Archived VM TL

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Totally understand wanting someone who is qualified. However dismissing someone because they currently are employed by spot is asinine. I know in my store they have told a few potential candidates that they wanted outside hires. These team members had experience in the arts fields,design, merchandising etc but because they are currently employed by Target they are not ideal candidates. They want someone untouched by Target. Basically you are still following a planogram. The merchandising part comes into play when the presentation begins to break. So we are going to bring in brand new people who will still have to learn the basics of Target. Just another situation where Target is overlooking the talent that may be in the store currently for a risk.

Every outside hire I have seen for any TL position has quit within a few months at my store. Granted there hasnt been many but its happened to every single one. I assume this position would still have to backup cashier, help with working huddle, freshness fridays, answering call boxes and other projects there are to do. Every other position has to ..not sure why this would be any different
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So where exactly are they opening this new position? A City Target in my area has opened it but my store which is humongous hasn't. What are the requirements for a store to be given this new role? target? really? Idk about yours but the one around me is tiny. How easy of a job would that be for that high of pay at that store
What about to all least the ones who had to pick up the slack of losing the CTL position. You think my TL or ETL I report to has any impact or helps at all in Market/Pfresh with anything..that would be a big fat no. And what did we get for having the CTL position entirely cut. Less hours and not a cent of pay higher.

I understand that the margin on food is not that high and target probably doesnt make all that much revenue on food, but that is probably one area that needs the most attention and if they dont want to give it the attention it needs honestly they should just gut it and expand softlines
We have kept our ctl position even though it was supposed to be cut. Our market makes enough to sort the fight...
I just accepted this position at my store. I think we have 2 weeks left in our 6 week remodel. I start training next week.
Part of me is freaking out cause I'm helping cover the areas of some of our mbtm cause they moved to work remodel.
What interview questions did they give you? And how many interviews did you have?

What are your hours like?
Visual Merchandising... that's an interesting field... I hope they also keep in mind, the logistics part...Focus on execution, and effectiveness of presentation to generate further sales.
What interview questions did they give you? And how many interviews did you have?

What are your hours like?
I did 4 interviews. SF ETL, HR ETL, stl, then dtl. They're formatted like TM interviews, situation, behavior, outcome questions, but leadership oriented.
With the stl, there was a packet. They show you a few pictures of what's considered brand, then show you pictures that aren't brand and ask you what you'd do to improve the area.

Hours: 7a to 330p m-thur. Close one night a week. Then alternating weekends with a mid shift Saturday and 6am start on Sunday.
I have an interview on Monday. I'm really excited about the opportunity - this sounds like a job that I would love! I have been a TL in the past, so have been through this type of interview, but I know that I'll need an edge. I'm not sure if others have applied, but I do know that 2 other tm's have degrees in retail merchandising. I have experience to draw upon, but my degree is in another field so I feel like I may be just that one step behind if either of them have applied. Any suggestions on how I can move to just that one step ahead?
I did 4 interviews. SF ETL, HR ETL, stl, then dtl. They're formatted like TM interviews, situation, behavior, outcome questions, but leadership oriented.
With the stl, there was a packet. They show you a few pictures of what's considered brand, then show you pictures that aren't brand and ask you what you'd do to improve the area.

Hours: 7a to 330p m-thur. Close one night a week. Then alternating weekends with a mid shift Saturday and 6am start on Sunday.

Are those hours set for VMLs across the board or are they just for your store/district?
After seeing the post about the position listed on Craigslist I took a peek and another store in the district had it listed (along with a ton of Target Mobile positions). I had hr rescind my SF TL application so I could officially apply for this position. Applied today, gonna drop a resume on my ETL-HR's desk as soon as I can hunt down a printer.
I did 4 interviews. SF ETL, HR ETL, stl, then dtl. They're formatted like TM interviews, situation, behavior, outcome questions, but leadership oriented.
With the stl, there was a packet. They show you a few pictures of what's considered brand, then show you pictures that aren't brand and ask you what you'd do to improve the area.

