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I actually make $15.25 an hour. Bernie getting elected wouldn't have made much difference outside of my city, though. Congress would never let him or Hillary get anything done. He'd be kind of a paper tiger, just like Trump (which in Trump's case is good, because Trump's ideas are absolutely terrible).
As for the U word, I'm not against unions in principle, but I've been in two different unionized retail stores, and the unions did not help. We dealt with the same litany of bullshit from management we get at Target, we didn't get paid more (but had to pay union dues), we didn't get more than one day of vacation pay per year or non-goverment mandated health coverage or sick time, and so on. At Safeway, it was even worse. New hires had to pay $300 in initiation fees and $40 per month just to make minimum wage part time, and then the union proceeded to do absolutely nothing about the massive daily wage theft going on (Store closed at midnight. All courtesy clerks MUST be clocked out at midnight. All cleaning and reshop MUST be done by courtesy clerks who have no real time tto do this during opening hours. We were expected to be there until 1:30 in the morning or so every shift. Fuck you, enjoy the visit from the California labor board.). From everything I've seen of unionized retail, the unions just take their money and then ignore you.
As someone who is active in my union, that can be fixed.
Get a bunch of your people together and get elected as a union official.
It is actually pretty easy because people don't pay much attention to the process.
Then start changing how active the union is at the job.
When the company realizes they aren't dealing with someone who will just roll over every time, things will change.
Edit: I worked in a grocery store with a union as well but I was a meat cutter and they are frelling prima donnas of grocery.
We had our own sections in the contracts.
There is a reason the only group to ever organize in Walmart was the meat cutters (and why Walmart got rid of them).
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