Archived AE 2017

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Food ave and starbucks can basically run themselves. We have one of the busiest food services in the company at my store and we all agree that they could get away without a TL.
Starbucks needs a TL because of all the training involved especially since Starbucks is constantly rolling out new processes and obviously to be able to speak to the business with the Starbucks DM. If it runs on its own that's because the TL is doing a great job training the team. My store is a VO1 Starbucks and I'm waiting to see if they combine us :/
We're high volume and combining Food Ave/Starbucks.

Let's just say my store is not at all happy with corporate right now. It's amazing that Target will see a high performing, functional store and do everything in its power to turn it into a craphole like everywhere else
But they'll save ~$28k per year in payroll by getting rid of a TL...
But they'll save ~$28k per year in payroll by getting rid of a TL...

Not exactly, as the team leader uses up the same payroll bucket as the TMs. It is the pay difference between a TM and TL that they are saving per year, not the full salary. So if the TL makes $2 more than a TL and they work 40 hours, that is $80 a week or $4160 per year. This is obviously a straight dollar comparison, and does not include the savings from cutting a full-time employee (benefits, vacations, retirement etc).
Not exactly, as the team leader uses up the same payroll bucket as the TMs. It is the pay difference between a TM and TL that they are saving per year, not the full salary. So if the TL makes $2 more than a TL and they work 40 hours, that is $80 a week or $4160 per year. This is obviously a straight dollar comparison, and does not include the savings from cutting a full-time employee (benefits, vacations, retirement etc).
The ironic thing is that a TL who is forced to demote will likely keep their same pay or at least not get the full cut to their base pay. They won't even be saving that much, unless the TL leaves Target completely.
We're high volume and combining Food Ave/Starbucks.

Let's just say my store is not at all happy with corporate right now. It's amazing that Target will see a high performing, functional store and do everything in its power to turn it into a craphole like everywhere else

Cafe does not warrant a TL. A Food Assistant is enough.
The ironic thing is that a TL who is forced to demote will likely keep their same pay or at least not get the full cut to their base pay. They won't even be saving that much, unless the TL leaves Target completely.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I was told today if you go from TL to TM, you typically have to change stores.

That said you def do not keep the same pay. Like I posted above one of our flow TLs has to go, and when I asked ETL HR she said staying at the same pay was not an option.

If you think about it keeping flow TL pay while dropping the responsibilities. They would fight over which one gets to demote.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I was told today if you go from TL to TM, you typically have to change stores.

That said you def do not keep the same pay. Like I posted above one of our flow TLs has to go, and when I asked ETL HR she said staying at the same pay was not an option.
But if they are reduce TL Head count and "forcing" a demotion. Why would they also be forced to transfer to a new store? That would definitely be the case if a TL demoted on their own or wanted to transfer.
My PPTL is forever talking about quitting. But she says she'd have to quit Target altogether or transfer. I guess it's due to confidentiality issues. TLs know a lot about their TMs.
Keyed in as HL TM and on my 4th consecutive week of nothing but Plano and Electronics shifts. I'm happy to get the hours in other workcenters, but the problem you describe does sting a bit. If they're going to use me as a cheaper presentation/electronics TM, the least they could do is be less stingy with hours...
plano and electronics are a higher pay grade then hl tm. Plano is a pg 7.
But if they are reduce TL Head count and "forcing" a demotion. Why would they also be forced to transfer to a new store? That would definitely be the case if a TL demoted on their own or wanted to transfer.
If the choice comes to keep tl and transfer or demote, you'd be surprised how far people will drive...
As far as I know, Target has never forced demotion due to structural changes and our DTL has reiterated this several times. Rather, headcount is reduced via attrition. I'm sure there are different standards if there is a nearby store that someone can transfer to. However, our closest store is 20 miles away and no one has ever been forced to transfer there.
Well, they still get backroom pay even while instocks. Remember if you are keyed as one work center and you work somewhere else you still get your regular pay.

One of our GSTL cashiers sometimes due to call outs and she still gets GSTL pay.

