MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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Could be dual income. We got nailed the year we just made the next bracket up.

You don't exactly get nailed by moving up a tax bracket. Only income made past each threshold is taxed at a higher rate, for example (using made up numbers for both clarity and laziness), say our tax system looked like this:

$0-10,000 = 10% tax rate
$10,001 - 20,000 = 20% tax rate

Say a person's taxable income is $11,000. People often assume that means they are getting screwed by paying 20% in taxes on that $11,000 and only got to keep $8,800 whereas if they only made $10,000, they would have kept $9,000. They way it works is that the first $10,000 would be taxed at the lower rate, then the remaining $1,000 would be taxed at the higher rate for a total tax of $1200. Our tax system works like this to ensure that crossing tax brackets doesn't result in less money taken home.
You don't exactly get nailed by moving up a tax bracket. Only income made past each threshold is taxed at a higher rate, for example (using made up numbers for both clarity and laziness), say our tax system looked like this:

$0-10,000 = 10% tax rate
$10,001 - 20,000 = 20% tax rate

Say a person's taxable income is $11,000. People often assume that means they are getting screwed by paying 20% in taxes on that $11,000 and only got to keep $8,800 whereas if they only made $10,000, they would have kept $9,000. They way it works is that the first $10,000 would be taxed at the lower rate, then the remaining $1,000 would be taxed at the higher rate for a total tax of $1200. Our tax system works like this to ensure that crossing tax brackets doesn't result in less money taken home.
When your job randomly didn't hold back enough and you jumped a bracket it works exactly like this. Suddenly you owe for the first time in your life, as well as the first time after being married for ages. Couple thousand bucks worth...
When your job randomly didn't hold back enough and you jumped a bracket it works exactly like this. Suddenly you owe for the first time in your life, as well as the first time after being married for ages. Couple thousand bucks worth...

They didn't "randomly not withhold enough" (unless your payroll people completely suck), you got nailed because you don't have an accurate W4 on file that reflects how much you and your spouse make. Many people just simply leave off an exemption for a spouse's job and think that will be enough and completely ignore the "Two earners, multiple jobs worksheet" where you estimate how much your total household income will be so your employer can calculate the correct amount to be withheld.

I have seen this many times when both people have decent jobs, each of their employers end up withholding taxes based on just individual income. For example, say a married couple each make $30,000 per have no kids. Even if they don't claim each other as exemptions on a W4, it still won't withhold enough. They would need to withhold an additional $1200 per year while claiming 0 exemptions to ensure they don't owe money.

I promise you, our tax system does work like I demonstrated earlier but you have to have the correct information given to your employer. I will probably get hosed next year but it's not because I'm in a higher tax bracket. It's because my wife got a new job that doubled our household income and she sucks at tax forms. She originally filled it out with all the exemptions for us and the kids. I got her to do a new one and she just simply listed 0 exemptions. HOPEFULLY, that will do the trick.
$37,000/year comes out to $17.79/hr assuming you're working exactly 40hrs/week, every week for all 52 weeks of the year.
When I left as a Sr. TPS, I was at $15.03 (after 7 years with spot) earning around $30k annually.
Other than AP (which has set hours), I can't imagine any TEAM MEMBER roles that pay as much.. mayyybeee pharm tech or an SFT?
Regardless, Target is not where you stay if you want to make a livable income.
Check Craigslist, Glassdoor, Hospitals, Indeed, ect for jobs. You can even go drive for uber! Virtually everything pays more than Target.
The people that say there's nothing out there haven't looked, or they come up with excuses.
"If you are born poor, its not your fault. But if you die poor, its your fault." -Bill Gates
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$37,000/year comes out to $17.79/hr assuming you're working exactly 40hrs/week, every week for all 52 weeks of the year.
When I left as a Sr. TPS, I was at $15.03 (after 7 years with spot) earning around $30k annually.
Other than AP (which has set hours), I can't imagine any TEAM MEMBER roles that pay as much.. mayyybeee pharm tech or an SFT?
Regardless, Target is not where you stay if you want to make a livable income.
Check Craigslist, Glassdoor, Hospitals, Indeed, ect for jobs. You can even go drive for uber! Virtually everything pays more than Target.
The people that say there's nothing out there haven't looked, or they come up with excuses.
"If you are born poor, its not your fault. But if you die poor, its your fault." -Bill Gates

Haha I saw how much Uber pays and I was going to actually bring that up here when all the Liberals crying for $15/hr wages for cashiering go "But I don't want to/can't afford college!!!"

