Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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We lose a lot of free hours next week... our hours were ALL cut this week and next. Add to that some changes going on with cuts - it is going to get ugly around my store in the next month.

But hey, it is working - a lot of people looking for alternate employment because they can't live on what they are getting. I'm just pretty afraid to see what the next schedule will bring.....
We lose a lot of free hours next week... our hours were ALL cut this week and next. Add to that some changes going on with cuts - it is going to get ugly around my store in the next month.

But hey, it is working - a lot of people looking for alternate employment because they can't live on what they are getting. I'm just pretty afraid to see what the next schedule will bring.....

I had a TL (who was one of the good guys) say that people should just be aware that Spot has no intention of giving people jobs that they can make a living at unless they are TL or higher.
In my state at least that is true even for TLs.
Reshop to be done, zone to be done and process teams have work to do that for the last month we are not doing since My time has chopped our hours down so we are allowed to do the bare minimum of our core roles. And with gutting of cashier hours, I have become a defunct cashier since as soon as I get back to the isle I was scanning for In-Stocks they call back up again..

Being one of the few in my store that has spent a lot of time working on both salesfloor/front end and early morning/logistics/process teams, I kind of get a sense of glee reading this. Schadenfreude, perhaps. I totally understand how much work the process teams have to do, but in my store they are given a free pass when it comes to backup or helping guests. They don't even have walkies, so you have to walk the whole store looking for them. Pricing (trailed only slightly by flow, with POG right on their heels) is the worst about any type of guest service. they walk around with a sense of entitlement thinking that they are above helping guests or going up for backup because their work is so much more important that anyone else's. Yes, aisles need to be set and price changes need to be completed, but you should be helping out guests instead of spending longer hunting down the scarce salesfloor tms to get them to help a guest with vacuum cleaners. And then the pricing/pog TL complains about how salesfloor isn't getting salesplanners built, and the zones are shitty, and they can't find things they need to ticket, and seasonal isn't condensed, and there's NOP in the backroom, and ptm aisles aren't getting flexed and full, and they had to help a guest because no one else was available, and there's instocks pulls sitting in the back, and...I think you get the idea.

It'll be nice for once to see the process teams have to scramble to get their workload done. Venting a bit, but the sales floor team gets the shaft in my store. We are the only team that responds to backups, does carry outs, covers each other's breaks (fitting room/operator and electronics), attends smart huddles, backup cashiers again, pulls their own batches, does 4x4's, does backup pharmacy. On top of that, we are the first team to have our hours cut when other teams are still getting 30-40 hours per tm. And when hours get cut across the store, we are expected to push pog fills, work freight from the truck, pull CAFs, scan instocks, backstock, etc on top of everything else we're already doing. Sales floor is basically used as the support team for the rest of the store, but then we get questioned on why the floor looks rough and our workload isn't getting done.

So yeah, I'll take a little pleasure in seeing the tables turned on those teams who think they're god's gift to target. I can only speak for my store.
I should add that front end is stiff competition for who gets their hours cut first. In years past they would repay all the backup by helping with returns and zone at the end of the night, but now they are kicked out the door the minute they check out their last guest of the night.
Reshop to be done, zone to be done and process teams have work to do that for the last month we are not doing since My time has chopped our hours down so we are allowed to do the bare minimum of our core roles. And with gutting of cashier hours, I have become a defunct cashier since as soon as I get back to the isle I was scanning for In-Stocks they call back up again..

Being one of the few in my store that has spent a lot of time working on both salesfloor/front end and early morning/logistics/process teams, I kind of get a sense of glee reading this. Schadenfreude, perhaps. I totally understand how much work the process teams have to do, but in my store they are given a free pass when it comes to backup or helping guests. They don't even have walkies, so you have to walk the whole store looking for them. Pricing (trailed only slightly by flow, with POG right on their heels) is the worst about any type of guest service. they walk around with a sense of entitlement thinking that they are above helping guests or going up for backup because their work is so much more important that anyone else's. Yes, aisles need to be set and price changes need to be completed, but you should be helping out guests instead of spending longer hunting down the scarce salesfloor tms to get them to help a guest with vacuum cleaners. And then the pricing/pog TL complains about how salesfloor isn't getting salesplanners built, and the zones are shitty, and they can't find things they need to ticket, and seasonal isn't condensed, and there's NOP in the backroom, and ptm aisles aren't getting flexed and full, and they had to help a guest because no one else was available, and there's instocks pulls sitting in the back, and...I think you get the idea.

