Archived About those seasonal TMs

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Favorite seasonal stories... go

I've got a few, the one that still gives me a chuckle is the girl who kept tearing down cardboard with her hands, even when i gave her a knife. It was like so cave man like, and the way she did it to, with zero aggression or even sense that she was doing it wrong or inefficiently.

A couple of recent ones, while closing one night the LOD checked in on me because he said that i wasn't responding to floor calls. When we checked to see who was calling, we found out that they didn't know you had to flip channels.

We had one girl helping backstock who was afraid of heights, so refused to climb the ladder.

Another backroom person who was national guard, and the way he talked at break you'd think he was actually a navy seal. What drove me insane was that he always reminded other people that he probably wouldn't stay after 4th quarter, like he had so many other amazing things to do. Yet his work ethic was TERRIBLE.

Oh, Matthew, man you should of laid off of the bottle a bit. He'd come in drenched in booze, nice enough guy but damn dude.

Not really my story, just one the GSTL told me, but one kid got fired for too many late shifts and call outs, but he REALLY wanted to prove himself so he came in, didn't check in, and basically worked the whole day doing random shit. TL's at the time didn't know he wasn't suppose to be there, and who can blame them, we have so many people sometimes. But he finally got caught when he asked to be clocked in and the LOD realized he had been fired.

Its crazy, the bad seasonals were SO bad, yet the good ones were AMAZING. There were very few who were just ok, most either wanted to learn and worked hard, or didn't wanna work at all.
I had to help a guest whose (seasonal) cashier double (up to triple) scanned almost every.single.item
I was training one guy who when I was watching him would forget to scan things. He was so focused on bagging he wouldn’t scan. I had to keep reminding him multiple times each transaction “oh you didn’t scan that.” I literally never saw him again after that
We just had this girl quit. She was to an extent an intelligent person, but she just had zero work ethic and was a complete downer. Rotten attitude, would just drift around the store for hours at a time. She just put in her two weeks notice, put up all her shifts on the swap shift board, and then just NCNS'd into oblivion. Good riddance.

Especially since I'm pretty sure she's the person who printed out the priced shelf labels and would tag them to items where the tag was missing. Not once, multiple instances.
in other words, most people are shitty. I don't understand how a lot of these seasonals can function outside of work. No motivation to show up to work, but applied and got hired, no desire to do their tasks(laziness), stupid shit like walking around the front lanes to look at the hordes of guests when he/she should have jumped on a lane to help out, constant complaining and bitching.

I can only imagine their college tuition is funded by state or parents and they hardly attend classes and never study, and they routinely make use of drugs and under-age drinking. I know a lot of people who struggle with that kind of shit, but is it really a struggle?

I've had really phenomenal seasonals back in frozen dairy, I really hope to see them stay. They do their job, are extremely friendly, we have things in common, and are just nice to work with, compared to others at my store.

Shit, only got 10 minutes until I clock in and I'm not even at work... maybe I'm a hypocrite lmao, but I only live like 2 minutes away from my store.
There's this one seasonal who I've discovered is a huge alcoholic and lately has been sipping from a Coke can that smells very strongly of Jack. He's always bitching about his schedule and saying shit like "too bad Bernie Sanders didn't win because we could all be making $15/hr now" and dropping the U-word. Nothing against Sanders but come on fam. I'm sure the liquor store near his apartment would appreciate that tho
Another backroom person who was national guard, and the way he talked at break you'd think he was actually a navy seal. What drove me insane was that he always reminded other people that he probably wouldn't stay after 4th quarter, like he had so many other amazing things to do. Yet his work ethic was TERRIBLE.

Lol reminds me of our marine (who knows if he's legit) who always talked a tough game but went home crying when he cut himself slightly with a box knife. I know you can hurt yourself pretty bad but it's not like his hand was squirting blood or we could see bone.

Its crazy, the bad seasonals were SO bad, yet the good ones were AMAZING. There were very few who were just ok, most either wanted to learn and worked hard, or didn't wanna work at all.