Flight Attendants also make a decent wage. Or you could go into the Military, and when you get out you get a free ride through college for the most part.

You got that right, e.g. Bernie Sanders.
Yeah that'd be a scary day in hell. That old socialist would make Obama look financially frugal.
I did some research and unfortunately it looks like it can't be deducted. Apparently parking fees at the place I work are nondeductable commuting expenses.

New York just passed a $15 minimum wage for fast food workers. I hope retail comes next.

Danny, if you want to earn a higher wage or salary than you need to improve your skill set and experience. Stop expecting the government to enforce higher minimum wages, which drive up inflation and increases the general cost of products for all of us. Not to mention if minimum wage is driven up to $15 an hour many companies will down size and hire less full-time workers and more part-time workers.

Question you should ask yourself is what have you done to better your standing in life? Did you go to school? Did you learn a new valuable skill? A new language? What can you offer to your potential employer? Blue states like New York and California are some of the worst places to live for low-middle income families and individuals hence why so many people are leaving those places for red states.

I don't intend to offend just wanted to provide you a different perspective.

You guys do know that at the current level of drivers Uber you only make about $9.00 in most areas?
That education, in and of itself, does nothing to improve your chances of improving you chances of getting a job because there is a glut of educated people on the market right now?
That improving yourself does cost money and time (something that often as not cost money since you can't work during that time) and many people don't have that?
Until Bernie becomes president and there are free college educations, many people just won't have that option.
I'm not making excuses for people, I have never stopped working to learn every day more but it doesn't give me a paper to prove it.
Uber Drivers make $20/hr in the city actually.

and there are free college educations, many people just won't have that option.
It's called the Military

Also free college educations via the gov't = higher deficit (yes I know this is the liberal ideology here) = no thanks

It would be a bit of a slap to the face having Soldiers risking their lives in combat for a ride through college, and lazy citizens get the same benefit.
Uber Drivers make $20/hr in the city actually.

It's called the Military

Also free college educations via the gov't = higher deficit (yes I know this is the liberal ideology here) = no thanks

It would be a bit of a slap to the face having Soldiers risking their lives in combat for a ride through college, and lazy citizens get the same benefit.

Posted this before and I know you won't take a humor magazines word for it but they do their research.

Danny, if you want to earn a higher wage or salary than you need to improve your skill set and experience. Stop expecting the government to enforce higher minimum wages, which drive up inflation and increases the general cost of products for all of us. Not to mention if minimum wage is driven up to $15 an hour many companies will down size and hire less full-time workers and more part-time workers.

Question you should ask yourself is what have you done to better your standing in life? Did you go to school? Did you learn a new valuable skill? A new language? What can you offer to your potential employer? Blue states like New York and California are some of the worst places to live for low-middle income families and individuals hence why so many people are leaving those places for red states.

I don't intend to offend just wanted to provide you a different perspective.

I'm 21 and I'm taking my last semester of community college. Going to transfer to a 4 year school in the spring. I'm in a fortunate position where my parents support me and they pay for my education, and I'm working retail to make a little money on the side. Goal is to get a better quality job after I graduate.
Danny, if you want to earn a higher wage or salary than you need to improve your skill set and experience. Stop expecting the government to enforce higher minimum wages, which drive up inflation and increases the general cost of products for all of us. Not to mention if minimum wage is driven up to $15 an hour many companies will down size and hire less full-time workers and more part-time workers.

Question you should ask yourself is what have you done to better your standing in life? Did you go to school? Did you learn a new valuable skill? A new language? What can you offer to your potential employer? Blue states like New York and California are some of the worst places to live for low-middle income families and individuals hence why so many people are leaving those places for red states.

I don't intend to offend just wanted to provide you a different perspective.


I'm 21 and I'm taking my last semester of community college. Going to transfer to a 4 year school in the spring. I'm in a fortunate position where my parents support me and they pay for my education, and I'm working retail to make a little money on the side. Goal is to get a better quality job after I graduate.
...but thanks for assuming.
...but thanks for assuming.

He isn't assuming and raises a valid point. $15/hr is stupid for an entry level job that a 16 year old can do.