It'll be nice for once to see the process teams have to scramble to get their workload done. Venting a bit, but the sales floor team gets the shaft in my store. We are the only team that responds to backups, does carry outs, covers each other's breaks (fitting room/operator and electronics), attends smart huddles, backup cashiers again, pulls their own batches, does 4x4's, does backup pharmacy. On top of that, we are the first team to have our hours cut when other teams are still getting 30-40 hours per tm. And when hours get cut across the store, we are expected to push pog fills, work freight from the truck, pull CAFs, scan instocks, backstock, etc on top of everything else we're already doing. Sales floor is basically used as the support team for the rest of the store, but then we get questioned on why the floor looks rough and our workload isn't getting done.

So yeah, I'll take a little pleasure in seeing the tables turned on those teams who think they're god's gift to target. I can only speak for my store.

Not gods gift I can't be a gift to something I don't believe exists. But yes we back up cashier, run reshop, zone, back stock and guest pulls all day long. You and I will both point fingers at POG. We do all the PTM for the entire store, save for electronics/entertainment, we zone and pull reshop and back stock. And get crucified if we don't get our time limited work load done.. So yes there are times we turn the walkies off and get stuff done.. Free pass I wish only Plano has figured out how to pull that off..
@Bosch you're clearly not one of the team members my post was targeting. This is just how my store is run. It's tiring. We both need to figure out how POG gets away with it! lol
Plano gets away with it at my store since their grasp if the English language becomes more and more limited the more they are asked to do.

I dealt with this long ago when I was in food service. Amazing how comprehension of English broadens when you tell them to clock out and go home.
I overheard a supervisor saying something about "with the new system, it won't count time you work after you're supposed to clock out," so I can only assume she was talking about My Time. No one has said anything to me about this, because communication at my store is pretty bad. My hours on the latest schedule are pretty low, perhaps also due to My Time. Fourteen hours for a cashier in May? I've been getting 18-22. Oh, AND I have full availability!
I overheard a supervisor saying something about "with the new system, it won't count time you work after you're supposed to clock out," so I can only assume she was talking about My Time. No one has said anything to me about this, because communication at my store is pretty bad. My hours on the latest schedule are pretty low, perhaps also due to My Time. Fourteen hours for a cashier in May? I've been getting 18-22. Oh, AND I have full availability!

First, it's illegal for employers to do this to hourly workers. Lastly, its not true.
I ended up in overtime one week, due to staying after because the GSA following me hadn't shown up yet, and clocking in early, etc. I got my overtime. So you get paid for it.
On a side note.... whatever system we had before Max TM's didn't have to be off the clock for 30 minutes for lunch. You could take 25, 28..... The old system also rounded your time.. Work 7 minutes, get paid for 5; work 8 minutes, get paid for 10. Many people had this figured out. Shorten your lunch by 3 min work 5 min past shift get paid for 10 min.
Reshop to be done, zone to be done and process teams have work to do that for the last month we are not doing since My time has chopped our hours down so we are allowed to do the bare minimum of our core roles. And with gutting of cashier hours, I have become a defunct cashier since as soon as I get back to the isle I was scanning for In-Stocks they call back up again..

Being one of the few in my store that has spent a lot of time working on both salesfloor/front end and early morning/logistics/process teams, I kind of get a sense of glee reading this. Schadenfreude, perhaps. I totally understand how much work the process teams have to do, but in my store they are given a free pass when it comes to backup or helping guests. They don't even have walkies, so you have to walk the whole store looking for them. Pricing (trailed only slightly by flow, with POG right on their heels) is the worst about any type of guest service. they walk around with a sense of entitlement thinking that they are above helping guests or going up for backup because their work is so much more important that anyone else's. Yes, aisles need to be set and price changes need to be completed, but you should be helping out guests instead of spending longer hunting down the scarce salesfloor tms to get them to help a guest with vacuum cleaners. And then the pricing/pog TL complains about how salesfloor isn't getting salesplanners built, and the zones are shitty, and they can't find things they need to ticket, and seasonal isn't condensed, and there's NOP in the backroom, and ptm aisles aren't getting flexed and full, and they had to help a guest because no one else was available, and there's instocks pulls sitting in the back, and...I think you get the idea.

