Archived AE 2017

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I think don't jeans will ever happen. If they do then they would have to be extremely strict on jeans and red top to keep a brand image. I only say good idea if they issue a company wide shirt otherwise move over yoga pants and hoodies.
What's the difference between AP and TPS?

Generally AP will be in red or plains clothes. TPS always is in uniform which is good and bad. Ours jokes he is a glorified door greeter and occasional receipt checker.

AP is slightly less neutered by Targets policies. TPS generally are not allowed to apprehend a suspect. AP has limitations too but in certain situations can apprehend a suspect.
Generally AP will be in red or plains clothes. TPS always is in uniform which is good and bad. Ours jokes he is a glorified door greeter and occasional receipt checker.

AP is slightly less neutered by Targets policies. TPS generally are not allowed to apprehend a suspect. AP has limitations too but in certain situations can apprehend a suspect.
Close. AP is the workcenter. TPS, APS, APTL, and ETL AP are the positions in that workcenter.
Generally AP will be in red or plains clothes. TPS always is in uniform which is good and bad. Ours jokes he is a glorified door greeter and occasional receipt checker.

AP is slightly less neutered by Targets policies. TPS generally are not allowed to apprehend a suspect. AP has limitations too but in certain situations can apprehend a suspect.
If there isn't an AP/TPS on duty is anyone else authorized to apprehend a guest? I heard a TM call for AP on channel 1 only to be informed they had left for the night, it was close to the store closing.
Close. AP is the workcenter. TPS, APS, APTL, and ETL AP are the positions in that workcenter.

Right when i was comparing TPS with APS APTL and ETL AP it was my understanding the latter 3 can apprehend
If there isn't an AP/TPS on duty is anyone else authorized to apprehend a guest? I heard a TM call for AP on channel 1 only to be informed they had left for the night, it was close to the store closing.

No, remember TPS cant apprehend anyways only APS, APTL or EtlAP
Senior TPS can. Or they can assist at the very least.
Senior TPS can. Or they can assist at the very least.

TPS can assist with apps as well. My point was only an assets protection level individual can apprehend on their own. When our ETL AP isnt in the store our TPS hands are tied behind his back.
Senior TPS is highly phased out and their ability to apprehend is circumstantial from what I remember.
If there isn't an AP/TPS on duty is anyone else authorized to apprehend a guest? I heard a TM call for AP on channel 1 only to be informed they had left for the night, it was close to the store closing.
Yes, everyone is allowed to apprehend a guest if you think they might be possibly stealing.

Sarcasm here of course
Here's an actual rumor I've heard:
  • Replace ETL-APs with APTLs through attrition
  • APBP covers a single district
  • Eliminate Investigator position and move them to APBP roles
  • Stores AP reports directly to APBP, not STL
This honestly sounds like a pretty good change to me, minus the elimination of the investigators. As it stands now APBP and investigator are very different roles so I see that being a difficult transition, but who knows I guess.
I'd rather have an APTL working 40 hours a week entirely on AP than an ETL-AP working 50 hours a week but with a lot of time spent on non-AP tasks and LOD shifts.
I've heard some talk about further ETL reduction and possibly the creation of more Sr. TL positions to replace them.

Ops & AP as previously stated are some that are on the way out, as well as solely-GE.
I've heard some talk about further ETL reduction and possibly the creation of more Sr. TL positions to replace them.

Ops & AP as previously stated are some that are on the way out, as well as solely-GE.

If they really do replace most ETL-AP with APTLs, there's going to be a lot of stores that need an extra Sr. TL just to make sure they have adequate LOD coverage. There's plenty of stores in the $30-55M range that have an ETL-AP that probably works at least 3-4 LOD shifts a week.
If they really do replace most ETL-AP with APTLs, there's going to be a lot of stores that need an extra Sr. TL just to make sure they have adequate LOD coverage. There's plenty of stores in the $30-55M range that have an ETL-AP that probably works at least 3-4 LOD shifts a week.
Best practice says ETL-AP works no more than two LOD shifts a week. Usually supposed to be only one. Same for ETL-HR. Most of the LOD shifts are supposed to be taken on by ETL-GE and Salesfloor ETLs
Looks like things never change in Target land. I got demoted twice thanks to AE 2009 (TPS->Electronics TM) and AE 2010 (Entertainment Specialist->Entertainment TM), although I did not lose my pay rate. My thoughts got out to all current team members.
Well I have a novel idea. Start performance managing out TLS and ETLS that don't do their jobs. Our GSTLs are absolutely worthless. I have done that position and know when you leave for the day your ass should be tired. Ours spend more time chatting with Starbucks, sitting in their office, standing on their working lane staring at the schedule and pushing the additional cashier button. don't get your knickers in a twist there are good GSTLs. They speed weave and know how to move people around. They plan for the breaks and lunches according to business needs. Also they performance manage their cashiers. You have 3 cashiers and not 1 is on a lane??? WTF? One is in the bathroom, one is chatting over in the fitting room and one is chatting about their plans for the night with the fracking GSTL. The GE is not much better. If your store can run fine with no GE for Aug-Nov you don't need one, i. f your front end TLS are doing their jobs. There is no way in hell any store needs a Cafe TL there is nothing that will convince me otherwise. The VML? What kind of horse shit was this? Ours spent the entire week, YES THE ENTIRE WEEK putting up 3 focal endocarps in home decor. Even the slowest flow team member could have accomplished that in 4 hours, including pulling and back stocking. Get the execs to work as a damn team. I have never seen as much backstabbing as I have this year. Everyone seems to want to be an STL and they will stab anyone in the back to get their. The SFETL gives the team one direction the LOGETL gives the team another. Each one needs to keep their nose out of the others business. Communicate what you want to do and give the team one concise direction. You want to start ship from store during 4th quarter then staff the damn thing. Anyone with the sense of a gnat knew that shit was going to blow up and would need a dedicated leader. That whole consumables is its own store BS. Then act like it. Manage the shit out of that team. 2 people to acknowledge a food truck? Both holding the wall up while the damn thing is waiting to back in because the dock already has someone in it. One of those gems was the CTL. We need more hours to complete the workload its true. BUT we have TLS and ETLS that waste so many hours with their bullshit. You are suppose to working do your damn job. Clear some of the waste at the top. If STLS are doing their jobs the districts could be much larger. Each one should have at least 20 stores. If you need to visited more than once every 3 weeks your store sucks and you should lock the doors.
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