My favorite is - We don't complete enough of the drastic count during the week.
So on the weekends we make sure to leave our last hour so we can turn off the radio and work on it.
Gets stopped by the STL to teach the newbie in electronics how to merch clearance. With 20 min left in my shift, and I still hadn't been able to get to the drastic count, being stuck on a register for an hour will put a crimp in your plans. Five cashier call outs will cause lines to be long.
And since it was so busy the electronics newbie never had the chance to even look at the clearance. So I had to push it.
Given a coaching for not completing the drastic count report on Monday.. It was a hostile meeting...
Which begs the question ... Did you receive an actual coaching? And I know it's hard to tell sometimes. Some tl's and others like to obscure the fact it's a coaching.
That would be a no, when I suggested they might want to talk with the 8(5 cashier and 3 others) people who called out on Saturday and that is a very common number to call out on a weekend day. When 40+hrs of people call out on a Saturday those of us who do come to work get a bit frustrated when they are given tasks when all you can do is put out fires. At one point I had three pulls on the floor, pets, chem, and HBA since they are close and a ETL kept complaining that there were pulls on the line, so that shut them up, never noticing that there wasn't really anyone actually pushing them. Electronics opener walked off to go to lunch since his coverage was stuck on a register. And he was not going to hit compliance. Great day!