Archived Virginia Strike

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Look, I can copy and paste too,

" are a few very limited exceptions. For example, an employee may not be discriminated against or terminated because he has filed a safety complaint or exercised his rights under OSHA law."

Sure, Virginia may be an at-will state, this isn't a clean cut issue if there's a valid complaint on the STL since the complaints are directly about TM safety from inappropriate conduct. There's aren't enough details to really come to any conclusions, but I don't think it would be wise to fire all the employees who went on strike if Target dropped the ball on a pretty standard HR issue. That's begging for a lawsuit. But who knows, maybe the TMs are completely wrong and they're just trying to get out of doing the zone.

I felt like you were trying to give a hidden message with the bolded letters but all I saw was cayast and I was confused.
EEOC has to get complaints from workers at the store & do an investigation that can take up to 45 days. The strike is a a union group with 1 seasonal hired team member who complaint on social media & not with the hotline or EEOC.
OHSA regulations:
There are currently no specific OSHA standards for workplace violence.

However, under the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are required to provide their employees with a place of employment that is “free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious harm." The courts have interpreted OSHA's general duty clause to mean that an employer has a legal obligation to provide a workplace free of conditions or activities that either the employer or industry recognizes as hazardous and that cause, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm to employees when there is a feasible method to abate the hazard.

An employer that has experienced acts of workplace violence, or becomes aware of threats, intimidation, or other indicators showing that the potential for violence in the workplace exists, would be on notice of the risk of workplace violence and should implement a workplace violence prevention program combined with engineering controls, administrative controls, and training.


Seriously. Read their Day 2 article (Day 2 Recap) After being told that the STL was under investigation

This news lifted our spirits, proving that what workers had tried individually for years, we finally accomplished with collective action and community support. While we support this move by Target we also won’t entrust our fight for justice in the hands of a corporation. That duty belongs directly to us rank and file workers.

They want a kangaroo court.
I felt like you were trying to give a hidden message with the bolded letters but all I saw was cayast and I was confused.

That would have been a great idea, I wish I had done that.
Commie was correct when he mentioned "Concerted Activity" and this is in the LOD training. If any group people tell you they are all calling in to work because of X reason relating to working conditions, this is a protected right that they have and there are steps outlined on what to say and what to do. Odds are the leaders are this store are just morons.
I feel bad for the workers if this has been going on and nothing has been done about it. Even if they didnt report to the hotline if people went to the etl-hr doesnt she/he have a duty to do something? There was a testimony posted on the blog of the website where a worker did go to her on her last day of work with complaints about flow etl and the etl hr was taking notes and going to fix it asap lol then she complained about the stl and the etl hr says the stl has a good heart and means well...

Wtf??? How can they just cover for this guy..
Another Worker Testimony
Many non-union employers do not believe that their employees can strike -- and if it happens they tend to react in illegal ways, like threatening employees or even discharging them. The National Labor Relations Board, in a recent decision, reiterated that non-union employees, in fact, do have the right to strike.

Facts of the Case: In Amglo Kemlite Laboratories, Inc., employees at a non-union lighting manufacturer stopped work one morning to protest the lack of wage increases. The employer directed them to return to work or leave the premises immediately, but they remained inside the facility for several hours. The employer threatened to discharge half of the workers. After several days of protesting outside the plant, most of the workers eventually returned to work. However, the employer told 22 employees that there were no jobs for them because work was being moved to its facility in Mexico. The employer was then charged with violating the National Labor Relations Act by interfering with the employees’ rights to engage in protected concerted activity.

Shawe Rosenthal LLP - Publications - Non-Union Employees Have the Right to Strike
Target will not recognize this as a strike - but as job abandonment if the picketers are supposed to be working. If not, the company has every right to have them escorted off the property if Target owns it. If they won't let girl scout cookies be sold, what are the odds that str
If you check out their blog, Target already called the cops.
A measuring tape was used and it was determined the strikers were far enough away to be legal.

Target may not want to recognize this as a strike but as long as the workers have a good Labor lawyer and can keep to the rules, Spot may have to suck it up.
By keeping to the high ground and fighting this in the media, the handful of workers involved in this are making Spot look very bad.
With the right representation Spot won't have any choice but to cave.
Target did not call the cops. The cops were shopping and patrol that shopping center all the time.
Please know that this is a one sided story. I am not going to comment on if things happen or didn't, because honestly I don't know. However, what I do know is I have worked there for a good period and have never heard or seen anything like this.
I don't think Target would want the bad publicity of firing anyone. They would rather try to make everyone happy and sing kumbaya lol. You all know this company has no balls.
I kinda skimmed through the testimonies. From what inread, the "inappropriate touching" seems to just be a hand on the back. The first one mentioned a hand on the neck, but idk.
The fact that they have a blog for this kinda irks me the wrong way and makes it feel ingenuine to me. Or who knows maybe the dude is a dick.
I kinda skimmed through the testimonies. From what inread, the "inappropriate touching" seems to just be a hand on the back. The first one mentioned a hand on the neck, but idk.
The fact that they have a blog for this kinda irks me the wrong way and makes it feel ingenuine to me. Or who knows maybe the dude is a dick.

Oh I fully believe that some of this is exaggerated
A union would threaten the whole business model. A couple unhappy employees can be pacified as evident by them declaring the strike over

I agree, but lets not say they want kumbaya. They want money, and they'll do whatever is in the best interest of making said money, whether its closing a store, or firing employees.
I agree, but lets not say they want kumbaya. They want money, and they'll do whatever is in the best interest of making said money, whether its closing a store, or firing employees.

My union wants what is best for me and my coworkers.
They don't always hit the mark but they do their best.
The union dues I pay are minimal and go to things like paying for the negotiating team.
I also pay into the politics fund but that is my choice, you don't have to.
Every bit of the cash is accounted for.
My union wants what is best for me and my coworkers.
They don't always hit the mark but they do their best.
The union dues I pay are minimal and go to things like paying for the negotiating team.
I also pay into the politics fund but that is my choice, you don't have to.
Every bit of the cash is accounted for.

I'm talking about spot >.<
I wonder if this will encourage any reform to the system, corporate wide? There are a lot of stores and I'm sure there are other's with STLs/ETLs/TLs... all abusing their power, poorly trained or otherwise that are going ignored/under the radar. Current culture seems so departed from when I joined Target (5 years ago) and the overall morale seems abysmal (at least at my store it is).
Maybe, but I suspect they will just have all the ETLs and STLs take one sexual harassment training and that will be it.
This will be all the CYA they need to fire someone if HR gets a complaint and makes them look proactive.
It's just a band-aid but that's what most major corporations do.
Well I'm glad the STL is gone.... hopefully they will get a new ETL HR since the current one didn't report the complaints.... or they are going to need an amazing STL to come and make everyone happy again
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