Oh, and to add on to my last post I'm currently taking a career development class. So there's that.
Good then you won't be working at Target much longer and you'll be making over $15/hr. If they raise the wage to $15/hr high school and college students will be the first people cut from Target, meaning you will have no part time job at all to help you through college.
I'm 21 and I'm taking my last semester of community college. Going to transfer to a 4 year school in the spring. I'm in a fortunate position where my parents support me and they pay for my education, and I'm working retail to make a little money on the side. Goal is to get a better quality job after I graduate.

That's great to hear Danny keep up the good work. I'm also trying hard. I'm speaking with a recruiter today to set up an interview for the ETL position.
...but thanks for assuming.

Whose assuming? I just posed a few general and valid questions that apply to everyone including me. We live in a competitive job market. I think you're assuming because you wrongly infer things.
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Danny, if you want to earn a higher wage or salary than you need to improve your skill set and experience. Stop expecting the government to enforce higher minimum wages, which drive up inflation and increases the general cost of products for all of us. MDude19
Higher wages = higher spending by employees. The income increase goes right back into the economy in the form of worker spending.
Not to mention if minimum wage is driven up to $15 an hour many companies will down size and hire less full-time workers and more part-time workers. MDude19
Part-time vs full-time was happening long before wage increases in an effort to curtail the number of employees who qualify for benefits. The only difference now is they simply reduce hours further to make up for the most recent increase.
As a result tasks aren't getting done, metrics can be met only by gaming the system (ie: tying POGS but not setting them, burning batches, backstocking CAFs), turnover is rising because new hires don't have any loyalty to a company that demands open availability but gives only a pittance of hours. And Target doesn't give any set schedules (unless you're a team lead or work in a specialized area) so part-timers are seldom able to pick up another job to supplement their pay.
Blue states like New York and California are some of the worst places to live for low-middle income families and individuals hence why so many people are leaving those places for red states. MDude19
I'm in a red state that has a reputation for being 'business-friendly & creating jobs'.
The resulting tax-breaks have left our education system severely under-funded so we are near the bottom in terms of having qualified workers.
The roll-back of regulations have also resulted in several workplace disasters that cost countless lives.
And the influx of people coming here for jobs discover they're mostly minimum wage jobs.
I don't intend to offend just wanted to provide you a different perspective.
Coming from someone who doesn't even work for spot yet & stated that most of the negative remarks from TMs about leadership is SOP for peons to trash-talk their superiors.
There have countless threads about TMs who have degrees who, for whatever reason, were unable to advance - especially with spot's recent push to hire externally for TLs & ETLs.
We now have a fairly high turnover of ETLs & many who have little or no retail experience while experienced workers are being pushed out the door.
I worked for Target for 15 years, have a couple of degrees & was global as hell.
I infer just fine.
Higher wages = higher spending by employees. The income increase goes right back into the economy in the form of worker spending.
Also means companies will cut back on positions and merge positions/roles to save on payroll. In other words there will be less employees to spend money.

Part-time vs full-time was happening long before wage increases in an effort to curtail the number of employees who qualify for benefits. The only difference now is they simply reduce hours further to make up for the most recent increase.
Which didn't seem to be an issue prior to the ACA taking effect. Everyone was getting 40 hours (including me) and a lot of people at my store had health care benefits. The ACA jacked up coverage for employers and made premiums cost more, most employers were not happy about the act. I had cheap coverage through Target prior to the ACA

The roll-back of regulations have also resulted in several workplace disasters that cost countless lives.
And the influx of people coming here for jobs discover they're mostly minimum wage jobs.
That's the same anywhere.

Coming from someone who doesn't even work for spot yet & stated that most of the negative remarks from TMs about leadership is SOP for peons to trash-talk their superiors.
There have countless threads about TMs who have degrees who, for whatever reason, were unable to advance - especially with spot's recent push to hire externally for TLs & ETLs.
We now have a fairly high turnover of ETLs & many who have little or no retail experience while experienced workers are being pushed out the door.
I worked for Target for 15 years, have a couple of degrees & was global as hell.
I infer just fine.
Which doesn't mean his perspective isn't valid. Spot has always preferred bringing people from the outside for leadership positions -- they have less ties with the store personnel and less conflicts of interest.
Just to be clear, I do agree with the idea that you should work harder to earn a higher wage. However, it is costly to go to school get a proper education. I'm in a position where my parents are paying for it, but others aren't as lucky. So maybe the answer isn't necessarily higher wages, but it should be easier for people to go to college. Education's arguably the most important asset to this country.
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