The people who get screwed are the hardlines tms who do instocks. In stocks is technically n05 so they should get .25 cents more for these instocks shifts but you have to have your regular work center changed before you get that raise.
Not understanding your answer. Instocks pay is #5 and backroom is #7. We don't get backroom pay anymore than the hardlines tms get instocks pay for scanning. It is the same issue.... and shady. Getting your higher rate pay when doing a lower rate job is a decision that management has made and the tm is not being required to work above their paygrade. Working at a higher paygrade job without the higher pay is also a management decision and is not fair to the tm.
Exactly. Very shady and if those guys/girls spend most of the days in the back room you might want to look into getting backroom pay for them.

120hrs we could change the store on that.. But 70hrs keeps heads above water.
We are below 60 hours now. More than half of the hours have to be at the higher paygrade job to make that change. You know how that works out.
Well, found out today that I will moving positions. Our store is combining Starbucks and FA TL, and will have a seperate Food TL for Consumables. I was the SR.TL in charge of Consumables, Household Essentials, Seasonal, and HBA. Getting moved to Toys/Electronics/Seasonal/Household Essentials.

Essentially, it was either that or stay in Market and Market only, but have to deal with more scrunity, plus the Grocery rollout, all with no extra hours really, and then leave the new shitty TL to own Toys/Electronics/Seasonal.

Still don't know if I dodged a bullet or got screwed over.
Hmm im not sure how AE17 will affect my store really.... our bakery and deli are already combined. We already have a Consumable TL and he is also over food avenue so I doubt they will take it from him. And we have a Produce/ Meat TL..unless there are different changes for Super targets
Not understanding your answer. Instocks pay is #5 and backroom is #7. We don't get backroom pay anymore than the hardlines tms get instocks pay for scanning. It is the same issue.... and shady. Getting your higher rate pay when doing a lower rate job is a decision that management has made and the tm is not being required to work above their paygrade. Working at a higher paygrade job without the higher pay is also a management decision and is not fair to the tm.

I think my post made it sound like our instocks TMs are working in the backroom. Not the case at all and I apologize is if that's the impression given.

We used to get 60 instock hours spread amongst 2 dedicated tms. Now we have 6 different people assisting those 2.

Whats happening is our backroom team members are getting scheduled under instock hours while getting their regular backroom pay. Since we have enough (2 or 3) people to shoot the floor, the br folks are pulling the instocks research then helping push after the fact.

I think it's great that TMs in a higher pay grade don't get paid less for working a lesser job, they are meeting the needs of the company. However a TM who works in a higher paygrade job should be paid accordingly even if they normally make less.
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Well I've certainly thought about it. But my hours are already trashed to begin with. If their answer is to just stop giving me shifts in plano and electronics, I could be in an even deeper hole. Or maybe I go from "flexible" to "complainer" in their eyes. I don't feel like I have much leverage when hours are this bad.
Maybe you could ask that you be transferred to one of those as your main workcenters instead, to make it sound less like it's about the money? It still runs the risk of you falling out of favor but if they're already scheduling you there that much, maybe they need new TMs in those departments. Plus I highly doubt they'll give you the pay bump (as unfair as that is) without being keyed into a higher paying workcenter, and if you choose the one you've been scheduled in more than 50% of your shifts, you should be able to bring up the issue of backpay (though I'd wait until after you're officially moved over to bring that up!)
Well I've certainly thought about it. But my hours are already trashed to begin with. If their answer is to just stop giving me shifts in plano and electronics, I could be in an even deeper hole. Or maybe I go from "flexible" to "complainer" in their eyes. I don't feel like I have much leverage when hours are this bad.
I believe @Doglover89 went through that exact situation. Or at least someone posted about it. They were scheduled as SFS while getting paid as softlines for a while, and as soon as they mentioned paygrades, HR started scheduling them in softlines and only softlines.
I believe @Doglover89 went through that exact situation. Or at least someone posted about it. They were scheduled as SFS while getting paid as softlines for a while, and as soon as they mentioned paygrades, HR started scheduling them in softlines and only softlines.
Yeah, ask about back owed pay for a job and suddenly you didn't officially get the job until they started paying you correctly...
Exactly. Very shady and if those guys/girls spend most of the days in the back room you might want to look into getting backroom pay for them.

120hrs we could change the store on that.. But 70hrs keeps heads above water.

It's crappy leadership on your stores part. We cut our hardlines team to give instocks hours. What the point of a hardlines opening TM? To grab call boxes and push reshop? An instocks tm can do reseach, fill outs, backup and grab boxes.

Hardlines comes in later in the day and pushes cafs.

We are at 160 instocks on the 2 week out.
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