Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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Favoritism is not strategically scheduling them different hours of the day when they will perform their best.
favoritism is scheduling them based on the fact they have open availability.

Yes that is favoritism, scheduling on performance. You are giving hours (mornings) to TMs who perform well. You are taking TM's with the same availability (or more open availability) and who are not as strong as performers and giving them other shifts. Furthermore, you taking TMs who have different availabilities (ones who are less open) and giving them those hours based on performance. The schedule is based upon availability, not performance. This is a total lack of demonstrating accountability and integrity to not see this.

Beg to differ...
Favoritism would be scheduling a tm because we are friends. Not because they get the job done better than someone else

I will continue to make changes, with the encouragement of my hr and the praise of my team members after being subjected to mytimes wrath for the first month.. My team members are not just bodies to fill a schedule, regardless of what MyTime brands them as. I would rather hold my head high and know that I am doing my best to make my store succeed then keep my head down because "we have to let it work". Its not working, unless I fix it. I am "accountable" for writing a schedule that drives excellence in my store and makes the majority happy. I would have no integrity if I sat back and let cashiers who are available for those hours, not even be scheduled while Hardlines, who are barely register trained, are given those shifts.

im done explaining myself. You wont see my way, I wont see your way.
my way works for me and my store.
your way works for yours.
Unfortunately for you, CM, your way is not the way it was ever supposed to be done. And Spot is trying to get TLs like you out of those habits. It might work for you for now, but eventually the clamp will come down, either through restricting the allowed changes through measurements that need to be met or by a new ETL or STL coming in. Continuing to do it your way may be fine for now, but will make it harder for everyone down the road.
Before myTime, I was consistently closing four to five nights a week. It was so bad, the only people who didn't notice it was the flow team, because they never saw me. New people thought it was my availability (nope), others just knew I was getting screwed...even my ETL-HR pulled me aside one day to ask me about it...I simply told her that since I was getting hours, I was in no position to complain. My GSTL who did the schedule even commented that it wasn't fair....right...then why the hell did he keep doing it?

Anyway, then we got myTime. All of a sudden, a miracle occurred! I no longer needed to work four to five closings a week to get my hours. In fact, now that it's more balanced, I close about two nights a week on average! Now *that* is fair. Of course those who were used to getting all of the day hours because the TL thought their home lives were more important think it's unfair, but interesting how evening things out made a huge difference all around.
Before myTime, I was consistently closing four to five nights a week. It was so bad, the only people who didn't notice it was the flow team, because they never saw me. New people thought it was my availability (nope), others just knew I was getting screwed...even my ETL-HR pulled me aside one day to ask me about it...I simply told her that since I was getting hours, I was in no position to complain. My GSTL who did the schedule even commented that it wasn't fair....right...then why the hell did he keep doing it?

Anyway, then we got myTime. All of a sudden, a miracle occurred! I no longer needed to work four to five closings a week to get my hours. In fact, now that it's more balanced, I close about two nights a week on average! Now *that* is fair. Of course those who were used to getting all of the day hours because the TL thought their home lives were more important think it's unfair, but interesting how evening things out made a huge difference all around.

Im assuming you are a gsa? My gsas sign up for the shifts they want and it hardly changes. I dont think ive ever had someone close more than twice, maybe 3 a week if someone requested off. They get every other weekend off... it WORKS.. honestly that just sounds like you were getting pushed over by a TL.. glad it got better for you though. Nobody deserves to close all week unless they want to
Beg to differ...
Favoritism would be scheduling a tm because we are friends. Not because they get the job done better than someone else

I will continue to make changes, with the encouragement of my hr and the praise of my team members after being subjected to mytimes wrath for the first month.. My team members are not just bodies to fill a schedule, regardless of what MyTime brands them as. I would rather hold my head high and know that I am doing my best to make my store succeed then keep my head down because "we have to let it work". Its not working, unless I fix it. I am "accountable" for writing a schedule that drives excellence in my store and makes the majority happy. I would have no integrity if I sat back and let cashiers who are available for those hours, not even be scheduled while Hardlines, who are barely register trained, are given those shifts.

im done explaining myself. You wont see my way, I wont see your way.
my way works for me and my store.
your way works for yours.

This is exactly why MyTime was rolled out. This is exactly why so many TL's do not promote to ETL and Target looks for external hires. The direction of the company has always been to schedule off of availability and not performance. It opens us up to liability because the schedule is no longer fair, it is a performance tool. Like RG said, it may work for your store at the moment, but you are making it harder later. The changes required for your store to comply with this rollout will continue to pile. Too many TLs cannot analyze the situation with an unbiased and business oriented scope.
I'd prefer to open or close, mids are he'll on my home life.... But those shifts are locked down by favorites and availability. This week, the first of my time, two of my three shifts are closing ones... My kids are ecstatic to have me around all day for a week!!!

