Archived What is Target's weather policy?

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I'd say my area got about 5 inches of snow last night. Now I'm dreading the amount of callouts today. I'm expecting to go up for backup A LOT. Even if we get only a few inches, many people don't show up, despite there being public transportation.
The weather was terrible yesterday. When I got to work (closing GSA) at 3:30 I found out that they gave all the cashiers the option to go home early because of the snow. Of course all my closers called out.

Well, it didn't matter since the weather got so bad we had no guests. The snow turned to freezing rain and my car turned into a snowbank covered in ice. I was out salting the walk (no cart attendant!) and basically begging people to be careful on the ice skating rink that was our parking lot and sidewalk.

The drive home was so icy that I was keeping one tire in the slush because that was the best traction.

Should have called out.
It is terrible when you literally have no guests and yet they still open the store ( seriously?) Good old spot.......
Thank god I'm off today because theres no way in hell I'd be driving to work in this. Corporate is sick. We have young kids who work here who drive to work. One just lost control and hit a snow pile the other day ! They need to take employee safety into consideration otherwise one day they wont have any !
We've been in state of emergencies where Christie wanted only emergency personnel on the roads..... And target opened. I haven't ever heard of my store punishing anyone for calling out on one of these occasions, though.
i made a rhyme i told my etls "if the roads are clear, ill be here" , missed 3 days last month but juts made it up on an off day or stayed later
I have had an ETL try to convince me to allow someone to come from the store to pick me up because I didn't want to drive in the ice after the mountains of slush re-froze into lakes of ice. I'm the kind of person where if I can't trust myself to drive in said conditions, I sure as hell won't trust someone else to! Not to mention, they make you clock out to leave the store to fetch another TM.

They make you clock out, because of liability issues; if you were to get in a wreck, Target cannot be held liable. That being said, generally, the team member is still "on the clock". I remember walking to another job when I was younger; another employee was sent to get me, and was forced to clock out. He was paid mileage, and was considered "on the clock". When you leave the store for your 15 minute break (go next door if you're near another store), you are technically supposed to clock out, even if it's paid.

Although, I grew up in California (and lived some in Hawaii), I live in a state where we can get tons of snow. Recently, we had 26 call-ins by 9:00. Our city had received more than one foot of snow, and we endured record low temperatures. There were more team leads than there were team members! From 4:00 am until 5:00 am, there were only two of us in the store, the LOD, and I. Luckily, our ETL postponed the truck; the entire flow team and backroom team called out, except for me. Luckily, they treated me well with some snacks and drinks. The mall nearest us closed, and even Wal-Mart closed!!! Guests still came into shop, and it allowed us to catch up. The CAF's and auto-fills were super-light, so we got to catch up on price change and PTM pulls and push (EFX and POG). I got to do pulls, backstock, pull CAF's and PTM, do price change, Rigs, and POG/PTM in that short amount of time (this was a weekend day, so I worked a full eight hour shift as I did not work my full-time job)! Our Store Team lead brought us some breakfast, and he stayed for almost the entire day. I can respect a leader who will come in and work long hours. Our Store Team leader was actually going to pick up another team member, but that team member found a different ride. Target will stay open unless an extreme crisis occurs. 14-20 inches of snow isn't good enough.
Bumping this because I'm in an area where they're calling for close to two feet of snow. I searched to find out what the inclement policy was (and to see if there was some sort of phone number to find out if the store was open or closed -- which I found) and it truly doesn't surprise me that they wouldn't close the store. I'm scheduled to open the SD on Saturday and that's when the heavy stuff is supposed to come down. Though I live less than 2 miles from the store, I probably won't be going in. I just don't want to get stuck. I've heard horror stories about that happening to people.
The official policy is "If your store is open and your scheduled, you better show up." If you can't report to an ETL/LOD.
Blizzard warnings !!




Snow and Ice Impacts

  • The exact storm track will dictate areas with the heaviest snow.Â
  • At least 1 foot of snow most probable: Appalachians from eastern Kentucky into most of West Virginia, Virginia except southeast portion, Maryland, D.C., northern Delaware and extreme northwest North Carolina. Parts of these areas may see more than 20 inches of total snowfall.
  • At least 6 inches of snow likely:Â I-95 corridor northward through New York City, as well as Long Island.
  • Uncertainty still high:Â There remains considerable uncertainty regarding snow amounts on the northern edge of Jonas' snow shield from south-central and east-central Pennsylvania to southern New England. These areas could see snowfall exceeding 6 inches, but confidence is not as high as areas just to the south.
  • Ice:Â The highest probability of accumulating ice to the extent of not only leading to slick roads, but also some tree damage and power outages, extends from southeast Missouri into Kentucky, southern West Virginia, southern Virginia, western and central North Carolina.
[FONT=Open Sans, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][/FONT]
Winter Storm Jonas to Become Major East Coast Snowstorm; Blizzard Watch for D.C., Baltimore
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We are supposed to be getting around 2 feet here as well, and I drive a little Toyota Avalon sedan with FWD. I also happen to work SFS 7-3:30 on both Friday and Saturday. I don't think it's supposed to start snowing that early on Friday so I should be okay then, but Saturday... We'll have to see.
I drive a Toyota Matrix FWD. a 20 minute drive will turn into a 2 hour drive because I will be driving 10mph
We typically get ice and not snow in Texas. My store knows (and my pharmacy) that I'm not driving to work in the ice. It's only 20 miles, so I'll brave light snow. Definitely not ice though! They have at times closed our store early because of inclement weather. I'm surprised that doesn't happen other places. Wait, no I'm not. It's Target.
If there's a weather emergency and you DO make it in, the job is really easy. Since nobody is there to shop, you can do perfect zones!

I know this, because I grew up in an area where there is winter. When I moved to where there is not winter, with rare exceptions, I quickly found out the rare exceptions cause people to flip the eff out and huddle up to avoid the minimal amount of snow!
Y'all need to come to Cali
Friend of mine lives in the mountains there. I live in Maine. Guess who gets snow sooner? Lol.

So glad this seems to be shifting south of us. I only need to get through my Friday shift then I have the weekend to deal with the weather.

I do need to go grocery shopping tonight though. Before the crazies buy hubby's favorite bread up.
The thing is, nobody around here knows how to drive in snow. So pretty much anything over one inch of snow means closures, accidents, and traffic.
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