload is to fully combine Salesfloor team and flow team. Sounds like it is going to suck ALOT. Since they are splitting the team, your gunna have the same amount as hours, so if yall always finished everything late now, expect to go that much over after 5:30. For example at my store, i am always staying for an extra 30-1:30 extra to finish pushing everything so if we switched to that the lastest we would be done is 6pm. Also. they will prob expect you guys to push the reshop too since they will prob be cutting back the salesfloor hours, if any.
We started the 6 am process yesterday. I hate it because now flow/backroom/presentation/pricing and instocks all start work at the same time now, which means lots of waiting at the time clock to clock in and everyone going to lunch at the same time. its chaotic
Dont forget Pfresh coming in at 6am as well 🙂
We are a ULV store and about a year ago switched from 6am to 7:30am unload. We used to get 3 trucks/week averaging about 1200-1600 pieces so pretty small in comparison to many of the others stores in this forum, so I understood why it made sense to switch our unload time, my only wish is that during 4th quarter we could get an ok to unload again at 6am as guests are in right at 8 asking for this or that and it's still being unloaded so we have to tell them to come back later after we've got it on a flat or pallet to go through. We average 2 or so guest comments about the pallet clutter and carts in the aisles while the store is open, but I can only imagine what you A-C volume stores deal with if you've switched unload times. Today we did have our STL tell us a huddle that our store is one of only 17 in the entire company that will be moving to an all day unload process, truck unloads at 7:30am but our truck team will be split up and some will work 7:30-1 while others work 12-5:30 shifts to give us more time to vibe with guests and freight will be prioritized on area and worked until complete or 5:30, whichever comes first and our store hours are shifting to a 9am-9pm Monday-Saturday and 9am-8pm Sunday schedule; this all starts at the end of this month. I understand the only staying open til 9 as we do maybe a grand or so in that final hour if that, but I don't understand the all day unload and the 9am opening. I'm curious as to what you all think of this interesting ULV pilot and if anyone else on the board will be going through this. Have a great day all and I love this site! It is my go-to for info and feedback!

This frightens me. We are ULV, so it's possible that our store could go to these shopping hours, though my guess is not likely. What a great way to cut our hours. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
Our store sounds very similar to jjman114's. It's not quite that bad yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
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