My gstl is picking favorites still for certain shifts, and she isn't getting beat up for it yet, first hurdle is to schedule only what it suggests. I just hope I like schedule 2 when I see it.
I respectfully must disagree. Please consider the following:
"I will continue to make changes, with the encouragement of my hr and the praise of my team members."
I'm a TM & I promise the TMs getting the less desirable shifts complain behind your back that it's not fair that your pets get the "good" hours. Also they say/think, "Screw this! Why should I work harder if the pets get the 'good' hours?"
The TMs who get the "better" shifts say/think, "Why should I bust my butt when those slackers make as much or more money than I do? Screw this!"
Its not working, unless I fix it. I am "accountable" for writing a schedule that drives excellence in my store and makes the majority happy.
True accountability is helping all the TMs feel valued by doing whatever it takes as a leader to make sure everyone does their fair share of the work. Now THAT would "fix things" and make the majority happy. Letting poor performers slide while the hard workers work harder is not, "driving excellence."
How is MyTime for Perishables Assistant? My store doesn't roll out till June and I want to know if my work life will be as much of a hell as it is now?
MyTime only creates open shifts for consumables. Your TL known formerly as a CTL (or whoever does the consumables schedule) will still manually fill the shifts it creates. For PFresh stores, myTime accounts for two hours before the store opens for culling, filling, and QMOS. You'll still get your hours, but the direction is to not have PAs on set schedules. They should be working shifts in other areas of the store and should not be scheduled only mornings.
No. That's up to whoever is doing the schedule. myTime literally just creates shifts to be filled. 100% of the shifts created for consumables-sales floor have to be filled by whoever is responsible for doing the schedule. myTime only leaves open shifts in other departments when it can't find someone available to work a shift. By default, open shifts are 4 hours long. This past week I had to delete all the shifts myTime created and make my own schedule from scratch because my STL created his own hours plan on paper after myTime generated a schedule.
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PAs and the CTL are the only tms who should have consumables-sales floor as their primary workcenter. myTime will only schedule a tm for their primary workcenter, but tms can be manually added to shifts for workcenters that are assigned as other workcenters for them. Since myTime doesn't schedule anyone for any of the shifts in consumables-sales floor (except for the CTL who should be on a set schedule), whoever makes the consumables schedule will have to put the PAs into whatever shifts are necessary. MyTime gives a lot of hours to consumables, but consumables is also responsible for paper, pets, chemicals, and possibly baby care/baby food/diapers.
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If myTime can only schedule to a primary work center, and I only get a maximum of two shifts per week in my primary work center, how did my hours get so much better after myTime? Logic says I should still be closing most nights since a) my primary work center is not scheduled by myTime because it is a TL work center and b) the rest of my shifts shouldn't be pulled by the computer, either.
I'm just reciting what the rollout guide says. It's perfectly possible that HQ doesn't fully understand the software they've created. Maybe this stuff only applies to tms that have consumables-sales floor as their primary. I can tell you that in my store, mytime only scheduled people for what their primary workcenter was keyed as. So if we had a former softlines tm that is now a cashier, but was never re-keyed as a cashier, myTime pulled them for softlines shifts.

This rollout has been a bit of a mess due to a lack of hands on training and explanation of the new system. I've figured out a lot just using the software, but I've become the point person for my store and I never even went to the formal training. Basically just figuring it out as we go along. Hopefully next week is better.
My time can be a great tool but it is very cumbersome to navigate. It does lead to an un bias schedule being created. The problems and concerns come in the manner in which you view and edit the schedule. Mine was created with numerous shifts that needed to be filled yet once this "intelligent system" showed me the shifts, it still allowed me to schedule team members that were already scheduled. I had to end up deleting all shifts and re doing the whole schedule over. The biggest mistake is not having an overlapping beta systems to get everyone accustomed to the new myTime.
The store specific rollout schedule. It hasn't been working for me for a while though.
I saw my 2nd MyTime schedule this morning, 1 opening and 2 mids. I actually like this weeks better - 2 close and a mid, but even getting the opening is a switch. Of course, the day she was doing the schedule I had opened - and was, imo, busting my behind out there doing other things.

But my worries of my availability hindering my scheduling were for naught, working it out to have open for 4 days, until 5 on 1 and unavailable for 2 has worked so far. 2 of my open days are Saturday and Sunday and I'm only getting scheduled 1 of those so far - that is nice.

Our hours are going to go down until probably July when back-to-school starts back up. We will see how it continues - but overall i continue to be less stressed over my hours and schedule. Win win for the home life!
MyTime has hit our store & it seems to have accomplished what corp wanted: fewer scheduled hrs.
Mine have been cut by 1/3, many of which are 5.5 hrs so I don't get a lunch.
Many TMs - regardless of dept or workcenter - have suffered the same fate.
A lot of people finally got their hours cut on the two week out, because myTime forced us to hire a lot or people...apparently my store just kept the number of people lower and gave them longer shifts. Apparently that made myTime grumpy, so now we have more people and shorter shifts.

So far mine are holding up. We'll see!
ETLs had a meeting today, I had my break around when it ended and saw the MyTime booklets. So, I guess it's coming soon. I do t even care about the problems. I miss being able to look at my work schedule online (my last job allowed that. It also allowed swapping online, but beggars can't be choosers)
A lot of people finally got their hours cut on the two week out, because myTime forced us to hire a lot or people...apparently my store just kept the number of people lower and gave them longer shifts. Apparently that made myTime grumpy, so now we have more people and shorter shifts.

So far mine are holding up. We'll see!
I have never seen our job posting list so long. At the same time, the line at the Swap Shift binder is long, too, as everyone is looking to fill hours. Very sad when someone (not me) who has always had 35+ scheduled hours is now trying to pay the rent from the swap shift binder.
A lot of people finally got their hours cut on the two week out, because myTime forced us to hire a lot or people...apparently my store just kept the number of people lower and gave them longer shifts. Apparently that made myTime grumpy, so now we have more people and shorter shifts.

So far mine are holding up. We'll see!
I have never seen our job posting list so long. At the same time, the line at the Swap Shift binder is long, too, as everyone is looking to fill hours. Very sad when someone (not me) who has always had 35+ scheduled hours is now trying to pay the rent from the swap shift binder.

This is precisely why I started looking for another job when I found out our roll out date.
We had a ton of shifts on the swap shift board...and on the two week out, with all the new people, the board is empty.
One good thing for me is the 4 hour minimum. ETL was always scheduling me 3 hour shifts. I'm sure they'll figure out how to change that.
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