Archived Anyone lose there flow team yet

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Oct 20, 2016
All The dayside leaders are always making a point to tell us that there wont be anymore flow team soon and E2E will take are place during the day
They have been firing people on flow for everylittle thing and the etls are watching us like hawks and coaching for every little thinh we do wrong. Moral is very low and i just want to know if im still going to have a job after we go full E2E
Our flow team has been whittling down all year long but I got to watch it hilariously backfire on them. With half our team gone and nearly all of our new hires for the year having quit already, we then had a hurricane roll through, which means during one of our "no payroll" months we're taking double our normal trucks to replenish the store. Which is normal for q4...when we have our seasonal hires. So now they're throwing all the payroll they can at us, but even with OT there's just not enough people able or willing to work 5000 pieces of freight daily ( + autos + backstock, since BR is minimal too). Hilarious meltdowns at all management levels ensue. 😛
Im gonna say asants. We still have flow even on e2e. We have certain flow TMs that only work in e2e areas like A&A, beauty and electronics. The rest of the team works in other areas. Our store will not survive without flow even ecstatic we can hire more for the holidays.
Our flow team is the biggest team and we still need to hire a few more before seasonal get hired. Our e2e team isn't working out too well and they need flow to support them.
Im gonna say asants. We still have flow even on e2e. We have certain flow TMs that only work in e2e areas like A&A, beauty and electronics. The rest of the team works in other areas. Our store will not survive without flow even ecstatic we can hire more for the holidays.

I believe it's near impossible to run a store (Well) without some resemblance of a flow team. We are hiring 20 seasonal flow team members even though we are e2e market, a&a and beauty.

Otherwise your evening team just ends up pushing truck which is what e2e was supposed to avoid in the first place.

As a flow team member you would be wise to get into a department where you can do flow stuff like market.
Dont even get me started on market
The person who runs it refuses flow support because in her words we well fuck everything up. Even through the food areas were running perfect with us in charge. The store told us that there taking hours away and giving them to the new teams so only 4hr shifts per person unless market fucks up so badly that they cant fix it like when there 2 trucks worth of push and autos in P-fresh that there team didnt do because there slow and lazy
I believe it's near impossible to run a store (Well) without some resemblance of a flow team. We are hiring 20 seasonal flow team members even though we are e2e market, a&a and beauty.

Otherwise your evening team just ends up pushing truck which is what e2e was supposed to avoid in the first place.

As a flow team member you would be wise to get into a department where you can do flow stuff like market.

Same here, we still have a POG team as well, the TM's are just designated certain areas (they like, or are just better at than the rest). I honestly see my store going through a fight if they ever decided to blow up the team as we are looked at as the "Standard" in our entire group. (Learned this after a GTL group walk, pressure was on for sure).
This company shits on its people, it will reap what it sows. Corrupt fucking places i tell ya
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We have true E2E. Our flow process was shit before E2E and not much has changed though we are seeing more pallets blocking everything and we are still working on trucks from a week ago. Price change has gone to hell and leaders simply do not care about price change anymore
We have true E2E. Our flow process was shit before E2E and not much has changed though we are seeing more pallets blocking everything and we are still working on trucks from a week ago. Price change has gone to hell and leaders simply do not care about price change anymore

That's what gets me about end to end. The flow team process was broken but end to end has made it worse rather than make it better.
My store must not be E2E at all. I asked a few workers about it and they're all "...what's that?" and I haven't heard any plans to switch any time soon.

In other words, I dread the day we do, after hearing all of the horror stories about it.
My store must not be E2E at all. I asked a few workers about it and they're all "...what's that?" and I haven't heard any plans to switch any time soon.

In other words, I dread the day we do, after hearing all of the horror stories about it.

It's officially called store modernization. End to end is the name of the process though that some other stores have used.
It's officially called store modernization. End to end is the name of the process though that some other stores have used.

Yeah, don't think we've done that yet either, at least from what I've heard. I've heard there's "things that are switching" but no real time line on when, but even for that I don't think would be E2E or store modernization.
We did loose ours for a while,now they are back and this week because trucks keep getting added o/t for anyone that wants it,I think the beginning of the end for the experiment was when we got our first double as there was no plan in place to handle it,there wasn't really a plan to handle one except for threats.
Somethings can't be swept under the carpet or behind the bailer
My store must not be E2E at all. I asked a few workers about it and they're all "...what's that?" and I haven't heard any plans to switch any time soon.

In other words, I dread the day we do, after hearing all of the horror stories about it.

When my store switched to E2E, they never called it that in front of tms so no one knew what it was called except me (from here) and I didn't wanna be the Timmy Turner so I didn't tell anyone else what it was called. My leadership was just kinda vaguely referring to it as a new process. I think we were like 5 months into it when they mentioned the name to TMs because of a corporate visitor who was going to ask us what we thought of it.
We did loose ours for a while,now they are back and this week because trucks keep getting added o/t for anyone that wants it,I think the beginning of the end for the experiment was when we got our first double as there was no plan in place to handle it,there wasn't really a plan to handle one except for threats.
Somethings can't be swept under the carpet or behind the bailer
Ah I remember our first double under E2E...Flow team had to go to lunch before they finished unloading the 2nd truck...STL was completely freaking out at the amount of freight and how it was lined up on the sales floor outside receiving because there was nowhere else to put it...every TM in the building except for front end was pulled to work freight.

Somehow we kept on with it, even with similar results on doubles. I'm trying not to think about Q4, especially how hard backroom is going to have it.
We had an added Truck thought that was a good idea at corpor?

Amazingly we had most of our team here to push it out because it was the size of a normal truck. Then following day our normal truck was only a tad smaller. Market was normal size both days 🙁 and its only going to get worse from here with our 3 people pushing for only a few hours.
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