MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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Just to be clear, I do agree with the idea that you should work harder to earn a higher wage. However, it is costly to go to school get a proper education. I'm in a position where my parents are paying for it, but others aren't as lucky. So maybe the answer isn't necessarily higher wages, but it should be easier for people to go to college. Education's arguably the most important asset to this country.

Community college is cheap and there is financial assistance for people with lower income. Student loans are also an option, and for a 2 year degree you wouldn't be in debt for as long. You can get good jobs with a 2 Year Associate Degree and then make money to save up to finish a Bachelors Degree.

You don't need to be lucky to get a college education. It is already VERY easy to go to college. Right after I finished high school I went to a community/technical college in St Paul, and there were a ton of low income students (many were minorities, some were immigrants as well I believe) who were able to attend.

I only have a 2 year degree and I make $41,000/year with full benefits.

When you finish College and get a job paying $19-20/hour, how would you feel your hard work paid off if everyone else is making almost the same wage as you working entry level jobs that a 16 year old high school dropout could do?

Something that the pro-15$hr crowd keeps ignoring is the fact that you don't NEED a college degree to have a job that pays a livable wage. There are plenty of jobs out there that pay $12-15 or more an hour and you don't need a college degree. Heck even the Helpdesk job I have doesn't require a college degree, although you get paid slightly more with one.
I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt since we're straying from Wages pretty far here.
One accident? No.
I have watched statewide reports during building/business booms about the number of work-related deaths, deaths from food industry, etc & the majority of instances show the business was cited for failures ranging from equipment failure to lack of training.
Likely occurs in blue states too, I'm sure but I wouldn't use Texas as a model.
Maybe this thread can be closed since Target has fully implemented the $9 minimum?

Can always start a new one if they go up to $10 next year.
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