Archived 4th quarter start? Small trucks?

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They probably just cut the roof from the A-pillars to get the person out. Or it was a parked car (that looks like the area behind my store's shopping center).
Our flow went from 2am to overnight at 11PM, pretty crazy.
Well here it is already November 11th and I'm getting sent home at 9am still. I start at 6am. We are getting 5 trucks this week so one extra truck which is tomorrow and it's only 800 pieces. Crazy how it seems my store is the only one like this.
From what I understand, they are not loading the trucks as high on purpose anymore. Why? I didn't quite catch that part. But that means we are getting an extra truck each week to make up for it.
Same here. I work at a Super Target AA store. Our normal shift is 4AM, we're now 2AM, but I don't know really what's going on. I've worked 2AM-6AM (4 HOURS!!!) and 2AM-5AM(3 FUCKING HOURS!), didn't they move the shift earlier because the stupid trucks are supposed to be bigger? 😡. I actually feel I'm getting less hours than when we were with the 4AM shift. HELLO???? Are we getting holiday trucks or not?
We are 6 trucks this week averaging about 1900, 1600 push, and I swear about 1000 is softlines. We have been getting hammered for a week. Never seen it like this
We were originally supposed to get 8 trucks this week, a double on Monday, but the DC added a ninth one for earlier today. We went from 4am start to a 2am start for the doubles, and some of the vet TMS like myself at 1:30. Monday came and we were at the door at 1:30 with no answer til an unloader rang for like 2 minutes straight. It turned out the double was cancelled and we just got a 1900pc truck. Today's second truck was also cancelled by the DC and thankfully HR called yesterday to let me know not to go in at 2am. Today's was only 1700 and I heard yesterday's was 1900.
From what I understand, they are not loading the trucks as high on purpose anymore. Why? I didn't quite catch that part. But that means we are getting an extra truck each week to make up for it.
I should have taken a video the other day....I know why. It came spewing out the tail of the trailer the other Popped the door and boxes just spewed out. It had been packed floor to ceiling, 2500 piece truck.
We were originally supposed to get 8 trucks this week, a double on Monday, but the DC added a ninth one for earlier today. We went from 4am start to a 2am start for the doubles, and some of the vet TMS like myself at 1:30. Monday came and we were at the door at 1:30 with no answer til an unloader rang for like 2 minutes straight. It turned out the double was cancelled and we just got a 1900pc truck. Today's second truck was also cancelled by the DC and thankfully HR called yesterday to let me know not to go in at 2am. Today's was only 1700 and I heard yesterday's was 1900.
I hope you did a punch correction and got paid for showing up at the time you were told to.
Our flow team is spread really thin, with sometimes only 8 people for the entire truck (plus food truck), but they have actually been doing a decent job of coming clean.

The big problem is the ridiculous amount of softlines coming in. There are usually two (sometimes three) TMs for the softlines breakout, and half the time they are needed on the line. Last I checked, there were 16 completely packed Z-racks full of leftover push from the past few weeks.
I think that 40% off apparel is going to be huge. Not necessarily for the first rush, but people will jump on that.
Anybody has any idea of what is going on with these small trucks?😵 it wasn't like this last year!!!! I just checked my stubs and I had like 30-32 hours during this time. 🙁 and this year I had 5 weeks with straight consecutive 40 hours during BTS now with Holiday season I barely get around 20-24 hours a week 😱
That's because in an effort towards safety and streamlining trucks, they are purposely not loading the trucks as full and instead sending more trucks.
So today our truck was so small they were sending the 6am team home at 8am!!! WTF? We have had a truck everyday this week and will have one tomorrow and on Sunday but we only go for 3 hours.
Last night we were scheduled for 1 truck then they added a second. The first 1 was 2200 the second 1400. Tonight the same thing first one is 1700 second 860. Last years our doubles were close to 1900 each.
So today our truck was so small they were sending the 6am team home at 8am!!! WTF? We have had a truck everyday this week and will have one tomorrow and on Sunday but we only go for 3 hours.
Is your store closing next year? Or do you have like 50 people on flow?

The merchandise coming in for next week should be making everyone's trucks heavier than normal.
No our store is not closing and we have about 20 on flow. Weird thing is target hired like 5 new members but we get sent home early. Also flow does not even push toys and seasonal right now so that's another reason we leave early.
Were scheduled for trailers every day from thursday 11/19 to wednesday 11/25. Thursday was around 1600 pieces, the next day was 760, then 846, then 741 today. I'm thinking one of the next few trailers will get cancelled. I don't know why the company is wasting gas to send us these small trucks that are pretty much backstock. I'm not complaining though.
Were scheduled for trailers every day from thursday 11/19 to wednesday 11/25. Thursday was around 1600 pieces, the next day was 760, then 846, then 741 today. I'm thinking one of the next few trailers will get cancelled. I don't know why the company is wasting gas to send us these small trucks that are pretty much backstock. I'm not complaining though.
Could be they are pushing Black Friday stuff out as they get it instead of letting it build up, making it easier for stores to detrash and stage it.
Well here it is 3 days from Thanksgiving and I was told to leave 1 hour early. I thought 4th quarter was going to be a crazy wild mess with huge trucks and long hours for flow. Guess I was wrong. I wish I could find a job like flow but have steady hours
I can't believe these DCs that are sending less than 1,000 piece trucks! I think my DC would cancel that and combine it with the next day's truck.

Our trucks haven't been that big, and we've been taking 4-5 a week since the beginning of November. There's been many 1,400-1,600 which is quite small because we're used to 2,000 and up.
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