Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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Not to mention that cashiers have to fill bags, keep their register clean, zone the checklanes. There is plenty of things for them to do if it gets slow. That's without mentioning One Spot when it really gets slow we used to be able to pull a cashier to push/zone that mess. Now it just gets worse because ain't nobody got time fo dat.
Yep, until we started overriding the guest service hours cuts, we had guest service leaving at 8pm, because the computer decided we didn't do enough returns to warrant having anyone there. Nevermind that after 8pm is when we really put it over the top for catching up and looking good back there after a busy day.

AND, I was able to zone Y1-Y4 last night, and really dug it out for the first time in forever last night. Sure, the computer thought I wasn't needed, but those four aisles in dollar spot did not zone themselves and it absolutely sparkled when I got done...and for that, sales will go way up until it gets re-trashed. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, myTime.
RG my store has GS hours like that on Max 🙁 2nd to last cashier out at 8, GS out at 8:30, leaving just me and my last cashier to be the entire front end during lane closing time. It's a goddamn mess and I have time to do a grand total of fuck-all outside of the absolutely, desperately necessary.
I work 7.75 hours tomorrow.

How the heck did that happen?? We must have huge amounts of people that can't work Wednesdays.... I haven't worked over 5 hours in months, this is going to be a longggg day.

We have a new ETL-GE... And magically I jump to 18 hours next week. I guess our sales could be up, but I'm still not convinced the gstl wasn't playing with the schedule (someone else complained to our gstl2 about an issue too).
Does anyone know how this will effect food depts like bakery,deli, Starbucks and food ave. will we be able to make changes to the schedule ourselves ? And anyone that has experience the new system can you give me feedback on how it is with these food depts ?
Does anyone know how this will effect food depts like bakery,deli, Starbucks and food ave. will we be able to make changes to the schedule ourselves ? And anyone that has experience the new system can you give me feedback on how it is with these food depts ?
A rumor on food ave, spot is thinking of cutting another hour, like 9:30am to 7:30pm now a days.
Barcode or angel, we need some super t input here.
We rolled with two cashiers on monday! Great plan! yesterday we had four cashiers total, constant back up. I know we are ULV but come on. We also tested this ULV strategy with flow coming in at 730 to unload the truck and the rest at 8 with the idea being they could supplement the sales floor, this did not happen. Thankfully were back to 6 am truck push. Rock Lobster we do fill the shifts My Time leaves open I keep getting the excuse that My Time was not designed for a LV store. And that their was a glitch in the cashier scheduling. Also our ETLS have set up this table and called a "career fair" basically a ton of sign up sheets asking if we are willing to cross train/ work split shifts and if we want to be a team trainer. This is supposed to get team members more hours with my time.
I'm scheduled 4.5 hours, but it says 4.75 at the bottom. Anyone ever see this? I'm assuming they changed my time, but why would they cut me 15 minutes?
With Max it would count different hours for the same shifts in the same week. So I might be scheduled 8-4:30 two days in a row. One day would say 8 hours, then the next would say 7.5 hours. I hope My Time won't do that.
With Max it would count different hours for the same shifts in the same week. So I might be scheduled 8-4:30 two days in a row. One day would say 8 hours, then the next would say 7.5 hours. I hope My Time won't do that.

When we had MAX, the schedule would sometimes show 8-hour shifts with a 45-min lunch as 8.75 instead of subtracting the lunch.
With Max it would count different hours for the same shifts in the same week. So I might be scheduled 8-4:30 two days in a row. One day would say 8 hours, then the next would say 7.5 hours. I hope My Time won't do that.

It does. Super annoying.
Yes. I don't ever see that changing. The post could be made online and then accepted online, but I'm sure it would still have to be changed by an ETL. Also, I'm sure not enough people check their hours online.
Boooo. It worked so well at my last job. (They also usually had extra shifts leftover that were a free for all. Every Sunday, a new schedule went up and hours went up that you could pick up. It was awesome except the whole waking up early thing). We were also able to access the site from the registers, so we'd do swaps during work. It was so dope and that was 2012. I almost never look at the swap board, though. I just try to call out early enough for them to get coverage. And every time I've used the board to get hours, my coworkers told me about the shifts they wanted to give up before even writing it.

Everything else about that last job was pretty horrible, but after seeing the limitations of target's employee website, I can at least respect their tech.

One more question, is the schedule the only ehr-related thing that can be viewed from home? Like are pay stubs and time off requests still going to require that I go to target?
We're switching over soon. I saw the launch kit in the conference room today.
Well, officially starting job search today. We haven't even switched over yet, and the last two schedules to come out, my hours have been almost cut in half. From 35/37 a week, to just under 20. This really sucks. The last time this happened (after the holidays so I was expecting it) I explained to them that I can't feed my kids and pay my bills on less than 25 hours a week (and that's even pushing it) and if they were going to keep doing this to me that I had to look elsewhere. After that, they started giving me 35+ hours. I honestly thought I had "proven myself" to them and would have somewhat consistent hours. Now this. I'm afraid that once mytime rolls out I'm going to be cut down to 10 hours a week or something ridiculous like that. At this rate, when I do find another job Spot wont be getting a two week notice. I really hate to do that, or feel that I have to, but I simply can't afford it. If I find something that will give me the hours I need starting immediately, then I have to do what I have to do. Sucks because I actually sort of like my job and we have a pretty good team at my store. I'm truly hoping that I'll be one of the ones that mytime improves things for, but as my main position is cashier... I don't see it happening. There's two other cashiers that have pretty much the same availability as me, and they've been there longer, so I'm sure they'll get shifts before I would.
Seniority doesn't matter. If you all have the same work centers and same availability, myTime will schedule you all about the same amount of hours.
Don't change your mind! I started looking for a new job just over a month ago, and even the thought of getting out makes the days easier to deal with. People are quitting my store in droves because of MyTime. I get the point of the new system, but my store is tiny and full of long term TMs with families. I hope everyone finds new employment soon!
It seems like mytime is averaging out people's hours. If you have been getting 30+, it'll probably go down. If you've been getting 15 or less it'll probably go up.
I have half a day I can't work, but myTime does not seem to hold that against me. Another GSA doesn't work Sundays and it seems to only hold that against her when she asks off for another day.
It seems like mytime is averaging out people's hours. If you have been getting 30+, it'll probably go down. If you've been getting 15 or less it'll probably go up.

It would be wonderful if mytime schedules me for 28-30 ish hours a week. 20 is too little to survive, and 37 made things a little rough on family life adding my commute. So I'll hold on to that little thread of hope. Wont quite hold my breath. Would be nice though =)
I guess that I'm lucky that the minimum amount of hours (based on my specific duties) is around 31.5. That means that if they schedule me less, things that need to get done are just not going to get done. That's spread among three workcenters. If the STL allocates additional hours under comp shop (we're still on MAX) I usually will bump up to around 37-38.

Usually, I get something like this:
4-4.5 hr signing (Sunday)
7-7.75 Price Change (usually one full day a week).
7.75x3 under Comp Shop (~10 for comp, the rest to prep next week's ad).

Sometimes I'll do a full day on Sunday for various reasons. Usually I try not to because I have no attention span for comp shop and/or the following week's circular stacks aren't in yet. I usually consider that a "partial day off".

I'm curious to see how things drop in once we switch over.

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