It'll be nice for once to see the process teams have to scramble to get their workload done. Venting a bit, but the sales floor team gets the shaft in my store. We are the only team that responds to backups, does carry outs, covers each other's breaks (fitting room/operator and electronics), attends smart huddles, backup cashiers again, pulls their own batches, does 4x4's, does backup pharmacy. On top of that, we are the first team to have our hours cut when other teams are still getting 30-40 hours per tm. And when hours get cut across the store, we are expected to push pog fills, work freight from the truck, pull CAFs, scan instocks, backstock, etc on top of everything else we're already doing. Sales floor is basically used as the support team for the rest of the store, but then we get questioned on why the floor looks rough and our workload isn't getting done.

So yeah, I'll take a little pleasure in seeing the tables turned on those teams who think they're god's gift to target. I can only speak for my store.

Pretty sure that is how it is at most stores...People who also work later in the night get shafted as well IMO. Its always WAY WAY busier after 2 or 3 when everyone from the process teams leaves.

It must be nice being on Plano/Morning Backroom/Pricing. At least in my store Plano actually does ALOT of work and sets alot of salesplanners too. Pricing always gives up their walkies and I can never find them. They backup occasionally but not often. Most of those teams get consistent hours every single week and a set schedule.

My Instocks team is great. They backup cashier frequently and help out backroom if they have the time.

It has been annoying with how hours have been allocated recently. Now when I do pfresh I routinely back up cashier AND grab carts from outside....The other day I came back from my first break at 4:20 or so and didnt get off the lanes til 5....Now they are training me and a few others for backup pharmacy cashier as well. Cant wait til I have to backup cashier at the front and pharmacy 1 hour every shift combined

My TL always wonders why I dont get alot of cleaning done....well....where is the time I am supposed to be doing this cleaning coming from when Pfresh allready has 1000 things to do every day?

The pfresh team allready helps a bunch of guests in nonmarket areas since guests can never find anyone and they find us in pfresh. We do ALL of our reshop so salesfloor never even has to do the market reshop cart ever. Always go to huddle and do whatever smart huddle is going on. One of my fellow PAs who closing says he has covered electronics lunchs and breaks here and there too in addition to being constantly called up to backup cashier and then he gets chewed out when the zone is not done.

While it is true that MYTIME has added more hours to our market workcenter we basically have just been using those extra hours doing stuff outside market anyway.
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Reshop to be done, zone to be done and process teams have work to do that for the last month we are not doing since My time has chopped our hours down so we are allowed to do the bare minimum of our core roles. And with gutting of cashier hours, I have become a defunct cashier since as soon as I get back to the isle I was scanning for In-Stocks they call back up again..

Being one of the few in my store that has spent a lot of time working on both salesfloor/front end and early morning/logistics/process teams, I kind of get a sense of glee reading this. Schadenfreude, perhaps. I totally understand how much work the process teams have to do, but in my store they are given a free pass when it comes to backup or helping guests. They don't even have walkies, so you have to walk the whole store looking for them. Pricing (trailed only slightly by flow, with POG right on their heels) is the worst about any type of guest service. they walk around with a sense of entitlement thinking that they are above helping guests or going up for backup because their work is so much more important that anyone else's. Yes, aisles need to be set and price changes need to be completed, but you should be helping out guests instead of spending longer hunting down the scarce salesfloor tms to get them to help a guest with vacuum cleaners. And then the pricing/pog TL complains about how salesfloor isn't getting salesplanners built, and the zones are shitty, and they can't find things they need to ticket, and seasonal isn't condensed, and there's NOP in the backroom, and ptm aisles aren't getting flexed and full, and they had to help a guest because no one else was available, and there's instocks pulls sitting in the back, and...I think you get the idea.

