Archived What is Target's weather policy?

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They are already shutting down roads in the northern half of my state. Will have to check the weather in the AM to see if I can even get to work.
State of emergency declared! Everything is closed except my store. I think I've lost a little respect for my STL
I believe there's a law about certain stores staying open during emergencies. But I wouldn't come in if the weather was that bad.
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East Coaster here. Got to work on time even though it took me the better part of an hour to brush off and shovel in front of my car, and I was creeping at 30mph down a 50mph road. By the time I left at 11 (cash office shift) the roads were perfect, just wet.
My state's also in a state of emergency. Past several days, we've had >3/4 of the DC staff call out. We were also duly informed by the execs that it is still accountable time, and if they are looking to axe you for attendance or otherwise, they can and will use weather-related call outs against you.
We were also duly informed by the execs that it is still accountable time, and if they are looking to axe you for attendance or otherwise, they can and will use weather-related call outs against you.
Yet, if someone is badly injured or killed in a weather-related mishap, they will admonish you for taking foolish risks bla bla bla....
My store knew bad weather was a possibility today you would think something would of been said in the huddle about the steps you take especially seeing how we have a bunch of new team members. Not a word was said. Now the ice melted some but I'm sure it will refreeze tonight if i call out 2 days will it be held against me? Who knows.
My store knew bad weather was a possibility today you would think something would of been said in the huddle about the steps you take especially seeing how we have a bunch of new team members. Not a word was said. Now the ice melted some but I'm sure it will refreeze tonight if i call out 2 days will it be held against me? Who knows.
If your store is anything like mine....they can and will cancel or rearrange the truck schedule for a major visit etc...but they are not willing to do the same for the safety of their team....go figure
3 feet of snow and black ice?! Not good enough to allow the store to lose money and have unhappy guests that want a mocha latte during a snowstorm. I dealt with this bs at my last job, usually got half hour notice if we were closing and then sometimes the store would be open if the main road was clear enough but they forgot people live on side roads where the snow wasn't cleared yet. It should not be so complicated and big of a deal to open a RETAIL store later etc when there is bad weather and I don't think most stores know how to do the right thing instead of running around like chickens without heads. States need to start making work laws about this.
3 feet of snow and black ice?! Not good enough to allow the store to lose money and have unhappy guests that want a mocha latte during a snowstorm. I dealt with this bs at my last job, usually got half hour notice if we were closing and then sometimes the store would be open if the main road was clear enough but they forgot people live on side roads where the snow wasn't cleared yet. It should not be so complicated and big of a deal to open a RETAIL store later etc when there is bad weather and I don't think most stores know how to do the right thing instead of running around like chickens without heads. States need to start making work laws about this.

You tend to forget who pays for the lawmakers in most states.
The Chamber of Commerce is one of biggest single sources of money right behind the Koch brothers and they represent a good portion of those retail stores.
You aren't going to see laws that favor employees like that anytime soon.
The only reason the minimum wage increases are going through is because the general public favors them by 70 to 80%.
Long time lurking since I left Spot. From what I am seeing I believe some of your are in TN counties or Middle TN counties. The weather has been horrible for driving with icy roads, single digit tempatures, etc... I didn't think my company would go on day three but low and behold we got a text saying our offices would be closed tomorrow (has been closed since Monday). Honestly, your safety is worth more than guests wants. I think we could all take a lesson from what Publix did the other day during this snowy weather:
The Chamber of Commerce is one of biggest single sources of money right behind the Koch brothers and they represent a good portion of those retail stores.
Everyone also tends to forget that even though it's name makes it seem like it is a government agency, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is NOT a part of any government, much like Federal Express (FedEx) isn't associated with the Federal Government. The Chamber is just a private political advocacy group, you could probably call it a super PAC in favor of capitalists and against labor.
You tend to forget who pays for the lawmakers in most states.
The Chamber of Commerce is one of biggest single sources of money right behind the Koch brothers and they represent a good portion of those retail stores.
You aren't going to see laws that favor employees like that anytime soon.
The only reason the minimum wage increases are going through is because the general public favors them by 70 to 80%.
I agree and it's a shame, I loved how Target in Canada had to give you 11 hours between shifts. Another reason I believe min wage increases is because the government wants to spend less money on food stamps etc so between that and getting votes it's in their own self interest mostly not ours 🙁
From what I understand, STLs have to get permission from the DTL or Corporate to close the store during operation hours.
Through the years, our store has closed early due to weather but has never not opened at all. My store has several team members who would crawl down an icy road...just to say they made it. Then they will bad mouth anyone else who dares to call in because of weather.
Through the years, our store has closed early due to weather but has never not opened at all. My store has several team members who would crawl down an icy road...just to say they made it. Then they will bad mouth anyone else who dares to call in because of weather.

I have driven in weather that pushed my skill and ego to beyond its limit, but what a lot of what you guys are seeing is biblical. And I know the main roads maybe at least passable, but getting to the main road? Yeah not happening..

I will tell you all that my area of the country would be screwed if we got half the snowfall you guys are getting.
Maybe it's a good thing that I live in an area that regularly experiences a lake effect. We're ready for almost anything this time of year. My city's DPW is really racking up the OT with all the plowing and salting. The roads are still bad sometimes, but most of us have experience driving in snow because it happens every year.
The people who have lost their lives in this mess weren't reported to be inexperienced drivers nor were they speeding. Driving on ice in freezing weather is dangerous. Oh the poor STL has to get permission to close the store? Man up! Do the right thing. And yes, we have the ones that will crawl to get there and feel superior because they did. Sorry! Not impressed! It's Target, you didn't risk life and limbs to do brain surgery. You're selling socks and toilet paper. Get over yourself.
I live on the east coast as well and our store never closes. I think the only way it would close would be a fire and some real damage to the store otherwise it isn't closing. They would rather team members risk lives and limbs ( quite sad actually) I remember last year people coming in and they would say oh you are open ( duh) stores across the street were closed and down the street were closed but yet we were open..... Target simply doesn't care.
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