Danny, if you want to earn a higher wage or salary than you need to improve your skill set and experience. Stop expecting the government to enforce higher minimum wages, which drive up inflation and increases the general cost of products for all of us. MDude19
Higher wages = higher spending by employees. The income increase goes right back into the economy in the form of worker spending.
Not to mention if minimum wage is driven up to $15 an hour many companies will down size and hire less full-time workers and more part-time workers. MDude19
Part-time vs full-time was happening long before wage increases in an effort to curtail the number of employees who qualify for benefits. The only difference now is they simply reduce hours further to make up for the most recent increase.
As a result tasks aren't getting done, metrics can be met only by gaming the system (ie: tying POGS but not setting them, burning batches, backstocking CAFs), turnover is rising because new hires don't have any loyalty to a company that demands open availability but gives only a pittance of hours. And Target doesn't give any set schedules (unless you're a team lead or work in a specialized area) so part-timers are seldom able to pick up another job to supplement their pay.
Blue states like New York and California are some of the worst places to live for low-middle income families and individuals hence why so many people are leaving those places for red states. MDude19
I'm in a red state that has a reputation for being 'business-friendly & creating jobs'.
The resulting tax-breaks have left our education system severely under-funded so we are near the bottom in terms of having qualified workers.
The roll-back of regulations have also resulted in several workplace disasters that cost countless lives.
And the influx of people coming here for jobs discover they're mostly minimum wage jobs.
I don't intend to offend just wanted to provide you a different perspective.
Coming from someone who doesn't even work for spot yet & stated that most of the negative remarks from TMs about leadership is SOP for peons to trash-talk their superiors.
There have countless threads about TMs who have degrees who, for whatever reason, were unable to advance - especially with spot's recent push to hire externally for TLs & ETLs.
We now have a fairly high turnover of ETLs & many who have little or no retail experience while experienced workers are being pushed out the door.
I worked for Target for 15 years, have a couple of degrees & was global as hell.
I infer just fine.