It'll be nice for once to see the process teams have to scramble to get their workload done. Venting a bit, but the sales floor team gets the shaft in my store. We are the only team that responds to backups, does carry outs, covers each other's breaks (fitting room/operator and electronics), attends smart huddles, backup cashiers again, pulls their own batches, does 4x4's, does backup pharmacy. On top of that, we are the first team to have our hours cut when other teams are still getting 30-40 hours per tm. And when hours get cut across the store, we are expected to push pog fills, work freight from the truck, pull CAFs, scan instocks, backstock, etc on top of everything else we're already doing. Sales floor is basically used as the support team for the rest of the store, but then we get questioned on why the floor looks rough and our workload isn't getting done.

So yeah, I'll take a little pleasure in seeing the tables turned on those teams who think they're god's gift to target. I can only speak for my store.

Pretty sure that is how it is at most stores...People who also work later in the night get shafted as well IMO. Its always WAY WAY busier after 2 or 3 when everyone from the process teams leaves.

It must be nice being on Plano/Morning Backroom/Pricing. At least in my store Plano actually does ALOT of work and sets alot of salesplanners too. Pricing always gives up their walkies and I can never find them. They backup occasionally but not often. Most of those teams get consistent hours every single week and a set schedule.

My Instocks team is great. They backup cashier frequently and help out backroom if they have the time.

It has been annoying with how hours have been allocated recently. Now when I do pfresh I routinely back up cashier AND grab carts from outside....The other day I came back from my first break at 4:20 or so and didnt get off the lanes til 5....Now they are training me and a few others for backup pharmacy cashier as well. Cant wait til I have to backup cashier at the front and pharmacy 1 hour every shift combined

My TL always wonders why I dont get alot of cleaning done....well....where is the time I am supposed to be doing this cleaning coming from when Pfresh allready has 1000 things to do every day?

The pfresh team allready helps a bunch of guests in nonmarket areas since guests can never find anyone and they find us in pfresh. We do ALL of our reshop so salesfloor never even has to do the market reshop cart ever. Always go to huddle and do whatever smart huddle is going on. One of my fellow PAs who closing says he has covered electronics lunchs and breaks here and there too in addition to being constantly called up to backup cashier and then he gets chewed out when the zone is not done.

While it is true that MYTIME has added more hours to our market workcenter we basically have just been using those extra hours doing stuff outside market anyway.

I am on pricing .. and some times it can be impossible to come up for backups. Especially on days where its a big workload . ive had to stay 2, 3, sometimes 4 hours after my shift because we cannot go home until the workload is finished.
From what I understand, myTime combines market, chemicals, paper, and baby care into a new workcenter named consumables. Consumables gets allocated more hours, but it is 100% open shifts. So myTime creates the shifts, but whoever is responsible for the schedule has to fill all the shifts.
It's coming to my store May 10th.

I'm a team member who works in toys/sporting goods/electronics (usually covering breaks but I've done shifts). How bad are my hours going to get?
It's coming to my store May 10th.

I'm a team member who works in toys/sporting goods/electronics (usually covering breaks but I've done shifts). How bad are my hours going to get?

Depends on how "open" your availability is.
From what I understand, myTime combines market, chemicals, paper, and baby care into a new workcenter named consumables. Consumables gets allocated more hours, but it is 100% open shifts. So myTime creates the shifts, but whoever is responsible for the schedule has to fill all the shifts.

The STL can still play with the #'s. For my store, hours are shifted back to HL & SL. The reason -- consumables would not be able to get to all the PTM and salesplanners.

I'm waiting for POG to take salesplanners.
It's coming to my store May 10th.

I'm a team member who works in toys/sporting goods/electronics (usually covering breaks but I've done shifts). How bad are my hours going to get?

Depends on how "open" your availability is.

I am completely open every day, from open at 8AM until close at 11PM.

You should poll first over those with less availability.

One observation though. My Time likes to schedule people for shorter shifts to avoid having to give lunches. It seems more for shifts later in the day. Closers scheduled at 5 instead of 4.
It's coming to my store May 10th.

I'm a team member who works in toys/sporting goods/electronics (usually covering breaks but I've done shifts). How bad are my hours going to get?

Depends on how "open" your availability is.

I am completely open every day, from open at 8AM until close at 11PM.

Technically Open availability is 12am - 12am not 8am - 11pm.

I would imagine my time would not consider 8-11 "open availability"
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