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I am actually very surprised Spot is even doing the BTS survey anymore. I am surprised they don't do away with it saying that don't want to spend the payroll on it ( ie team members on the clock taking it ) I once heard my stl say...that he would NEVER do chat sessions again...he wasn't going to pay team members to just sit around
Sadly, they didn't hand out bribe bags at my store with the survey, not that it would have helped them much. Instead our ETL-HR gave our small group a little speech about all the events in the breakroom-which have been slowly getting better-and all red card rewards. A box of raisins once a week and a candy bar will not help you here. We were sent off to the computers and HR paced behind us the entire time. It happens every time! I know she was looking at our answers because out of nowhere she started stressing the fact that the "neither agree nor disagree" option counts as "disagree" and not to pick it. Every time I felt like clicking it, I just picked disagree instead. I was brutally honest with my answers even though I feel like the survey is pointless. My store didn't even hold result chat sessions last year.
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Yeah I answered honestly. Leadership was great the first five months I was there but after that I started to side eye everyone because great leaders were leaving. Some of the leaders on here and their "important" attitude thinking they were better than us regular TMs tipped me off and helped me look for similar behaviors with several of my leaders. Yep, some leadership thinks we are stupid as hell and need them to hold our hand. Not all of us. Their treatment of us and the superior attitude BS affected the BTS when I took it. We are grouped together and seldom looked at individually. Eff that noise.
You guys have some pretty crappy stores. My store spends well over $50,000 on food and team events every year.
I want to add, Giving the store and leadership a bad review even if it's justified really doesn't benefit anyone Unfortunately.

The survey isn't used to actually make any fundamental changes on way the company operates.

What ends up happening is you just get more visits from the dtl and his or her cronies.
I want to add, Giving the store and leadership a bad review even if it's justified really doesn't benefit anyone Unfortunately.

The survey isn't used to actually make any fundamental changes on way the company operates.

What ends up happening is you just get more visits from the dtl and his or her cronies.
Oh no, more people I never interact with coming into the store.
I have not taken the survey in at least 7-8 years. The STL was not happy with the results one year. Pulled the TLs in a meeting. Told us if we did not like it here there's the F-ing door. That was the last year I took the survey. That STL is gone, but I will not be threatened by any ETL over the survey results.
My ETL HR asked me if I have took the best team survey yet. I have but that bag of candy she was dangling infront of me sure looked good. So I took it again.

Still gave them mostly disagree and strongly disagree.

That's great.
@Fyi , have you ever worked at a red focus store? If you had, you would know that DTL visits are not the only penalty. It severely hurts the store. Trust me.
^Right on, redeye! I know my former store faked out most of their metrics. What keeps them from faking the BTS?
@Fyi , have you ever worked at a red focus store? If you had, you would know that DTL visits are not the only penalty. It severely hurts the store. Trust me.

Eh. It wasn't that bad. We lost our stl and etl hr (though that was likely for multiple issues, not just the survey) and we had to take a second survey a few months later.. The "pulse survey." They didn't change anything though lol. Idk how the pulse survey was good enough. We were a focus store for other reasons at the same time. We were red in like everything. DTL was always visiting, she'd call and ask about redcards, there were actual surprise visits, she (still) makes the leadership tweet her pics. They almost always tweet them right after the group 4x4 though so the tweets are an exaggeration of real life.
I wouldn't even call DTL visits a penalty just because it was nice to see the etls on their toes and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. But it was annoying when they'd be all "zomg softlines pick up shoes! [Cruella's] on her way!" Name obviously changed.
is there a deadline to take it by, im avoiding taking it until i have to, make em sweat lol
I look at it this way......

They give us reviews that for most people are not true assessments of our work. Almost everyone is downgraded to make the budget. So me taking a survey and downgrading the score I would have gave them is really no different.

It didn't help they gave me my review right before it was time to take the survey. Poor planning on their part.
This is the first year I've given more somewhat disagree and mostly disagree over somewhat agree or neither agree nor disagree. Last year was the first year that I was ready to write honest comments without worrying that they would know it was me, but last year was the year they took the comment section away. I think our store is doing ok but the turn over in employees that have been with the company for over 2 years and in many cases many more has been horrible in the last year. We have one gstl that has been with target for more than 6 months, everyone else left. There is no communication to front end team members. Well not really, we still get that need for more red cards communicated but even that is very uneven.
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