Archived About those seasonal TMs

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I had the pleasure of being stuck one register away from a seasonal cashier today. She couldn't figure out how to change the price of an item, and when I showed her and told her to go ahead and do the second one on her own (two items with clearance labels they weren't dropping on) she proceeded to K1 the same exact item and didn't understand why the price was lower on that screen...

She also kept asking me for the numbers on produce in spite of it being right there at her register, and I showed her how to unlock DVD cases 3 different times and instead of simply opening the case, she said "I'm not strong enough to open it." She was trying to push the case back together instead of opening it and couldn't understand why it just wouldn't pop off ...

Geez! I don't think my store has any seasonal people that incompetent. I'm seasonal myself and I've taught sales floor TMs how to open DVD cases and spider wraps. We do have a guy who just started 2 days ago though who is a little iffy. I showed him how to back stock and he told me that he has a fear of ladders and wouldn't be able to do it...*facepalm*
I am a seasonal TM, and I feel that I had a successful run. If I get to stay, yay! But, if they let me go, I am cool with that too. I work a 40 hour a week Mon-Fri and was only going to be doing this 20 hours a week for Christmas anyway. My hours kept creeping up, to where I was working 30-32 each week. The Christmas schedule has me down to 18.

In a perfect world, if they keep me for 4-8 hours a week and use me as a backup, I am so cool with that. I like the people I work with and wouldn't mind keeping the discount. I am cross-trained in Flow and SFS and have been chatting with the plano TL a bit too.
I've got high hopes for one of the flow seasonals who is almost certainly staying, the rest are a constant irritation to the TL/LOD which means they're fucked, mate
I have a funny feeling that I'll be sent to help LOCU the backroom fully after the seasonal purge...yesterday I snapped pics of pet food tossed (not stowed) into CHEM and random mini-seasonal candy tossed into PAPR and so on + lots of unlocated toys...LOD rolled her eyes in a huge circle when I showed her the pics and said "Oh my freakin' gawd, I know who that was, can it be December 26th already" lol
I have a funny feeling that I'll be sent to help LOCU the backroom fully after the seasonal purge...yesterday I snapped pics of pet food tossed (not stowed) into CHEM and random mini-seasonal candy tossed into PAPR and so on + lots of unlocated toys...LOD rolled her eyes in a huge circle when I showed her the pics and said "Oh my freakin' gawd, I know who that was, can it be December 26th already" lol

Yeah cause you just don't want to man the fuck up and fire this idiot which makes you worse.
In a perfect world, if they keep me for 4-8 hours a week and use me as a backup, I am so cool with that. I like the people I work with and wouldn't mind keeping the discount. I am cross-trained in Flow and SFS and have been chatting with the plano TL a bit too.

Is this a thing that can happen? I originally told one of the team leads I was out after seasonal, but I'd love to keep the discount for a shift every week or two. Plus, we may end up losing our childcare option so I may need the extra hours if my hubby can't work full time because of kid pickup.
We have a couple of TMs who only do one shift a week but theyve been around for awhile. I don't think this is a generally accepted practice.
We have a couple of TMs who only do one shift a week but theyve been around for awhile. I don't think this is a generally accepted practice.

I know of a few who work 1-2 shifts a week when they are too busy with other things. It depends on so many factors: does HR like you?, how is your attendance?, what's your workcenter?, does it need leadershop approval and are they moody or sane? etc.

In 3 years, this year was the biggest crop of losers for seasonal ever (speaking of cashiers only). To see the blank, sullen looks on their faces at the registers, you'd think that it was a prison camp. SCO looks pretty good when you have to make a choice on where to pay (at my old store - not speaking for other stores.) It's a very high cost of living area. Pay should have gone from $11 start to $11.50 start, but not until after 12/31 apparently. Current minimum is $10.50, so the strandard has been minimum plus 50 cents. They try to stay ahead of the mandatory raise (which they did the last two years, but not this year).
Is this a thing that can happen? I originally told one of the team leads I was out after seasonal, but I'd love to keep the discount for a shift every week or two. Plus, we may end up losing our childcare option so I may need the extra hours if my hubby can't work full time because of kid pickup.

It's to the stores discretion.

We have a couple team members who work one shift a week but it's usually People who have been with us a long time rather than seasonals.
I transferred from full time at my old store to a new store at only one shift (4 hrs a week). It happens, but isn’t the norm I think
The employees who do that one or two shifts a week at my store are usually teachers who work the weekend only while school is in them work more over the summer..
Yeah we just posted our schedule for the week of Christmas and the ship hours were miniscule. I have encouraged them to learn backroom and flow asap.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to pack. You are replaceable.
I haven't encouraged them in anything. We already picked the ones we wanted and they are being cross trained. The others can follow the yellow brick road at the end of the year.
I haven't encouraged them in anything. We already picked the ones we wanted and they are being cross trained. The others can follow the yellow brick road at the end of the year.

This big time, i feel like a lot of seasonals feel like because they know ship well, they are being kept on, but if we haven't cross trained you, or even asked you if you want to be cross trained, odds are your time is coming close to ending.

I just texted one of our tm's and she said that the new schedule on the wall is A LOT thinner then the one for xmas week.
Firing leads to unemployment benefits sometimes. Let the term end does nothing for them.

They haven't worked a quarter which most states require to get benefits. And there comes a point where they are poison and they piss off and ruin the rest of your team. Which we are feeling right now.. The damage done by people who just don't care or can't do the job has made it a cluster fuck to try and work.
Ever since I found out I'm not seasonal, I've come to realize that we seem to have very few seasonals overall. I would recognize 3. Not surprised. Nobody company's really been able to hire seasonals where I live. Can barely hire regular part timers. Cost of living is such that people just won't take retail pay unless they have an additional income source.

Until one day you show up and don’t see nearly as many TM’s. You see some people so often you forget they’re seasonal.
We have a seasonal softlines tm that has legit ncns every shift of hers this week, yet she still got put on the new years schedule. 😵
Y'all. Cashier today couldn't even figure out how to get past the "Do you want separate gift receipts for each item?" page on her register. I can't.
We had a cashier walking around the front of the store just wandering.

When she was asked what she was doing she said she never saw so many people shopping and just wanted to look at them.

😵 I can't wait until this seasonal is gone


Someone should tell her to lay off the weed before her shift.
Y'all. Cashier today couldn't even figure out how to get past the "Do you want separate gift receipts for each item?" page on her register. I can't.

I was in the express lane and a seasonal kept on getting side tracked, like holy crap.
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