Hours: 7a to 330p m-thur. Close one night a week. Then alternating weekends with a mid shift Saturday and 6am start on Sunday.

What did they start you off at if you don't mind me asking? Are you enjoying it so far?
I have an interview on Monday. I'm really excited about the opportunity - this sounds like a job that I would love! I have been a TL in the past, so have been through this type of interview, but I know that I'll need an edge. I'm not sure if others have applied, but I do know that 2 other tm's have degrees in retail merchandising. I have experience to draw upon, but my degree is in another field so I feel like I may be just that one step behind if either of them have applied. Any suggestions on how I can move to just that one step ahead?
Go, @Rarejem, go!
Thanks HL! I feel really good about it and am hopeful. I won't feel bad, though, if either of the other two get it. They'd be really good, too.
Can anyone who is currently a VM TL give me a run down of their day to day chores?

I am just a PA, but have been recognized in the past by our GTL for pretty much "what I imagine" a VM TL does.. I also have a Bacherlor's degree in the Arts, while not "Visual Merchandising" I would think Graphic Design/Computer Graphics would be pretty damn close, I believe both want to end up at the same goal..

I guess my real question is "How much personal creativity are you allowed to invest in your projects, or is it more, "Corporate wants it like this, make it happen!" type of deal.

Also what is your day to day routine like?
My wife interviewed for the VM TL position on Monday (she's not currently a spot employee)...interviewed with someone from HR and someone else from softlines...when she asked what she would actually be doing in the position neither one of them could tell her really (this store doesn't have the new home area and won't until 2016 sometime).

The other thing that seemed really odd about the interview process is that neither of them asked about her qualifications and experience/background...
I was looking on Workbench and I'm not understanding why they want someone with design experience when they have pictures that tell u wut they want and how they want it. The entire VML handbook is pretty much on there.
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Are those hours set for VMLs across the board or are they just for your store/district?
I think that's just for my district. I haven't met any vml's from,other places.
@iamme I like it so far. It's a little challenging sometimes, but according to the higher ups I'm doing great. And the team leads have been awesome in supporting me as I learn. It'll be a learning experience for you and everyone else in the store.
Can anyone who is currently a VM TL give me a run down of their day to day chores?

I am just a PA, but have been recognized in the past by our GTL for pretty much "what I imagine" a VM TL does.. I also have a Bacherlor's degree in the Arts, while not "Visual Merchandising" I would think Graphic Design/Computer Graphics would be pretty damn close, I believe both want to end up at the same goal..

I guess my real question is "How much personal creativity are you allowed to invest in your projects, or is it more, "Corporate wants it like this, make it happen!" type of deal.

Also what is your day to day routine like?

You do get an adjacency. So when new merchandise comes you get that telling you how to set everything.
The creativity part comes in as stuff sells through, you have to remerchandise. They stress not having empty spots in those areas in the store.
Stress your background in graphic design. You know what looks good, and can stage merchandise in a way that draws the guests eyes. (I crochet and was told I should work in my creativity in further interviews.)
I've been watching them interview for everything but this position...either they are twiddling their thumbs or avoiding it.
some disctricts/stores are taking this VML positions over the top. yes there is some freedom to merchandise and be creative however it is no more than a softlines tl doing a va when there is no product, you are still bound by targets brand guidlines. My STL even said after i was signed off that your work is practically laid out for your on a silver platter if you understand the concept of color matching. This positions does not require 2 years of visual merchandising, and if you had that experience you would be frustrated when your told you must use the guidelines.
Just got told I'd be going up for my interview this coming Monday! What should I expect?
Overheard the STL talking about an applicant today. She did not interview well, did 50% on the assessment but she has a COLLEGE DEGREE in merchandising and had never worked at Target. Give me a damn break! There are 5 people in our store that want that position, have applied for that position and are not even getting an interview. Sometimes I simply cannot understand the way management thinks. I will make a bet they hire the college degree person and she will be gone before the first of the year. Once she has had a day of backup cashiering, no coverage on the sales floor and no equipment to do the job she will run for the door.
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