Archived AE 2017

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It's located in that section..I don't know, our store is weird with locations. Hair dryers and electric shavers are on the right side of the store, whereas hba is the front left.
The complete AE guide is now published on Workbench. They're calling it something different now, but it's one of the links at the top where the Q4 link was.

There was no mention that I could see for an SFS TL position.

All ETL-Ops positions are going to become ETL-Salesfloor positions.

The 374 stores without a VML are going to get a VMTM, who will be paid like a TL yet still report to a TL (I think).

Individual store org charts have also been updated and can be viewed under store reports. On mine they removed the Starbucks TL position and added a Food TL and a Visual Merchandising TM (interestingly listed under the TL headcount). Knowing my store, they will ignore most of that and continue to keep a separate CTL and SBTL.
The complete AE guide is now published on Workbench. They're calling it something different now, but it's one of the links at the top where the Q4 link was.

There was no mention that I could see for an SFS TL position.

All ETL-Ops positions are going to become ETL-Salesfloor positions.

The 374 stores without a VML are going to get a VMTM, who will be paid like a TL yet still report to a TL (I think).

Individual store org charts have also been updated and can be viewed under store reports. On mine they removed the Starbucks TL position and added a Food TL and a Visual Merchandising TM (interestingly listed under the TL headcount). Knowing my store, they will ignore most of that and continue to keep a separate CTL and SBTL.
Anything about instocks? People have mentioned it a lot, I don't have to go in till Sunday, and I don't feel like going in on my day off to check
Anything about instocks? People have mentioned it a lot, I don't have to go in till Sunday, and I don't feel like going in on my day off to check
No mention of Instocks changes. From the Key Focus Areas section, "Accurate inventory management and reliable in stocks provides a significant sales opportunity, directly impacts product availability for our guests and overall team replenishment for the store. Metrics included:
Out of stocks
On shelf availability (coming soon)"
My backroom TL would lose his mind if he had to do our pulls as well.

High volume backroom handles backroom shit. Also keeps fewer hands in the accuracy. We can pull and backstock but they keep it handled %99 of the time.
High volume backroom handles backroom shit. Also keeps fewer hands in the accuracy. We can pull and backstock but they keep it handled %99 of the time.

Yeah even at my store with all those hours. Our dedicated instock tms do not pull. Our backroom tms who are scheduled under instock hours do the pulls.

We had a great two weeks and beat sales by an average of 15K a day. Store looks great and I give a lot of credit to our instocks team making the shelves full. It's not as busy in terms of traffic but basket size has grown.
Yeah even at my store with all those hours. Our dedicated instock tms do not pull. Our backroom tms who are scheduled under instock hours do the pulls.

We had a great two weeks and beat sales by an average of 15K a day. Store looks great and I give a lot of credit to our instocks team making the shelves full. It's not as busy in terms of traffic but basket size has grown.
So technically your instock team does pull... Whether it's a backroom team member just under instock hours, it's still instocks pulling.
To keep the floor full, in my opinion, instocks should be getting an eight hour shift during the week. During the weekend it's not as big of a deal, just because it's a lot harder to get things done because it's so much busier. During those eight hours, the first three hours should be dedicated to rigs and straight up research. The last half of the day should be dedicated to dropping manuals, and pogs in problem areas. The areas you dropped the manuals and pogs make sure if you have backstock your changing the counts and checking capacity, that'll make sure your counts are correct around the store. Whatever area you drop manuals in, scan the next day when you do your research. Within five days, the whole store should be scanned, the whole store should have manuals dropped for every section. The manuals will get smaller the more you do them, caf pulls will get smaller, autofills will get smaller, the floor will be fuller, backroom emptier. In theory if you have great people pulling and backstocking, then your backroom accuracy should go up. The biggest areas for manual drops are usually groc2, hbo1-2. Everything else is usually fairly easy. Now doing this probably isn't going to help out the out of stock score, just because there comes a point where that is kind of out of our hands, and goes on whether or not we are able to get the product. Set up a scanning schedule for certain sections, set up a manual drop for certain sections. Follow that every week. It's possible, because we have done it at my store around Christmas time and it worked great. But since hours dropped off we struggle sometimes to get the whole store scanned.
So technically your instock team does pull... Whether it's a backroom team member just under instock hours, it's still instocks pulling.

