Well, officially starting job search today. We haven't even switched over yet, and the last two schedules to come out, my hours have been almost cut in half. From 35/37 a week, to just under 20. This really sucks. The last time this happened (after the holidays so I was expecting it) I explained to them that I can't feed my kids and pay my bills on less than 25 hours a week (and that's even pushing it) and if they were going to keep doing this to me that I had to look elsewhere. After that, they started giving me 35+ hours. I honestly thought I had "proven myself" to them and would have somewhat consistent hours. Now this. I'm afraid that once mytime rolls out I'm going to be cut down to 10 hours a week or something ridiculous like that. At this rate, when I do find another job Spot wont be getting a two week notice. I really hate to do that, or feel that I have to, but I simply can't afford it. If I find something that will give me the hours I need starting immediately, then I have to do what I have to do. Sucks because I actually sort of like my job and we have a pretty good team at my store. I'm truly hoping that I'll be one of the ones that mytime improves things for, but as my main position is cashier... I don't see it happening. There's two other cashiers that have pretty much the same availability as me, and they've been there longer, so I'm sure they'll get shifts before I would.