Archived Yearly Performance Evaluation?

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The Red Boy
Sep 30, 2014
So I know April is a bit far off, but I'm wondering what to expect for my yearly evaluation.
I've been with Spot since June so I know that I might not be eligible for as high of a pay increase as others, but I've already been moved to a different department (albeit both are within the front end, but it's a considerable promotion as it happened before my 90 days were up and everybody agrees that I worked pretty hard for it), and I seem to be highly regarded among the GSTL's and ETL's of the store.
What do they rate your performance on, exactly? I heard that punctuality and guest survey scores are accounted for, but what else is included? And how high are the yearly pay increases, whether I've been working for the full year or not?
Good thread. I've had people tell me they got a dime, others a quarter - maybe fiddy cents. I've only been there 6 months.
This is going to be a bit depressing but the one thing your raise is most dependent on is ...

How is your store doing.

It doesn't matter how good a job you are doing per se if the store isn't hitting all of its marks you will not be getting much.
Even if the store is doing okay there will be a limited number of reasonable raises and the rest will be token.
There are threads here where ETLs talk about how they are given lists of how many excellents they give out and after that they have to find reasons to knock people down.

Among the reasons they might find;
Not recognizing your TMs enough - get some Vibe (gag) cards and at every huddle pass one out to somebody you think does a good job.
Not greeting the guests - every time a guest gets within five feet of you say hello and CIHYFS
Pull up the list of what your job entails and look at the littlest details because they will find one to knock you down on.

If you work at a Golden store, it's a little easier but you can't really rest on you laurels.
just curious - what do you mean by "how well the store is doing"? Does that mean how much money the store brings in or whether the scores are "green" across the board. As a basic TM, I don't have access to any info about how much money the store is making and regardless, I have no frame of reference against other stores, so it's hard to tell how well my store is doing compared to others. I've never participated in a "huddle" (maybe because I close). I know that there are some metrics posted by our time clock that measure different things as green, yellow and red. Our store is mostly yellow. Maybe one thing is green.
every time a guest gets within five feet of you say hello and CIHYFS

You can't bee serious!

Pretend YOU are the guest, and EVERY TM that passes you does that to YOU, entry to exit.

just curious - what do you mean by "how well the store is doing"? Does that mean how much money the store brings in or whether the scores are "green" across the board. As a basic TM, I don't have access to any info about how much money the store is making and regardless, I have no frame of reference against other stores, so it's hard to tell how well my store is doing compared to others. I've never participated in a "huddle" (maybe because I close). I know that there are some metrics posted by our time clock that measure different things as green, yellow and red. Our store is mostly yellow. Maybe one thing is green.

Yep, you don't have access or control over those things but your raise will depend on them.
Sound fair?

The answer the company drones would give you is that if the store isn't green and if it isn't making money than the employees must be doing something wrong thus they don't deserve much in the way of raises.
Of course, that also means they aren't going to make any effort to change those factors either so the spiral will continue but WTF, right?
So my GSTL left his notes lying around and I noticed something to my name (which was written in large letters, so of course I snuck a peak) I saw EX in red letters. Most others had E' s, and I don't remember everything else except one O. Can somebody explain to me what all of these abbreviations (and all others) stand for, and what my EX means for me?
EX is basically a 4/5, so you did rather well. The % of your raise is still dependent on your store and if they were not allocated enough for all the people to get high scores, you may even be dropped down to an E. Shitty, but it definitely happens. They just don't like to tell people about it.
From what I understand, there are 5 "grades" listed in order of how good they are:

O-Outstanding (5/5, the best review score)
EX-Excellent (4/5, second best)
E-Effective (3/5, third best)
IE-Inconsistently Effective (2/5, akin to a D grade on an assignment)
U-Unsatisfactory (1/5, basically Target's version of an F.)
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