Yes, I guess it's fair to say that. In q4 when we only had 2 instock tms getting 60 hours, our backroom did the pulls.
Within five days, the whole store should be scanned

Yeah I think thats our issue we do it in 7 days but rarely does anyone get 8 hour days except our 40 hour TM everyone else is working 4 hour shifts.

The biggest areas for manual drops are usually groc2, hbo1-2.

Grocery 2 is like soup cans right? Haha I always hated pushing those when I cover in hardlines

Our team is pretty happy our ETL Ops is gone, she didn't seem to understand the process very well. Our instocks team was frustrated because rather than work out of research she told everyone to use work ahead?

The result of that was lots of backstock and issues with capacities.

When she was here hours were lower but still. Let a TM do their job.
Who manages to find a mydevice to do their scans and then can get a PDA to do their pulls? Not happening in my store. As for sales floor also pushing priorities.. the ETLs, TLs, and SFTMs cause enough priority pulls themselves, which Instocks gets held accountable for. So they can help push.
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To keep the floor full, in my opinion, instocks should be getting an eight hour shift during the week. During the weekend it's not as big of a deal, just because it's a lot harder to get things done because it's so much busier. During those eight hours, the first three hours should be dedicated to rigs and straight up research. The last half of the day should be dedicated to dropping manuals, and pogs in problem areas. The areas you dropped the manuals and pogs make sure if you have backstock your changing the counts and checking capacity, that'll make sure your counts are correct around the store. Whatever area you drop manuals in, scan the next day when you do your research. Within five days, the whole store should be scanned, the whole store should have manuals dropped for every section. The manuals will get smaller the more you do them, caf pulls will get smaller, autofills will get smaller, the floor will be fuller, backroom emptier. In theory if you have great people pulling and backstocking, then your backroom accuracy should go up. The biggest areas for manual drops are usually groc2, hbo1-2. Everything else is usually fairly easy. Now doing this probably isn't going to help out the out of stock score, just because there comes a point where that is kind of out of our hands, and goes on whether or not we are able to get the product. Set up a scanning schedule for certain sections, set up a manual drop for certain sections. Follow that every week. It's possible, because we have done it at my store around Christmas time and it worked great. But since hours dropped off we struggle sometimes to get the whole store scanned.

Nope one person me to run the task list and shoot nothing outside of no matter the need. Drop POG fills for the same three areas and give two or three salesfloor people 4hr shifts to push it all. Must all be complete by noon so they go home and I run cosmetics reshop until I go home.
Yeah I think thats our issue we do it in 7 days but rarely does anyone get 8 hour days except our 40 hour TM everyone else is working 4 hour shifts.

Grocery 2 is like soup cans right? Haha I always hated pushing those when I cover in hardlines

Our team is pretty happy our ETL Ops is gone, she didn't seem to understand the process very well. Our instocks team was frustrated because rather than work out of research she told everyone to use work ahead?

The result of that was lots of backstock and issues with capacities.

When she was here hours were lower but still. Let a TM do their job.
Yeah groc2 is insane because it's coffee/cereal/ baking stuff
I get your frustration

Yeah we are getting the 4am reach around too. The DTL is gone and a lot of people in our district are pissing their pants.

The Pog fill is a joke. Maybe you get some stuff out but way too much backstock.

We had instocks tms with no my device, my STL stood up to the ETL and said give him the LOD mydevice. Like you said can't do your job without equipment.

I wish you would come to my store, we need people who give a damn like you.

We tried Pog fill for a bit and stopped, to much stuff was backstock which wastes everyone's time. Just rigs and research now and we push/pull with whatever time we have left.
We tried Pog fill for a bit and stopped, to much stuff was backstock which wastes everyone's time. Just rigs and research now and we push/pull with whatever time we have left.
Your counts and capacities must be off. Whenever we do manuals and pog fills we never have that much backstock. We have dropped manuals in grocery and it would pull 6-7 tubs of product, and there would maybe be five to six products to Backstock. Mostly being just casestock that wouldn't all go out.
Your counts and capacities must be off. Whenever we do manuals and pog fills we never have that much backstock. We have dropped manuals in grocery and it would pull 6-7 tubs of product, and there would maybe be five to six products to Backstock. Mostly being just casestock that wouldn't all go out.

One thing our ETL Ops did right was make sure that a couple of the pushers were trusted TM's who had MyDevices and were correcting capacities on the fly. Made the nightmare backstock die pretty quick. Also what I do while pushing anything, cause somethings you just don't know what it should be until you have the actual product to play with.
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