This! Some of our seasonals are so good. Some are outworking our regular team members and kind of raising the bar in the department.
"Do we HAVE to take 30 minute lunches?! That's way too short for me dude...fuck it I'm taking an hour. I bet they don't even notice 'cuz we're so busy today lol"


"You're fired"
I had to help a guest whose (seasonal) cashier double (up to triple) scanned almost every.single.item

My major n00b facepalm moment at the registers was nearly overcharging a guest (twice!) for produce because I'd accidentally pulled something from the belt partway onto the scale. She was super nice about it, but I'm so glad she caught it and told me so I could fix it before checking her out. I felt like such a dumbass.

Targets didn't have grocery when I worked here last (or maybe they were just starting to be built, but my store definitely wasn't), so scale awareness was not as much on my radar as it should be.

Apparently I don't suck too badly, though, because my ETL asked today to tell her when I was ready to be done and I said that with some recent uncertainties I wasn't quite as ready to be done as I thought and she said "Oh, thank god!" so I guess that's a good sign. They can keep me as seasonal until something like March or April, so we're going to play it by ear and see how the early part of the year goes.
We had a cashier walking around the front of the store just wandering.

When she was asked what she was doing she said she never saw so many people shopping and just wanted to look at them.

😵 I can't wait until this seasonal is gone
Instagram FTW! #targetfun
Favorite seasonal stories... go

" the one who came up after his shift ended asking where he picks up his check for that day"

2 years ago. Xmas eve. Man told me I f-ing ruined his daughters Christmas because we were out of the me-sized Elsa. I replied back that I was happy to play a positive role in her holiday.
There's this one seasonal who I've discovered is a huge alcoholic and lately has been sipping from a Coke can that smells very strongly of Jack. He's always bitching about his schedule and saying shit like "too bad Bernie Sanders didn't win because we could all be making $15/hr now" and dropping the U-word. Nothing against Sanders but come on fam. I'm sure the liquor store near his apartment would appreciate that tho

I actually make $15.25 an hour. Bernie getting elected wouldn't have made much difference outside of my city, though. Congress would never let him or Hillary get anything done. He'd be kind of a paper tiger, just like Trump (which in Trump's case is good, because Trump's ideas are absolutely terrible).

As for the U word, I'm not against unions in principle, but I've been in two different unionized retail stores, and the unions did not help. We dealt with the same litany of bullshit from management we get at Target, we didn't get paid more (but had to pay union dues), we didn't get more than one day of vacation pay per year or non-goverment mandated health coverage or sick time, and so on. At Safeway, it was even worse. New hires had to pay $300 in initiation fees and $40 per month just to make minimum wage part time, and then the union proceeded to do absolutely nothing about the massive daily wage theft going on (Store closed at midnight. All courtesy clerks MUST be clocked out at midnight. All cleaning and reshop MUST be done by courtesy clerks who have no real time tto do this during opening hours. We were expected to be there until 1:30 in the morning or so every shift. Fuck you, enjoy the visit from the California labor board.). From everything I've seen of unionized retail, the unions just take their money and then ignore you.

I actually make $15.25 an hour. Bernie getting elected wouldn't have made much difference outside of my city, though. Congress would never let him or Hillary get anything done. He'd be kind of a paper tiger, just like Trump (which in Trump's case is good, because Trump's ideas are absolutely terrible).

As for the U word, I'm not against unions in principle, but I've been in two different unionized retail stores, and the unions did not help. We dealt with the same litany of bullshit from management we get at Target, we didn't get paid more (but had to pay union dues), we didn't get more than one day of vacation pay per year or non-goverment mandated health coverage or sick time, and so on. At Safeway, it was even worse. New hires had to pay $300 in initiation fees and $40 per month just to make minimum wage part time, and then the union proceeded to do absolutely nothing about the massive daily wage theft going on (Store closed at midnight. All courtesy clerks MUST be clocked out at midnight. All cleaning and reshop MUST be done by courtesy clerks who have no real time tto do this during opening hours. We were expected to be there until 1:30 in the morning or so every shift. Fuck you, enjoy the visit from the California labor board.). From everything I've seen of unionized retail, the unions just take their money and then ignore you.

Not to start a political debate, but all choices this time around starting in the primaries downright sucked. In 18 months the process will be underway again, and neither party has come up with any fresh ideas as whom to run.
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