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Nope. Saved my $$ early.
Maybe you could have pulled this off in like 1980 with a couple roomates. But if you're paying rent for a one bedroom apartment, you couldn't afford rent, electricity, water, internet, phone, grocery, car insurance, etc, on 35 hours a week at 6.50
This was early 2000s. I lived in a single bedroom "efficiency" apartment 10x10 bedroom with a 10x13 living room, the "kitchen" was inset in the hallway between the bedroom and living room. $420/month rent
average electric $50/month, internet water and gas included, prepaid cellphone with no data plan. Took the bus most places, grocery store was 2 blocks away.
This was early 2000s. I lived in a single bedroom "efficiency" apartment 10x10 bedroom with a 10x13 living room, the "kitchen" was inset in the hallway between the bedroom and living room. $420/month rent
average electric $50/month, internet water and gas included, prepaid cellphone with no data plan. Took the bus most places, grocery store was 2 blocks away.
Ok, so basically you lived in near poverty one pay check away from being a street person, and we are to believe nothing ever went wrong in life to cause any decrease in your monthly pay (i.e. hours cuts that every TM in the company suffers except for you apparently), or any unexpected bill ever came up. (i.e. had to go to the doctor, get blood work, etc)
35 hours a week at 6.50 is $910 for the month *before* taxes/health insurance/other deductions. After all of those you were probably looking at $800 take home net pay. (actually probably less, but let's just be generous) Also let's just say you are the most incredible TM in the company and were always guaranteed 35 hours a week.
So after your rent and electric (which seems way too low even in the most ghetto parts of the country) you would have $330 left over.
So what about food for the whole month? Let's assume you lived on rice, boxed food, canned food, etc. (basically the cheapest food from the grocery store) That would be at least $150 a month. Again, pretty unbelieveable but let's just say. So now you would have $180 left over for the whole month.
Ok so let's just assume the above is how you lived.
So, what happened if one week of the month you got 15 hours, the next you got 20, and the other two you got 35 hours? (and please, don't BS me and tell me it never happened. No TM will always get 35 hours every week of the year. Hell, I am a TL and even I have had hours cut) That would mean you just lost a little over $200 for the month. Guess what? You would no longer have enough money to pay the extremely limited bills noted above. You are now behind on your bills because you ran out of money and are on the street.
We are not even factoring in other expenses. What if you needed clothing, had to visit the doctor, needing cleaning supplies, etc? Don't tell me you had the money for it, because you simply wouldn't have it. Don't even pretend you had a car.
*Maybe* if you were on tons of welfare programs you could have pulled it off, but without a kid that is pretty unlikely. And if you want to say you had a kid, don't even get me started on how much they cost.
Honestly you sound like some of the teenagers at my store who sit around talking about how they can't wait to move out from mom and dads thanks to their new target job. They have no clue how much living on their own actually costs. I have a feeling you are actually a teenager/early 20's living at home under your parents health insurance plan and are trying to tell us who are much older than you with kids/family to support/actual medical problems that we should have no complaints. The fact you don't realize how incredibly ridiculous and unbelievable your "I made it on $6.50/hour living on my own" story sounds pretty much confirms my suspicions.
So don't sit around and tell us we should be doing great in life while you are living off of mom and dad who likely make $80,000 a year while you live all bills paid.
i would be curious to see how this opinion varies based on length of time with the company rather than position. i am a tl. i'm not spouting a company line. i think they're getting too top heavy with management and too concerned with the political and shareholders' agendas to worry about selling stuff. our competition is getting more fierce, stealing our tricks that made us a stand out, now they are seeing more traffic. we do not have the same level of talent on the actual sales floor because we are cutting dept. specific positions and all that remains are elts checking their email offstage for hours on end. someone making 8 bucks is not going to work as hard as someone making 12, unless they're part of the dangling carrot management technique. you lose your experience to other retailers when the pay is the same but the benefits are not par and you can't take care of your family.for all the people whining that older people need to leave and let the young part timers have it, you ARE getting older. it doesn't take long for time to creep up or to have unforseen circumstances happen and you end up spending a decade at spot and becoming one of the dreaded old folks. it's not a wage issue, a benefit issue, a promotional issue, etc.; it's a culmination of these. your employees are getting hit from all directions and when the open door policy isn't really what it is supposed to be, they lose faith in their managers and lose faith in the company. we all know spot will screw us over for a dollar deep down inside, but when they wave that dollar around and smack you with it, it angers you.
i think the people who are here longer are seeing more of the downward trend of respect and organization ability and are plain old pissed off at what they see. some of them will leave. some of them will be termed. some are getting the "union" ideas planted, for better or for worse. target needs to tread carefully. they're no longer the publics eye candy and they are making mistakes with their workforce that will end up depleting their stores and leaving a sour taste with their guests. for me it has nothing to do with living beyond my means, it's more like, i've worked extremely hard, and want to retire one day. doesn't matter where. but i don't want to see my fellow tm screwed over or lied to. i don't want to be mistreated or disrespected because of my age, gender, race, degree abilities. i just want to come to work, do my job, and save the drama for party night.
Hate to break it you guys, the work we do I could train a 7 year old to do... The world is not fair and thats just how it is... The logic of paying everyone 40k a year is funny to me... Do you not realise Target has overhead? You do realise all of those daily sales isnt straight profit? Do you ever look at the AP tracking tool of how much items cost? Target loses money on some things that we sell and to make up for that it has to make it up on other things....
Lets take a box of storage totes Lets say there are 6 in there and they cost $10 each retail and target pays $7 each .. Meaning you sell all 6 you get $60. Take out the $42 in Target cost means without any other cost involved in this item its $18 bucks profit for this box.... Well you forget you have the guy at the DC who has to pull that item who makes $14 bucks an hour and the time it takes them to get it on the truck is probably I'd say 5 minutes of time. So thats another $1.15 of cost in that one item.. Well it takes your team another 10 minutes of payroll to unload it from truck, bowl it, push it. This employee is making $10 an hour. Meaning now your store has used another $1.68 of this items profit. If you happen to break 1 of those 6 which does tend to happen with these totes even after the chargeback process your still out another $5 bucks. So now the profit on that box is like $10.... Now you have to take out the cost of operating such as bags, land rent, electricity, paying the ETLs, cost of the cleaning crew, cost of gifts for your team, paying the people at corporate, and all the other cost that go into running a store. People dont think of these things when they think they are screwed with pay. Its a business they need to make money. Im sure if you owned your own store you would want to make as much as possible also.
Now onto the 40k a year thing... No good could ever come of that... If everyone made 40k inflation would go through the roof... It would just balance out with the cost of goods going up in price. That 15k car would turn into a 25k car, that $1 sweet tea at mcdonalds would go to $1.50. The movies would go from $24 a ticket to $50 a ticket =). If everyones take home pay went up in the country the supply of everything would be less meaning higher prices...
Also if people could make 40k a year working retail as a donkey less and less people would go to college and while your talent pool at Target would probably be much higher the stores would be much more picky in who they pick to work their meaning the people who really need to be working these jobs would be out of luck because more and more people would want this job so those who's talents would only normally be able to land them a retail or fast food job are now out of luck.
People need to learn to live within their means. My team lead spent half of last year as a team member and half as a team lead and he only made $22k last year and he was able to support him and his gf who is currently in school. We also live in a state with one of the highest cost of living. They got a roomate, they dont have cable, they dont go out and party ever weekend, he doesnt wear $100 dollar shoes, he shops in bulk. Not everyone is ment to drive a BMW, own a big house or go on vacations all the time... Work hard for what you want and in the meantime be smart with what you do have.
The movies would go from $24 a ticket to $50 a ticket =).
No, rent is not $700/month MINIMUM everywhere as you point out:
Again, my old property manager has multiple places available for sub $500, and you only have to pay heat and electric.
On that point I'm going to try and be done with this. I'm sorry I was able to live cheaply for years, I guess it truly is impossible to have done so.
Naters and JuicedSoftball you are NEITHER ONE "sensible" but rather completely selfish and uncaring people who don't have a heart or a brain if you don't realize PEOPLE are what matters NOT money, life NEEDS to be FAIRER and EVERY poll demonstrates that!